Plagiarism and Academia: Personal Experience

A paper published in the December 2004 issue of the SIGCSE Bulletin, “Cryptanalysis of some encryption/cipher schemes using related key attack,” by Khawaja Amer Hayat, Umar Waqar Anis, and S. Tauseef-ur-Rehman, is the same as a paper that John Kelsey, David Wagner, and I published in 1997.

It’s clearly plagiarism. Sentences have been reworded or summarized a bit and many typos have been introduced, but otherwise it’s the same paper. It’s copied, with the same section, paragraph, and sentence structure—right down to the same mathematical variable names. It has the same quirks in the way references are cited. And so on.

We wrote two papers on the topic; this is the second. They don’t list either of our papers in their bibliography. They do have a lurking reference to “[KSW96]” (the first of our two papers) in the body of their introduction and design principles, presumably copied from our text; but a full citation for “[KSW96]” isn’t in their bibliography. Perhaps they were worried that one of the referees would read the papers listed in their bibliography, and notice the plagiarism.

The three authors are from the International Islamic University in Islamabad, Pakistan. The third author, S. Tauseef-Ur-Rehman, is a department head (and faculty member) in the Telecommunications Engineering Department at this Pakistani institution. If you believe his story—which is probably correct—he had nothing to do with the research, but just appended his name to a paper by two of his students. (This is not unusual; it happens all the time in universities all over the world.) But that doesn’t get him off the hook. He’s still responsible for anything he puts his name on.

And we’re not the only ones. The same three authors plagiarized this paper by French cryptographer Serge Vaudenay and others.

I wrote to the editor of the SIGCSE Bulletin, who removed the paper from their website and demanded official letters of admission and apology. (The apologies are at the bottom of this page.) They said that they would ban them from submitting again, but have since backpedaled. Mark Mandelbaum, Director of the Office of Publications at ACM, now says that ACM has no policy on plagiarism and that nothing additional will be done. I’ve also written to Springer-Verlag, the publisher of my original paper.

I don’t blame the journals for letting these papers through. I’ve refereed papers, and it’s pretty much impossible to verify that a piece of research is original. We’re largely self-policing.

Mostly, the system works. These three have been found out, and should be fired and/or expelled. Certainly ACM should ban them from submitting anything, and I am very surprised at their claim that they have no policy with regards to plagiarism. Academic plagiarism is serious enough to warrant that level of response. I don’t know if the system works in Pakistan, though. I hope it does. These people knew the risks when they did it. And then they did it again.

If I sound angry, I’m not. I’m more amused. I’ve heard of researchers from developing countries resorting to plagiarism to pad their CVs, but I’m surprised see it happen to me. I mean, really; if they were going to do this, wouldn’t it have been smarter to pick a more obscure author?

And it’s nice to know that our work is still considered relevant eight years later.

EDITED TO ADD: Another paper, “Analysis of Real-time Transport Protocol Security,” by Junaid Aslam, Saad Rafique and S. Tauseef-ur-Rehman”, has been plagiarized from this original: Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) security,” by Ville Hallivuori.

EDITED TO ADD: Ron Boisvert, the Co-Chair of the ACM Publications Board, has said this:

1. ACM has always been a champion for high ethical standards among computing professionals. Respecting intellectual property rights is certainly a part of this, as is clearly reflected in the ACM Code of Ethics.

2. ACM has always acted quickly and decisively to deal with allegations of plagarism related to its publications, and remains committed to doing so in the future.

3. In the past, such incidents of plagarism were rare. However, in recent years the number of such incidents has grown considerably. As a result, the ACM Publications Board has recently begun work to develop a more explicit policy on plagarism. In doing so we hope to lay out (a) what constitutes plagarism, as well as various levels of plagarism, (b) ACM procedures for handling allegations of plagarism, and (c) specific penalties which will be leveled against those found to have committed plagarism at each of the identified levels. When this new “policy” is in place, we hope to widely publicize it in order to draw increased attention to this growing problem.

EDITED TO ADD: There’s a news story with some new developments.

EDITED TO ADD: Over the past couple of weeks, I have been getting repeated e-mails from people, presumably faculty and administrators of the International Islamic University, to close comments in this blog entry. The justification usually given is that there is an official investigation underway so there’s no longer any reason for comments, or that Tauseef has been fired so there’s no longer any reason for comments, or that the comments are harmful to the reputation of the university or the country.

I have responded that I will not close comments on this blog entry. I have, and will continue to, delete posts that are incoherent or hostile (there have been examples of both).

Blog comments are anonymous. There is no way for me to verify the identity of posters, and I don’t. I have, and will continue to, remove any posts purporting to come from a person it does not come, but generally the only way I can figure that out is if the real person e-mails me and asks.

Otherwise, consider this a forum for anonymous free speech. The comments here are unvetted and unverified. They might be true, and they might be false. Readers are expected to understand that, and I believe for the most part they do.

In the United States, we have a saying that the antidote for bad speech is more speech. I invite anyone who disagrees with the comments on the page to post their own opinions.

Posted on August 1, 2005 at 6:07 AM465 Comments


Thomas Sprinkmeier August 1, 2005 6:38 AM

Imitation is the sincerest form of plagarism.

(I copied that from someone’s .sig 🙂

A. Reader August 1, 2005 6:50 AM

The “ACM has no policy on plagiarism” — interesting that the ACM copyright policy at indicates that they (ACM) have an interest in preventing works from being plagiarized when THEY hold the copyright. Perhaps the problem is that you didn’t publish your paper in an ACM journal? 🙂

Ian Woollard August 1, 2005 8:20 AM

My thinking on this is that it’s clearly plagiarism. Sentences have been somewhat summarized and many typoes have been intrduced, but otherwise it’s the same paper. It’s copid, with the same section, paragraph, and sentence structure — right down to the same variable names. It has the same qirks in the way references are cited. And so on.

It’s inconceivable!

Stu Savory August 1, 2005 8:33 AM

If the students submitted your paper as part of their academic training, it would be interesting to see what marks they
were given 😉 And by whom 😉

Just teasing,

Stu Savory

asb August 1, 2005 8:46 AM

Im currently a 3rd year comp sci student in australia.

Even at this undergraduate level i am very suprised at the amount of plagiarism i see taking place.

The university (which i will not name) talks harsh penalties and apparently employs some “intelligent” software (grep?) to identifiy suspect assignments etc. but none of this deters students.

It’s sad really…

Pat Cahalan August 1, 2005 8:50 AM

It’s inconceivable!

“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means”

Movie tourette’s aside, I am astonished that ACM has no formal policy on plagarism, and even more astonished that the SIGCSE would backpedal from a perfectly reasonable stance of “submit a plagarized paper and you’re banned from submitting to us again.”

Ben Smyth August 1, 2005 8:55 AM

I’m about to start the fourth (and final) year of a MEng and recently submitted ~15,000 word report discussing Firewalls which contained some 80+ references. I have to say I was quite amazed by the amount of text I discovered that seemed to have been plagiarised.

Matti Kinnunen August 1, 2005 9:55 AM

Yes, there is something wrong with the incentive structure used in the academia. When there are strong incentives for plagiarism (and small probability of getting caught), the lazier and less talented of us cannot resist the opportunity.

The thing is that when the percentage of population working/studying in the academia rises, the avarage quality goes down, and this leads to desperate acts, mostly committed by the less talented.

In MIT, where I am currently studying, most course syllabi clearly discourage us from plagiarism. However, I have seen it happening, which is very sad.

Personally, I am happy to fail on my own rather than succeed by copying someone eles. If I fail here, there is still so much for me to do in the rest of the world.

