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Schneier, Bruce. Data and Goliath: The Hidden Battles to Capture Your Data and Control Your World

  • E.M. Aupperle
  • CHOICE: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries
  • August 2015

Focusing on the tension between surveillance and personal privacy, Schneier (Berkman Center for Internet and Society, Harvard Law School) notes that though surveillance has been practiced throughout history, it has become far more intrusive with the advent of computers, tablets, cell phones, and the Internet. Various entities practice surveillance, but the primary ones are governments and corporations. The book is in three parts. The first, “The World We’re Creating,” describes the data individuals generate, how it is gathered by surveillance, how it is used by corporations for advertising and other purposes, and what governments do with it. Part 2, “What’s at Stake,” addresses the harm all this surveillance does and how it impacts individual privacy. The final part, “What to Do about It,” which discusses how people can protect themselves, includes recommendations for dealing with governments and corporations and guidance about individual initiatives one should take. In making his case, Schneier cites numerous examples, many from Edward Snowden’s revelations. In a notes section, the author references and amplifies on his citations. This informative, easy-to-understand book will appeal to a broad readership. Summing Up: *** Highly recommended. All readers.—E. M. Aupperle, emeritus, University of Michigan…

Sidebar photo of Bruce Schneier by Joe MacInnis.