Kritikos Lecture by Bruce Schneier—Internet, Security, and Power

Do you ever have the feeling you are being “watched?” If not, perhaps you should. According to security expert Bruce Schneier, who recently teamed up with The Guardian to review the Snowden documents, NSA surveillance through the Internet is far more robust and pervasive than most of us have ever imagined. In today’s hyper-connected society, with our ever-increasing dependence on the Internet, are we making ourselves increasingly more vulnerable? Or does our connectivity actually make us more secure? Who knows what about whom, and how is this information being used? Where does trust fit into this societal equation?

Schneier explored these issues of power and security in his talk, “Internet, Security, and Power,” at the University of Oregon—Eugene.

Watch the Video on The UO Channel

Categories: Talks, Video

Sidebar photo of Bruce Schneier by Joe MacInnis.