Clive Robinson August 1, 2005 10:19 AM

I’m sorry to say folks plagiarism is endemic not just in academia but just about every where else to.

I have two relatives who work in the healthcare sector in the UK, both of which had to do some quite hard work to get their acc qualifications. Imagine how they felt when they had their work stolen by their supposed betters (A uni course tutor and a senior manager).

For a lot of students these days they are required to submit their course disatations in electronic format so that the University can “publish it” (it’s the modern way to publish apparently….)

In one case it was by one of their university lectures who chomped a whole section from their disatation into a position paper they gave at a healthcare conferance (for government attendees). They probably thought it would not get back but it did.

In the second case it was by a manager in the same health authority using it in an internal document they where using to advance their position within the organisation.

In neither case did the offenders ask permision or acknowledge my relatives. Also when the Uni course tutor was chalenged they gave the brush off. Apparently the Uni concerned has a clause that enables them to use the interlectual property of the students…

It is for this reason I always put a copyright notice in all my documents and I would advise all others to do it as well

Unfortunatly I have on one occasion had to enforce it using our friends in the legal proffession and this I would not advise unless you have very very deep pockets.

I personaly have no objection to people quoting me as much as they like, providing it’s in context, and acknolwedged.

However I don’t like plagiarism I consider it a crime as effectily they are “passing off” the work of others to their own benifit without recompense to the individual. Is it akin to theaft or fraud? I’m not sure our learned friends consider it so but I certainly do.

Probitas August 1, 2005 10:29 AM

“And it’s nice to know that our work is still considered relevant eight years later.”

Yes Bruce, it is terrible that you were plagarized, but I was just thinking… it must be nice to know your work is still considered relevant eight years later. 😉

RvnPhnx August 1, 2005 11:05 AM

@Clive Robinson
In my educational training plagarism has always been treated as theft, but as such it does not make much sense. The fact is that to express oneself at all about a subject with which one is not familiar you will unavoidably end up using words and phrases greatly similar to that of the original. If you have indeed taken one step further and put forth the effort to make such ideas part of your own thinking then all that I see as being required (barring intentional exact quotes of any sort and what I’ll call ‘magic phrases’ from a source work) is to make note of your references and readings.
Where the problem–at least in my academic experience–has been, is in the obsession with exact and near exact citations–while not providing the student a way to express more broadly used sources. Some teachers of classes I attended had been explicitly instructed to use broken documentation methods (the MLA system comes to mind) in teaching the class how to write reports. This leads students into the dangerously wrong mindset that all they need to do to construct a proper report about something is to quote a whole lot of people whom supposedly know what they are talking about–and to not need to take responsibility for their own implicit ownership of any conclusions to which their report may lead. An extreme example of this came in one college_level class where all of us were asked to make a report about some aspect of computing which most students were not familiar with–and to not provide a source list (therefore no quotations could properly be done according to most citation models). Most of the students just wrote reports the way that they usually did and promptly found themselves accused of plagarism (as most of those accused were also of the same race and from the inner cites, this raised some real concerns about the ethics of the professor involved–concerns which the academic review board had a field day with). There is an obvious problem here: How do we encourge proper reports when we over-emphasize quotation (as a pedagogical tool to sort out plagarists) to the detriment of teaching students how to internalize infomation and report upon the result of that activity instead?
It is therefore my conclusion that dealing with plagarism as a matter of fraud and not as much one of theft would be of much greater utility. The question is then not as much “who said what and how,” but one of “what was said, what does it mean, why do YOU THE AUTHOR THINK SO, and whom (or whose work) can back you up on your conclusions.” It is that addition of the author’s own thoughts back into the equation which is most important. If the author is representing the thoughts of someone else as their own then he is fraudlently representing his own posession of knowledge about a subject. This is what is truly most frightening about plagarism–that somebody may claim to know something important and not know it at all.
Which scares you more, somebody whom steals information or somebody whom claims to have crucial information which that individual does not possess?

Joe Buck August 1, 2005 11:37 AM

Modern academia has taken publish-or-perish to extremes, and in many cases what seems to matter is the publication count. The count is sometimes weighted according to the prestige of the journal or conference, but that’s about it.

Paul August 1, 2005 11:54 AM

At least some of the SIGs have been struggling with the question of acceptability of “reworked” publications by the original authors, as they do have a general policy of looking for previously unpublished work. I’m amazed plagiarism doesn’t bother them more.

But as the body of knowledge grows in any particular subject, catching plagiarists should be a secondary benefit of the work being done by the likes of Yahoo and Google ( to place books and articles into searchable repositories (while still respecting copyright).

And on the lighter side of it, does plagiarism count as an academic citation?

Ben Smyth August 1, 2005 12:02 PM

@Clive Robinson

“Apparently the Uni concerned has a clause that enables them to use the interlectual property of the students.”
The University of Birmingham, England (UK) essential owns anything I produce during the course of my degree. I suspect the same is true for all University’s within the UK.

“I always put a copyright notice in all my documents and I would advise all others to do it as well.”
There is no need to mark documents with a copyright notice, any document you produce is assumed to be copyrighted to you (at least, that was my take on it [in the UK])

Davi Ottenheimer August 1, 2005 12:48 PM

I should have checked first, as there appears to be an anti-plagiarist site already that even has tips on prevention:

I noticed the following comment, which clearly does not take “public shaming” or other public exposure into account. I mean plagiarism might initially be made easier by the Internet, but it seems it also makes it easier to seriously increase the risk and penalties of plagiarism…

“Even when an instructor or editor does suspect plagiarism, the sheer size of the Internet seems to work in the plagiarist’s favor.”

Mark Lodato August 1, 2005 12:56 PM

The timing of this post and the previous, “Dog Poop Girl,” is rather ironic. Directly after questioning the public shaming of the dog-poop-girl through a blog, Bruce publicly shames someone else through his own blog. No offense intended; it just made me laugh.

Davi Ottenheimer August 1, 2005 1:02 PM


“And it’s nice to know that our work is still considered relevant eight years later.”

Yes, indeed, or as Benjamin Disraeli once said “Plagiarists at least have the quality of preservation.”

Ron Brynaert August 1, 2005 1:21 PM


Thanks for the links to my blog…nailing right wing pundits who plagiarize is sort of my speciality.


ACM is lying to you. They do have a policy with regards to plagiarism. Check out their code of ethics and professional conduct:

“1.5 Honor property rights including copyrights and patent.

Violation of copyrights, patents, trade secrets and the terms of license agreements is prohibited by law in most circumstances. Even when software is not so protected, such violations are contrary to professional behavior. Copies of software should be made only with proper authorization. Unauthorized duplication of materials must not be condoned.

1.6 Give proper credit for intellectual property.

Computing professionals are obligated to protect the integrity of intellectual property. Specifically, one must not take credit for other’s ideas or work, even in cases where the work has not been explicitly protected by copyright, patent, etc.


As an ACM member I will ….

4.1 Uphold and promote the principles of this Code.

The future of the computing profession depends on both technical and ethical excellence. Not only is it important for ACM computing professionals to adhere to the principles expressed in this Code, each member should encourage and support adherence by other members.

4.2 Treat violations of this code as inconsistent with membership in the ACM.

Adherence of professionals to a code of ethics is largely a voluntary matter. However, if a member does not follow this code by engaging in gross misconduct, membership in ACM may be terminated.”

If you notice, Mark Mandelbaum, Director of the Office of Publications at ACM, is not honoring the code either:

“Not only is it important for ACM computing professionals to adhere to the principles expressed in this Code, each member should encourage and support adherence by other members.”

