Essays Tagged "New York Magazine"

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Click Here to Kill Everyone

With the Internet of Things, we’re building a world-size robot. How are we going to control it?

  • Bruce Schneier
  • New York Magazine
  • January 27, 2017

Last year, on October 21, your digital video recorder—or at least a DVR like yours—knocked Twitter off the internet. Someone used your DVR, along with millions of insecure webcams, routers, and other connected devices, to launch an attack that started a chain reaction, resulting in Twitter, Reddit, Netflix, and many sites going off the internet. You probably didn’t realize that your DVR had that kind of power. But it does.

All computers are hackable. This has as much to do with the computer market as it does with the technologies. We prefer our software full of features and inexpensive, at the expense of security and reliability. That your computer can affect the security of Twitter is a market failure. The industry is filled with market failures that, until now, have been largely ignorable. As computers continue to permeate our homes, cars, businesses, these market failures will no longer be tolerable. Our only solution will be regulation, and that regulation will be foisted on us by a government desperate to “do something” in the face of disaster…

Sidebar photo of Bruce Schneier by Joe MacInnis.