Entries Tagged "SQL injection"

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How to Write Injection-Proof SQL

It’s about time someone wrote this paper:


Googling for “SQL injection” gets about 4 million hits. The topic excites interest and superstitious fear. This whitepaper dymystifies the topic and explains a straightforward approach to writing database PL/SQL programs that provably guarantees their immunity to SQL injection.

Only when a PL/SQL subprogram executes SQL that it creates at run time is there a risk of SQL injection; and you’ll see that it’s easier than you might think to freeze the SQL at PL/SQL compile time. Then you’ll understand that you need the rules which prevent the risk only for the rare scenarios that do require run-time-created SQL. It turns out that these rules are simple to state and easy to follow.

EDITED TO ADD (10/26): Never mind; this seems to be a self-serving marketing piece.

Posted on October 16, 2008 at 5:56 AMView Comments

Oklahoma Data Leak

Usually I don’t bother blogging about these, but this one is particularly bad. Anyone with basic SQL knowledge could have registered anyone he wanted as a sex offender.

One of the cardinal rules of computer programming is to never trust your input. This holds especially true when your input comes from users, and even more so when it comes from the anonymous, general public. Apparently, the developers at Oklahoma’s Department of Corrections slept through that day in computer science class, and even managed to skip all of Common Sense 101. You see, not only did they trust anonymous user input on their public-facing website, but they blindly executed it and displayed whatever came back.

The result of this negligently bad coding has some rather serious consequences: the names, addresses, and social security numbers of tens of thousands of Oklahoma residents were made available to the general public for a period of at least three years. Up until yesterday, April 13 2008, anyone with a web browser and the knowledge from Chapter One of SQL For Dummies could have easily accessed—and possibly, changed—any data within the DOC’s databases. It took me all of a minute to figure out how to download 10,597 records—SSNs and all—from their website.

Posted on April 18, 2008 at 6:16 AMView Comments

Sidebar photo of Bruce Schneier by Joe MacInnis.