Chris Caydes August 1, 2005 1:28 PM

  • “We’re largely self-policing.”

This is certainly the best method. People sharing a common interest are the most likely to spot a case of plagiarism, even if the copy uses different words, or even a different language.

I am a regular contributor on a comedy website, where members post on various topics in a forum, and where they can also submit comedy articles.
The “community” on there is pretty small (around 300 regular members), and recently someone submitted an existing article as his own.

I did not know the original (by Dave Barry), but someone did, and the member was immediately put to shame on the forum for plagiarizing material.
This shows that even inside a relatively small community, if the people all have a common interest (cryptography, comedy, etc.), you need to be very careful what work you choose to plagiarize.

Ben Smyth August 1, 2005 2:25 PM

@Davi Ottenheimer

“Even when an instructor or editor does suspect plagiarism, the sheer size of the Internet seems to work in the plagiarist’s favor.” –

…although Google does a very good job! It is simple for a reader to detect copy-and-paste efforts, I’ve seen it done. Spot a sentence that looks out-of-place and google it. A lecturer who demonstrated this technique (on what I considered to be unprepared material) had a very high `hit’ rate*.

  • I’ll avoid the word success when detecting plagiarism, surely something has gone somewhere for plagiarism to occur (?)

Interesting take on plagiarism by foreign students (alongside other issues):
(Authors homepage:

Ben Smyth August 1, 2005 2:26 PM

  • I’ll avoid the word success when detecting plagiarism, surely something has gone somewhere for plagiarism to occur (?)

should read:

  • I’ll avoid the word success when detecting plagiarism, surely something has gone wrong somewhere for plagiarism to occur (?)

DarkFire August 1, 2005 2:28 PM


When I was undergoing my accademic training (nuclear physics of all things!) it was accepted that 8-10% of one’s paper could be directly copied from other sources, provided that those other sources were adequatly and formally identified and referenced.

Sadly I’m far from astonished to find this sort of thing going on, particularly when so mauch material is available annonymously online.

However, in accademic circles this sort of tacit approval of plagiarism does not go unnoticed, and the reputation of any such major accademic establishment would suffer terribly as a consequence of not taking firm action.

Is there some way to introduce an electronic watermark in to documents prepared with common word processors, in a simmilar way to how a watermark can be invisibly coded into a compressed .jpg image?

anonymous August 1, 2005 2:52 PM

Paul Crowley wrote:
“Analysis of Real-time Transport Protocol Security

A quick CiteSeer search finds the source:

Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) security
Ville Hallivuori”

So this means that the professor was probably lying, when he said that he had nothing to do with the research, but just appended his name to a paper by two of his students, because coauthors of this paper were not the same as the ones mentioned by Bruce. IMO, all publised papers by this university should be checked.

Steve Hackett August 1, 2005 3:10 PM

It amused me that the authors of the plagiarized work were Pakistani. The Pakistani engineering institutions are quite mediocre and one hardly sees any work from here making it to the top tier. That in itself should have raised suspicion, even for the professor who gratuitously lent his name to the paper.

The incident amuses me because plagiarism from Pakistan immediately reminded me of Abdul Qadeer Khan — thier national hero and the father of Pakistan’s nuclear capability. This man is a crook extraordinaire who took plagiarism to a whole new level: way back in 1974-75 he stole highly classified material from the URENCO enrichment plant in Almelo, Netherlands. The Dutch authorities investigated but didn’t convict him then, and he dispappeared in ’76 and resurfaced in Pakistan as head of their nuclear program.

I digress from the thread, but would like to urge those interested to familiarize themselves with the global laxity surrounding AQ Khan’s activities over two decades. Most of the world heard of him only in 2003, even though Amsterdam ultimately convicted and sentenced him in absentia in 1983. His shady activities were always covered in the non US media. Our stupidity in this regard has the unmistakeable footprints of the biggest security blunder we have made to date. And I sure hope I am wrong!

KhanMan August 1, 2005 3:28 PM

So, does that mean Khan is an incompetent physicist, but a competent spy? In the intelligence world, stealing other peoples’ work is encouraged….

Koray Can August 1, 2005 3:34 PM

@Mark Lodato

That is an interesting observation. But here’s another one: do we have to wait until is established until we can talk about one case ?

I suppose Bruce could have tried to keep their names hidden, but I wouldn’t feel like trying to protect the identity of the person who plagiarised my work.

Steve Hackett August 1, 2005 3:49 PM


Well, A Q Khan was very highly regarded in the academic sector in Pakistan. Among the positions he has held, that I am aware of, are: Chairman of the Islamic Development Bank Science and Technology panel, Chairman of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences, Member, Board of Governors of Hamdard University, Sir Syed University Dubai, and Honorary member of the Korean Academy of Science and Technology. Dr. Khan also supervised the development of The A.Q. Khan Institute of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering at Karachi University campus and the Gulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering and Technology.

I just found out that he is also on the Board of Governors of the International Islamic University in Islamabad (see, the same university from which the distinguished authors hail! The three of them should simply appeal to their eminent Board for forgiveness 🙂

Bruce Schneier August 1, 2005 4:12 PM

“I suppose Bruce could have tried to keep their names hidden, but I wouldn’t feel like trying to protect the identity of the person who plagiarised my work.”

That was my thinking.

Davi Ottenheimer August 1, 2005 5:59 PM

“do we have to wait until is established until we can talk about one case ?”

Perhaps just needs to add a “hall of shame”?

It just would be a matter of convenience for those who have conclusive evidence of the authenticity and/or are known as the original source, which of course begs the question of proof.

Just to chose a random example, I wonder how the “public hearing” effect of blogs might have changed the common perception of who really invented the light bulb. Edison is still almost always given credit even though he just “borrowed” the idea and improved upon it by putting together one of the first modern “research labs” to harness the power of other people’s ideas. The information is available today ( and yet it is rare to hear anyone other than Edison get the credit in “normal” conversation.

oliver August 1, 2005 9:03 PM

While everyone’s busy scurrying to register *, I think Bruce should get in on the action and register which could feature his Dog House entries.

Quick! Before it’s gone!

Ilya August 1, 2005 10:03 PM

Welcome to a world of more obscure authors, Bruce 🙂 Why you so amused about this? If someone just appended his name to a paper of yours to get published – that’s would be amusing but this. You have found it by luck (bad luck for plagiarist dumb enough to do by whole papers) but it is rather casual among wannabies. You are quite right about self-policing but do you think it really works for a desperate academia junkie need-more-publications-for-my-status knowing that most of time nobody actually even bother to read those published stuff anyway?

purposelyAnon August 1, 2005 10:51 PM


The sad thing is that, because its unlikely that anyone even in the same subject area at an interview panel will have actually read any of the candidates papers, they tend to form a judgement based upon number of publications each candidate has. This means that people who’d prefer to have a career based on solid reasearch with a reasonable number of high-quality publications end up having to pad-out their CV’s with more vacuous (but still valid, non-plagiarised) papers, which in turn leads people who just want to advance in the hierarchy by padding/plagiarism cranking out more low quality stuff, and the cycle begins again.

So the actions of the `wannabe’s’ affects the behaviour of researchers who do want to do high quality work.

Indeed, it means that, even with mostly researchers who want to do solid, decent work, the content of the most papers starts to approach the Minimum Publishable Unit, and this has consequences for people (both academics & industrial people) trying to keep up with research in a given field: rather than get one largish paper which describes a `logical unit’ of ideas & experiments developed over a year or two, you end up with 5-10 small papers each describing a tiny piece of the puzzle and containing essentially the same waffly introduction, survey of related work, etc.

