News Tagged "Virus Bulletin"

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Book Review: Click Here to Kill Everybody

  • Paul Baccas
  • Virus Bulletin
  • September 6, 2018

The great and memorable title of Bruce Schneier’s latest book, Click Here to Kill Everybody, certainly caught the eye of those in my household—my children kept trying to touch the button on the front cover to ‘kill everybody’! (Indeed, the book’s attention-grabbing title may make me a little wary about reading it openly on the Tube or while going through airport security.)

Of course, the book is not really about how to kill everybody, but rather how, from an ethical standpoint on the part of tech, and a moral standpoint on the part of government, we appear to be sleep-walking into a scenario where something, whether by accident or design, could possibly ‘click here’ and kill everyone…

Book Review: Data and Goliath, by Bruce Schneier

  • Paul Baccas
  • Virus Bulletin
  • May 11, 2015

This book has been difficult to review. It has proved tricky not because I didn’t enjoy the book or because it was boring or badly written, but because it was so pertinent. Every time I went to write about it, a news story would emerge referencing the subject and I would find that my opinions of the news were influenced by the book and my opinions of the book were influenced by the news. This is an important topic and everyone should make up their own minds based on a decent knowledge and understanding of the issues. This book provides an excellent basis for a discriminating reader to do just that (as such, you should probably stop reading this review and just buy the book!)…

Sidebar photo of Bruce Schneier by Joe MacInnis.