Of course, given the size of academia these days there’s too much work being done for even the single, large paper' model described above to actually have been read by the average interview panel, so it's difficult to see any realistic solution to the problem above and we've just got to accept that we'll primarily take people's publication lists on their CV'son trust’, and people following developments in a field will just have to accept papers which contain minimal new content.

Dossy August 1, 2005 11:15 PM

I mean, really; if they were going to do this, wouldn’t it have been smarter to pick a more obscure author?

Bruce, this is where the insult lies: I bet they thought they WERE picking more obscure authors.

What’s worse: that they plagiarised you, or that they thought you, Kelsey and Wagner were no one in particular and that you wouldn’t notice that they plagiarised your work?

No name August 2, 2005 4:00 AM

This form of plagiarism is easily caught because the original paper is in public sight. I know of cases in which undergraduate students come up with interesting work for science fairs or other kinds of competitions, their work doesn’t get published and one or two years later you happen to notice a PhD student or even a professor publishing a paper in the same area, with the same text, structure, pictures…

The good thing is that these losers never make it to the academic/professional mainstream. Incompetence smells.

Xeon August 2, 2005 4:28 AM

I, personally, have very pragmatic view:

What are the consequences for me (personally) if somebody plagiarized my work? Do I get my publication count (PC) down (not that I care about it anyway)? — No. Do I get any reduction of self-satisfaction? — No. Would anyone think that it is I who plagiarized the other paper? — Most likely no. So, if they plagiarized my work I have not really lost anything.

As a community we probably lost something since we get more junk to search among (but, with good search engines this most likely is not an issue). As somebody already pointed out, we get relative reduction of our PC, but if an institution use PC as a sole basis for measurement your best bet is not to work for such institution.

OTOH there is one kind of plagiarism that I particularly hate: it is when somebody gets some published work and fills a patent about the same thing (probably with a very minor tweak).

BTW, I do not think that posting somebody else’s work is the best way to pop your PC — as have been shown, it is quite easy to `publish’ even a computer generated paper, so if one just takes, say, five random papers about some subject and compile them together (including their references and references to the paper itself) he can quite easily get an inconspicuous publishable paper in less than a couple of days: if you plagiarize one paper it is plagiarism, if you plagiarize several — it is research 🙂

Kapali Viswanathan August 2, 2005 5:58 AM

The world of Ctrl-C and then Ctrl-V has really taken plagiarism of digital document to the next level. Plagiarism starts when one is a student and then continues until one is a CEO or a CTO. Unfortunate: but I would rather concentrate on learning, knowledge generation, and knowledge sharing than plagiarism. It makes me more happy when I ignore acts of plagiarism.

One thing what Bruce said is incorrect is when he said the following: “‘ve heard of researchers from developing countries resorting t0..” When I researched in Australia, I came to know of reserachers even in “developed” countries resorting to such base means.

another_bruce August 2, 2005 9:42 AM

hollywood classics get reworked all the time and it isn’t considered plagiarism, why should academics be immune?
i’m not aware that pakistan has ever produced anything valuable except for heroin, hashish and violence. oh, wait a sec…
tom lehrer wrote a song about this, the one that begins “there was a man in pinsk, who knew a man in minsk” and ends “plagiarize! let no one else’s work evade your eyes!”
with malice toward none, with charity to all…

Mark J. August 2, 2005 9:51 AM

Plagiarism is everywhere. One of my book reviews for The Historical Novels Review got plagiarized by the author of the book for a review on He even wrote the review for Amazon under my name.

My wife, who is a prolific columnist, has been plagiarized repeatedly. And her website designs have been “borrowed” repeatedly as well.

About the only thing you can do is to be vigilant and notify the publishers when you find it.

Some guy in Europe August 2, 2005 11:42 AM

Now we know where Pons and Fleischmann moved.

We’ve taken to calling this the “Paul Erdos” effect. He published so much original work that now everyone feels as though the bar is higher.

Biz August 2, 2005 1:37 PM

I am pretty sure that the students probably acted upon the Professor’s behest and are now taking the fall on his behalf. This sort of wholesale plagiarism seems a little far fetched a plan for just students.

Ari Heikkinen August 2, 2005 1:39 PM

Could have spiced it up a bit by reporting links to terrorism and Al Qaeda (like about everything seems to be reported these days).

Davi Ottenheimer August 2, 2005 2:31 PM

@ Xeon

First you use Intel’s trademark for your name, and then you do not give credit for your concluding statement, which was clearly lifted from a famous quote by Wilson Mizner (an American Author who died in 1933):

“Copy from one, it’s plagiarism; copy from two, it’s research”.

Perhaps you could explain how yours is the pragmatic approach, let alone view, before you claim there is no harm from plagiarism?

Davi Ottenheimer August 2, 2005 2:41 PM

@ another_bruce

“hollywood classics get reworked all the time and it isn’t considered plagiarism”

Do you mean the ones that do pay royalties/licensing or do you feel that most do not, or should not? To follow your analogy, I am certain if the Pakistani University had offered to license Bruce’s paper (e.g. pay to publish it on their paper under his terms, etc.) this would not have been an issue. Even the creative commons license says distribution and reuse is ok as long as credit is given…

Jon Solworth August 2, 2005 4:01 PM

Unfortunately, academic misdeeds are common place, John Kenneth Galbraith even wrote about them in a book entitled “A Tenured Professor” which describes life at Harvard.

Unfortunately, academic misdeeds are commonplace.

The ACM policy, at least from the excerpts cited here, describe the responsibilities of ACM membership but not those of publications. Even if you are not a member of the ACM, you can publish there, so an explicit rule is necessary.

I hope also that Bruce complained to the home institution. I doubt it would do any good, but if it reaches someone who doesn’t like the “authors” …

“I am pretty sure that the students probably acted upon the Professor’s behest and are now taking the fall on his behalf. This sort of wholesale plagiarism seems a little far fetched a plan for just students.”

Whether the student did it at the professor’s behest or not, they are just as responsible.


Bruce Schneier August 2, 2005 4:32 PM

“I hope also that Bruce complained to the home institution. I doubt it would do any good, but if it reaches someone who doesn’t like the ‘authors’ …”

I did. I couldn’t find email addresses, but I found mailing addresses of those in charge of the university.

some_guy August 3, 2005 1:29 AM

well it has to be noticed that both the papers are on security. This professer seem to be not that good on security. poor professer, his student chaeted him twice.

Ben Smyth August 3, 2005 4:50 AM


“Copy from one, it’s plagiarism; copy from two, it’s research”.

Perhaps you could explain how yours is the pragmatic
approach, let alone view, before you claim there is no harm from plagiarism?

This reminds me of a paper I read recently (although I can’t remember the title, the author had recently won an award) the author was suprised to find that someone else had written identical code to the same problem… is this plagiarism, no. Although if this occured in a University you would have problems proving this fact to a tutor.

Faisal Danka August 3, 2005 8:06 AM

Greetings mates!

I am not surprised at this story single bit. I was in Pakistan and it is the most common ‘thing’ in universities and colleges. I have seen plagiarists from most senior to junior levels. Surprisingly on a local level, the plagiarists can turn around papers quickly hence are considered ‘smarter’.

My research published by CNN, BBC, WashingtonPost, etc internationally (see below for a few links) was not even mentioned anywhere in Pakistani media (at that time I was a proud Pakistani– should not surprise why am not anymore). While on the other hand a Pakistani plagiarist threw tea party to a couple of journalist and claimed the same discovery and got local media coverage while internationally everyone thought of him as a clown.

In a weird way, I am happy not to be covered by Pakistani media, in my eyes I think they are not worth it. Therefore, I have happily moved on.


another_bruce August 4, 2005 1:46 AM

@davi ottenheimer:
well, if the copycats licensed the concept from the original creator, that isn’t plagiarism. i didn’t hear that the pakis paid mr. schneier a license fee. your comment about the creative commons standard is correct as far as i understand it. case in point:
long long ago, japanese filmmakers made a famous movie “godzilla”. about five years ago we got a big new glossy american “godzilla”. it was bound to recoup production costs because there’s a reliable segment of cineastes who will pay 8-10 bucks to watch a monster emerge from the sea and stomp cars and buildings for two hours. why should a studio take a risk with an original project when it can slam dunk with the old wine in a new bottle? the original screenwriter (or his estate) received token payment if at all out of the millions made by the new monster, because only disney’s copyrights are immortal and inviolate. there was a great new yorker cartoon about this awhile back, an agent was pitching a script to a studio guy who asked “could you possibly make it more derivative?”

Greg Metcalfe August 5, 2005 11:34 AM

The response of the ACM was interesting. They clearly think that self-plagiarism is important. They published ‘Self-Plagiarism in Computer Science’, by Christian Collberg and Stephen Kobourov, in the 4/05 CACM. It’s an interesting read, if you have access to it. There’s a reference to their ACM Policy on Prior Publication and Simultaneous Submissions available:

The article also contains references to a couple of plagiarism detection tools.

I’m not particularly proud of my being a member of the ACM at the moment.

Solomon2 August 7, 2005 8:35 AM

I think everybody has missed something important here: motivation. Why did they have to do it?

In 1930s Germany, the Nazis propagated the fantasy that Einstein “stole” his theory of relativity from patriotic but dead Germans. That’s because Relativity was too important to ignore, but too embarassing to attribute to a Jew.

Maybe something similar is going on here. I suppose this research has military or ideological applications and the plagiarists are trying to call it their own.

Espen August 7, 2005 11:50 AM

At the business school I teach, we have started to run all papers through a tool called SafeAssignment ( which seems to work well – it give me as a teacher a score for plagiarism for each paper submitted (matched against anything on the Web + all papers previously submitted to SafeAssignment). The match is “fuzzy”, and catches even those students who thought they could get things in by changing a just a few words.

Most of the effect is probably in that students refrain from plagiarizing for fear of being caught, but i have both caught students plagiarizing with this tool and used it for control of suspicious papers. It is much less work-intensive than the “pick a sentence” technique, and seems to catch most copying. Of course, you have to manually check every suspicious paper, since the score can be driven up by quite legitimate quoting.

I think (as an ACM member and author) that ACM should institute as a policy that they run all received submissions through a tool like Turnitin or SafeAssignment – this will immediately catch flagrant plagiarism such as the one reported by Bruce. In fact, it would be a fun excercise to run all ACMs published papers through a plagarism tool – wouldn’t surprise me if there were more fish in that sea (or any other published body of work, for that matter.)

Adnan Shaukat August 8, 2005 1:32 AM

greetings everybody,

well i am a pakisatni, i read everyones opinion…i don’t support palgiarism .. i think its same a stealing and i condemn what was done by these students…

just to add to your information another_bruce..a pakisatni scientist has won a nobel price,Dr Abdus Salam for his theoratical unification of two fundamental forces of nature. He also received Royal medal by Royal Society of London in 1979.
and as for Dr Abdul Qadeer khan he didn’t bring anything in writing, what ever he brought was in his brain … and whatever is in your brain is your intellect.
I just wanted to add these facts to your knowledge, I am a compter Scientist and i know how one feels if his work is stolen or presented by somebody else under his name. But please don’t judge people by an isolated events

In Hell August 8, 2005 4:02 AM

Let me point out an article that shows what exactly is happening to science and science education in Pakistan.

Plagiarism is one thing. People here are running the show on fake degrees. People who are trying to stop this meet the following fate…..

“The indifference of the HEC [higher education commission of Pakistan] to issues of quality is apparent in how casually it has accepted fake degrees and fake universities. This tightened up a little only after some months when Dr. Isa Daudpota pointed out case after case in the national press – and then documented them with evidence. Dr Atta-ur-Rahman, his boss, terminated his job almost immediately.”

This is taken from

To see the whole story check:

There are people who are trying to work sincerely. They need support, not only, from people who are in Pakistan, but also academics abroad.

A simple way to help would be to point out such cases and forward them to HEC ( This is usually not enough. Putting up such cases on the net is more helpful. That puts more pressure on the Universities and the individual.

Usman Ali August 8, 2005 6:10 AM

there should be strick rules and regulations on plagiarism. Any one catch should be banned from submitted any work in future to any conference/journal.
Why are Pakistani any trying to get things done by fraud/illegal acts.
Usman Ali

Shahid August 8, 2005 8:48 AM

I think the way to end is to put everthing in terms of strict rules/policy and then most important implementation in real way. No exception. Once you set an example and students seeing culprits getting fired, expelled or banned, you will see real change. The shortcuts can get you degree w/o knowledge, intellect and an urge to investigate and research in real way.

Adeel August 8, 2005 8:55 AM

Plagiarism is a universal problem, please don’t blame any nation or group in general for doing this. The act of few men doesn’t make it a general habbit or culture.

Shahid August 8, 2005 8:56 AM

When I got here in USA at university of Maryland for my masters program, course assignments included writing papers and they told us the rules about plagiarism.
They control it effectively first with the help of software which conduct search for degree of match (some criteria say >60% or etc), secondly depth of knowledge of professor in his field( its kinda hrad to keep track of everything) and then third seeing 1 case in which student was terminated for a semester and with warnings. Good enough for others to see !

Haseeb August 8, 2005 9:10 AM

strict rules should be formulated for such actions, and its everywhere not only in south asia. And i believe some example should be set and not just on Univesity Level. So that follower have something to be afraid of. And nothing better than making these people an example. Such things are very common in lower/middle band universities of Pakistan, and is supported by their supervisors and quite obviously why.

Haq Parast August 8, 2005 1:14 PM

You are talking about plagarism, let me introduce you to Dr. Fake. Pakistans State Minister for Religious Affairs.

Plagarism & fakism isn’t rare in Pakistan, but I believe the developed nations also have some part to play in it. Because these fake degrees were purchased from a developed nations, and these plagarismised papers were also published in the west.

Haq Parast August 8, 2005 1:24 PM

Let me tell you another interesting story of Dr. S. Tauseef-ur-Rehman.

Four years ago, while giving a drama-like lecture of his, he asked his students, “Can you tell me, my worst charateristic?”. One student replied, “Sir, you lie a lot.”, and Dr. Tauseef’s cheeks melted like ice.

Amin August 8, 2005 1:49 PM

I am really sad to hear this kind of thing being done by someone from Pakistan as I am also from the same country.

But it was not right to say “I’ve heard of researchers from developing countries . …..” There are numerous examples of plagiarism of scholars from developed countries, just to site one example see

Apart from this there are other examples, an anthropologist from UK, a German doctor from Bell Labs and so on.


HAQ August 8, 2005 2:04 PM

It might be lack of awareness and people might think that copying a material from different places is called research. We should look into how to resolve the issue. But the actual point I wanted to raise here was that some very good suggestions were given and instead of targeting any community it is always better to focus on the resolution of the problem. There are few people wandering around internet who try to fit their text on every discussion targeting some communities, in which they might be somehow successful but I think we should stick to topic and not trying to convince people with few examples. I have read some comments on AQ Khan and as a reply to it, I would like to ask Steve to write down the history of other nuclear power states on some other forum that how they STOLEN nuclear power. It will be really interesting to read it as well. You can write some article on that and I hope it will not be copied.

theEYE August 8, 2005 2:18 PM

oh yea, nice little plan….

copy a paper;
publish it in your name along with some students’ names (someone has to be blamed for errors)
if no one find out, you win. if someone does…. it was the students officer! i didnt do anything. I’m a professor for God’ sake…. Right.
oldest trick in the facult’y book here…
Guess what. One asshole is sitting in Germany right now coz he won a scholarship by submitting a student’t research paper. Nice eh? What else can you expect from people who only care about their pockets? If the rector of the university can fool Arabs and split the Funds they provide to IIU among his fellow “HEADS”, you can be sure that his relatives posing as professors would do something similar to get anything worthwhile out of this place. Hell, what else could anyone expect from people whove made a fine business out of education when they don't know S**T about the value of Education. all they see are the $$$$$$s . Its a plain game... You have to be a big fish and no one can lay a finger on you. Thats how the former IT Minister got filthy rich. Get in touch with the president throught your pals... start the IT revolution oh yeah , A chemist leading the IT education and industry ... (See the sparks ???) get alot of cash on your hands to "Make" the industry work ... and get something even better on the way , shares in the best business today... AN IT INSTITUTE of the highest "STANDARDS"... yeah yeah (Dr. Atta ur Rehman owns over 50 % shares of Comsats and its affiliated organizations).... talk about Toseef-ur-Rehman... a little fish in a big filthy pond.. hes gotta eat too you know…. like his fellow “HEAD FISH” … its a norm for people who know nothing about an office to Head a whole department….

Don’t believe any of the things i said ??? well like i said, I’m the eye and know alot more than you could ever believe…. adios amigos…..

Asma August 8, 2005 2:24 PM

Oh… i felt very bad about this. I’m doing my bachelors in CS from the very same university … !!!

There should be some serious check on plagiarism of research papers, by the supervisors as well as by the publicationing authorities!!

X Student August 8, 2005 3:00 PM

This is a real sad news for me,as i am an X student of this university.What Dr tauseef did is really shocking.some serious action should b taken against him and the students as well.

Bruce Schneier August 8, 2005 3:23 PM

“This is a real sad news for me,as i am an X student of this university.What Dr tauseef did is really shocking.some serious action should b taken against him and the students as well.”

It’s very hard for me to figure out who at the university I should talk to. Is there a name, with email address? Please send me email if you can help.

Shadzadah August 8, 2005 3:30 PM

I am doing Bachelors in Computer Science from the same university. And, when I knew that about Mr Tauseef Ur Rehman It has really shocked me.
When we people are in the examination hall, he is always saying Not Cheating man No cheating. But, today I have understand the thing that why I was not listening to him at all. Because He is A Big Cheater.

Shadzadah August 8, 2005 3:33 PM

If any one from here want to talk to the students of IIUI about that there group address is .
Mail here and comment. This address is shared by all the faculty member, students. Use this to condemn his approach.

Mike Gale August 8, 2005 3:51 PM

The end result could be serious.

Academic institutions, societies etc. get treated as the joke they clearly are.

Alternate systems, with draconian quality controls arise. Those with a reasonable but not stellar ability get squeezed out, checking thoroughly is just too hard!!

Haq Parast August 8, 2005 11:49 PM


Dr. S. Tauseef, is in the “List of Approved Supervisors” under the decipline of engineering by “Higher Education Commission” of Pakistan.

You can find his name in the “List of Approved Supervisors” linked below:

So, the best person to talk to is the Chairman of HEC, at the following address:

Because I believe, no one will take any action but the Chairman of HEC, Prof. Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman.

We appreciate you effort to kick plagiarism out of Pakistan.

Best Regards

X Student August 9, 2005 12:02 AM

S Touseef should be expeled imidiately from all his responsibilities, black sheeps like him don’t deserve to be tolerated, they should be punished in a way that nobody else dares to do something like this, specialy on this level.

Good and bad people are every where, but people like these,who belong to the noble profession of education and teaching, when they do something like this, they spoil the name of the nation and country, and are as bad as a black mark.

I hope you guys acquire a control method soon, so that you can have a check on people and papers submitted here.

in short, if you see that guy, your first impression will be, he’s a Crook & a big cheater .. :o)
Shaklun e Lanti ay, i think most of the University students will agree on that :o)

Truth August 9, 2005 12:16 AM

S.Tauseef Rehman this is his old business he is a fealth person who keeps the high ups in his hands and then do such things. This is not the only thing he has copied if u can see his al publication 80% of them will be copied….

nadeem August 9, 2005 12:36 AM

This is really shameful act by Mr. Tauseef Ur Rehman faculty member of a re known Pakistani institute. Students are not aware with plagiarism and piracy at student level. Being a X-Student from IIUI It’s my personal experience that students are not happy with the faculty hiring and selection process. Dr Khalid Rashid is the main responsible person for all what happened as he is one Man show at DCS IIUI. Chairman HEC should take a serious action on it. I can feel anger and annoy of John Kelsey, David Wagner but I will only say to them that these type of culprits and Evil minded people are exist in almost every society. Its doesn’t man that people of Pakistan are not capable and intelligent.

Usman Ali August 9, 2005 1:00 AM

The impression of Pakistani students/researchers should not be taken wrong by this one case of plagiarism by one or two individuals. This act should be condemned and strong actions should be taken against the authors.

A student from pakistan August 9, 2005 1:36 AM

Its really sad and shocking news. These things should be reported to the Higher Education Commision of pakistan. So that appropriate action is taken against the students and the teacher who seems equally responsible. The crediblity of whole Education system has been damaged. The issue is serious enough to warrant a strict action. Mr Schneier and rest of the authors of the original paper, it might really help root out or atleast crub this practise if you can contact HEC(Higher Education Commision) for appropriate action.

narmI August 9, 2005 2:02 AM

I had been a student in International Islamic University, Pakistan. I know that students of IIUI have never been happy with the faculty members. Like brother Nadeem said, Dr. Khalid Rashid is the ONE MAN SHOW in Faculty of Management Science. I personally know S. Tauseef-ur-Rehman and have studied two different courses from him. He had always been ridiculous. But this is something very serious and authorities specially Chairman, Higher Education Commission, Pakistan Dr. Atta-ur-Rehman should take some strict action about it. I have sent this URL to Chairman, HEC too to bring it to his notice. I would say sorry to John Kelsey and David Wagner with this PATHETIC act of plagiarism. The students are guilty for this but Mr. S. Tauseef is equally responsible being their supervisor and the Head of Telecommunication Department of IIU.

Mr. S. Tauseef deserves to be fired from all the positions he is working for.

Cndla August 9, 2005 2:20 AM

That is extremely pathetic. I really can’t believe it. Someone’s hardwork is treated like this. This is disgusting. That is not entirely teh student’s responsibilty but also the professor’s responsibility to have cross-checked it. This is the first and foremost rule of a research paper that it should be based on a unique idea. The professor must have looked into it or atleast read it. Anyways whatever is done is done. I guess, if the people who did this are ashamed of their act then they should be forgiven but for the future, some reforms must be made to stop this. The responsibilty also goes to the reviewers who reviewed and passed such paper. Next time there should be a more strict and careful review process. Another thing is this tag of having some “DR.”s’ name involved in the authors should also be discouraged until unless he/she has really worked out with the students to atleast go through and cross-check the paper. If i sound angry…then be it…as I am.

Farhan Ahmed August 9, 2005 2:27 AM

I am Ex-Islamian university student. It is so embarrassing moment for me. S. Tauseef-ur-Rehman taught us a subject in MSC and at this time we complaint numerous time about his non-serious behavior but nobody took any notice. I was very proud Islamian but today I have not right to say this. But it does not mean that every Islamian got degree through this way. Universities authorities should fire him and he deserve punish for this stupidity.
I would sya sorry to John Kelsey and David Wagner .


brainylady August 9, 2005 2:49 AM

if teachers are doing it, who can blame the students. the university has to set its house in order, and ensure ethics of conduct are taught even to the teachers ( for plagiarism is stealing!).

Asif Bashir Malik August 9, 2005 2:57 AM

This is not something that has happened first time in computer history. Students do take help from internet and do copy material from papers. This is not a matter of a specific University or Country. No one can do research without consulting books and journals. If I say something about this specific case YES this is not fair to copy the whole material and reproduce. The students are responsible for this not their supervisor. How can a supervisor know that this paper has already been published? Is there anybody who has read all the papers published in history? It is not practically possible. So supervisor Mr. Touseef Ur Rehman cannot be blamed for this. This is not the case that Mr. Touseef Ur Rehman did wrong, any supervisor XYZ could have supervised that research. I am not bias in favor of Mr. Tauseef Ur Rehman. Many papers are being copied and reproduced on daily basis all over the world, I personally visited a site that produce random research papers . What will u all say about this????? I know how many will try this site to help in their thesis. This is site is not developed by any PAKISTANI then y blame?????

As an ex Student of the University, I a proud to be Islamian.

Still I am against Plagiarism but not referencing and taking help. So plz stop blaming supervisors this is we students do this not supervisors.

a student from the univ August 9, 2005 2:59 AM

Well, I agree to the notion that this shud not be taken as a general impression for all the students from the univ or from Pakistan, as this has been done in the individual capacity of these 3 guys & university cannot control any such thing. And we all, the students of univ, condemn this act of plagiarism. The only remedy to save the reputation of univ would be that univ shud take the most strict measure it could take, may be to expel this guy Tauseef ur Rehman, and HEC should ban him from joining any univ in Pakistan. Just for the sheer joy of their own, they have stacked the future of so many current students of same univ in particular, and from Pakistan in general. Shame on them !!!

a student from the univ August 9, 2005 3:06 AM

@Asif Bashir Malik.

the site you qouted is from MIT, and this was developed for some notion other than the one mentioned by u. It infact generated a bogus research paper, and that was submitted to a conference andlater on it was disclosed to the organizing committee that this paper was developed this way. SO it had someother purpose, and its there just for fun, and even if it wud have been there for the purpose u mentioned, MIT ppl are clever enough to get their name off the URL. Well if u know what MIT is???

Asif Bashir Malik August 9, 2005 3:42 AM

Dear “a student from the univ”

I know what have u wrote (bcz that is on site), i just gave an example that anybody can take help from anywhere and everybody know how much time our supervisors have to coordinate with us “students”. U may have some personal diagreements with the said supervisor but dont show it here plz.

plz don’t try to be over smart.

CaCHiPH August 9, 2005 5:23 AM

Though its really bad, but who is at fault?
the students. ?
I think NO. its the system and the governers of the system (Dr. Tauseef) who are responsible .
Coz Y they didn’t even care to read the paper?
Also the ACM comitte is responsible for this blunder.

Truth August 9, 2005 5:40 AM

Mr. Tauseef feel ashamed of your self and resign. Asif this is not the first time that the guy has labeled someones work with his name and i am sure he knew about this before publishing it. The fact is that this is the first time he has been caught…

K August 9, 2005 7:01 AM

The easiest job of all is to simply sit back, relax and point out other’s lackings. It is quiet easy to comment on people’s mistakes. I am an existing student of IIU and have worked many a times in collaberation with Dr. Tauseef-Ur-Rehman. He is a very learned man, having in depth knowledge about his field. People should keep in mind the fact that he has always been there right beside his students in times of need, but today as I read the comments of x-islamians on this issue, I am shocked at their hypocracy. Maybe they are right at not calling themselves Proud Islamians…becuz they dont deserve to be. No one deserves to be associated with pride unless he’s aware of the fact that whatever the case, teachers and parents should be respected unconditionally…well fellas, u should definately reconsider ur priorities and spit out the shit filled inside and next time before u let out a word for ur teacher, give a thought to the fact that what u r today is due to the hardwork of ur teachers.
Its not that I am in favour of Plagiarism, on the contrary I think that strict rules must be set for observing the problem but not at the cost of teacher’s respect.

Nadeem Omar. Lahore August 9, 2005 7:39 AM

I can empathize with Bruce Schneier, and can also understand as to how a teacher in a university in Pakistan can plagiarize and can get away with it with crime. I have been a victim of plagiarism too only last year. Irony of the matter is that it was presented in a conference, initiated by Higher Education Commission, (HEC) Islamabad to improve the quality of higher education in the country. Though the case is still pending with HEC, the vice chancellor of the said university declined and refuted all charges in official response! The Council of Social Sciences, Islamabad which had commissioned my original paper, could not defend itself, as it is yet to evolve any adequate guidelines for developing institutional mechanism to check and curb academic piracy. So my two pennies are, instead of criminalizing individuals, we should try and enforce, the mechanism for discouraging such practices. Some one has to do the job.
Nadeem Omar

zamzamah August 9, 2005 8:00 AM

I can empathize with Bruce Schneier, and can also understand as to how a teacher in a university in Pakistan can plagiarize and can get away with it with crime. I have been a victim of plagiarism too only last year. Irony of the matter is that it was presented in a conference, initiated by Higher Education Commission, (HEC) Islamabad to improve the quality of higher education in the country. Though the case is still pending with HEC, the vice chancellor of the said university declined and refuted all charges in official response! The Council of Social Sciences, Islamabad which had commissioned my original paper, could not defend itself, as it is yet to evolve any adequate guidelines for developing institutional mechanism to check and curb academic piracy. So my two pennies are, instead of criminalizing individuals, we should try and enforce, the mechanism for discouraging such practices. Some one has to do the job.

Mas August 9, 2005 9:16 AM

Being a Pakistani, as soon as i entered graduate school, the first thing that was taught to me was the act of plagiarism is not only unethical, but immoral and illegal as well. I have studied several articles on plagiarism before I even started my graduate school. I am really disappointed to see a fellow University of Islamabad acting in such a way, not only bringing shame to themselves but also to the whole impression of all other universities. From the articles and being a student, I was told that plagiarism can result in grade F to expulsion from university and disgrace in acamedia. I am thinking what would be done with Dr. Tauseef. Personally I have seen the guy in a conference where I was defending my own paper. Dr. Tauseef was also there defending his student paper, again in which he was a third author, and the first impression I had was what a loser this person is. He couldnt even defend his own paper properly. Furthermore, I realized that the person did his Ph.D. by just publishing papers to very ill-reputed local conferences and nothing else, and now this incident put all of his work in doubt, no matter if it was original or not. If he is saying he did not know about the matter and his name is just put as a third author, then this does not relieve him from his responsibility. The students should be expelled immediatly, and personally I would remember their names, so that If they ever talk to me in person, I could tell them what they actually did. However, I still have to say that research in most Pakistani universities is still in progress, and some of the universities are working really hard on it. Personally, I credit Fast Lahore, LUMS lahore, and MAJU Islamabad for their research efforts, which are highly appreciated throughout the world in well reputable conferences and journals. Again do not take the impression of the whole country in negativity just because of a bunch of losers out there.
Thank you 🙂

Mas August 9, 2005 9:21 AM

I forgot to credit NUST, their work in GRID and highly parallel systems is worth applause, MAJU’s work on software reliability and dependability, Fast Lahore’s work on natural language processing, and LUMS for their overall research.

Muneeb Ahmed Awan August 9, 2005 10:12 AM

Well, everybody is blamming the authors. One can’t clap with a single hand, the publishers / reviewers have a part to play. It was their duty to stop plagiarism. I believe journals of international reput like IEEE, and ACM etc, should devise an antiplagiarim framework or develop a common database to stop plagiarim.

Most importantly the reviewers must have deep and thorough knowledge of their field. One can’t stop paligiarism with mediocre reviewers.

Only these steps can stop this curse, blamming and critisicsm won’t work.

Davi Ottenheimer August 9, 2005 12:25 PM

@ Muneeb Ahmed Awan

“One can’t clap with a single hand”

I love sayings like this, since they are so eloquently false. Clapping means making noise, right? So if you make noise by “clapping” a Clavia in your hand, are you “clapping”? What if you “clap” your hand against your thigh?

Why spread the blame all over the place when, at the end of the day, the person who plagiarised is just that. Even if you shift the detective controls to an institution (so Bruce and other authors do not have to police their own work) you still must find an appropriate amount of blame and punishment is reserved for the plagiarists. Otherwise, what disincentive is there?

hammad August 9, 2005 3:01 PM

i m a proud student of International Islamic University, a proud Pakistani and a Muslim. no doubt wat has happened is wrong and must not be happened, but i m very much disappointed from the stupid, childish thinking of some of commentators here. they blamed Pakistan and Pakistanis as Plagiarizers. they r taking the actions of one man as the actions of whole nation. if that is the “Criteria” of judging a nation then wat abt the defense minister of India “Mr. Fernandus??? (if I m not wrong) who was caught red handed taking the bribe. So y dnt u call Indians as bribers.

Some of commentators above mentioned the name of Dr. AQ Khan. wat u people know abt him. If he’d stolen the nuclear technology from Netherlands, then y the Dutch didn’t raised that issue to the international media. y they kept quite for so many years until Pakistan emerged as the nuclear power. And even if we consider this bullshit then wat u say abt the Russian nuclear technology. This is proven that a husband and a wife stole it for Russia, form USA, now wat u say……..if Dr. AQ Khan is guilty of the charges then there is a strong possibility that he might not wants to see happening in Pakistan which d happened in Afghanistan.

I ve given only the two of examples. There are hundreds of them, which show the mischiefs of so called “respectable??? nations.

This is not the place to talk abt the politics, if u people wish to talk abt that then choose another place, I ve enough to keep ur lips stick together and ur finger to be frozen.

I personally think that if the International Islamic University takes some actions against Mr. Tauseef then she is also guiltless. So plz avoid to give these type of comments here which reflect the fundamentalist, and rotten thinking provided by the western media – who has nothing to do but to save the interests of some countries and “multinational companies??? — and keep the educational and healthy by giving ur positive comments.

Thank u

Mas August 9, 2005 3:56 PM


Who do every Pakistani have to go against some Indian. As far as I am concerned, I have seen several cases of plagiarism from all over the world. The fact is Mr. Tauseef is guilty along with those two students, and there is no way one can get away from this fact. Have you heard that when you go abroad, you are an ambassador of your nation. You are representing your whole country. Unfortunately, Mr. Tauseef along with those two students gave such a bad impression of the whole country and the whole research atmosphere here that was just about to gain its roots here. See I agree to the point that people shouldnt consider that if person did this, everyone does this. However, the fact still remains and I believe Mr. Tauseef along with those two students should be severely punished so that they can act as an example for others here.

just a comment August 9, 2005 4:03 PM

Well i agree to Mr. Aro Heikkinen (post: August 2, 2005 01:39 PM)

I am amazed that why this issue has not yet been reported by the media as a massive terrorist plot by a Pakistani Madarassa (school)…

(though a few efforts to link it are visible here ;))

The paper was on cryptanalysis, so the media could have linked it to anything… Dr. Qadeer,Al-Qaeda, “Islamic” University, military, Bin Laden, or any thing else…

Khushal August 9, 2005 6:40 PM

I feel very sad for this act done by these three Authors from the university, as i have applied to take admission and today the results of passed will be announced.
It is no doubt that this was a bad deed and they should be bannmed from pubishing there “Research” but as far as the other people are concerned,i think no one should blame the whole society or ocuntry for this,Black sheeps are every where,no one is a born angel,and i also believe that this thing is very common in Pakistan,but blaming all the country isnt the solution to the problem,the main thing is to solve the problem and to intoruduce some stuff that prevents someone else from doing the same act in future.

Hamad Latif August 9, 2005 6:55 PM

I m proud student of International Islamic University. If some does bad it doesn’t mean every one is bad. so please stop this non sense .those who did all this must be held responsible, and definitely Pakistani government and management of Islamic university will take strict actions against them. But please don’t Blame Pakistan or Islamic University. This was an act of individuals so please don’t target Pakistanis nation or Islamic university.

Bruce Schneier August 9, 2005 10:23 PM

“I m proud student of International Islamic University. If some does bad it doesn’t mean every one is bad. so please stop this non sense .those who did all this must be held responsible, and definitely Pakistani government and management of Islamic university will take strict actions against them. But please don’t Blame Pakistan or Islamic University. This was an act of individuals so please don’t target Pakistanis nation or Islamic university.”

I agree with this. Don’t generalize.

But the university is responsible for the actions of their students and faculty. I expect them to act appropriately. If they turn a blind eye to this behavior, then they are effectively condoning it.

abc August 10, 2005 12:49 AM

all students of IIU
there are some question arises.

1.what will be the future of old students ,what they
will face in their software companies and
universities,with what eye people will see the their
2.what are the future of MS/PHD enrolled students
3.what are the future of bachelor students,did they be
able to find good jobs.what sort of questions can be
ask during interview. student research papers will published in
national and international conf even,see what
fast,lums,NIIT are doing they are writing to FIA and

its not the topic that either its touseef mistake or
his student mistake ,question is what student will
so instead of writing on groups ,why not we all
gatherd and have a sitting with dr khalid,president or
even reactor

usman August 10, 2005 1:06 AM

Hamad is right. You cant say because of those two students that every one out there is like that. There are brilliant students. I am really proud that students belonging to that university work in multinational companies. Even some of the students are working in Microsoft.
Students are always supposed to do the mistakes but University should take actions against this act. More over other students must not be kept under the same category.

Kashif Virk August 10, 2005 4:40 AM

Well, being a Pakistani national working as a researcher in Computing Science & Engineering (not in Pakistan) I have to sadly admit (and this is my personal opinion) that most of the engineering and technical institutions that exist in Pakistan today can be rated as “mediocre” by international standards but there are some individual exceptions which have produced and are producing the highest quality technical research work even in Computing Science & Engineering (e.g., Dr. Shahid H. Bokhari, IEEE Fellow). So, a black and white classification scheme targeting nationalities might not work here. To support my argument, those citing the attitude of Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan (who boasts 250+ publications) should also know about Dr. Abdus Salam, Nobel Laureatte in Physics (1979) who was a graduate from a Pakistani University as was Dr. Hargobind Khorana, Nobel Laureatte in Physiology (1968). The same University had Dr. A. H. Compton, Nobel Laureatte in Physics (1927) working in one of its laboratories when he discovered the “Compton Effect”.
Other renowned Pakistani researchers of international calibre have been Dr. Salimuzzaman Siddiqui (Chemistry), Dr. Rafi M. Chaudhry (Physics), and the list can go on.

Pakistani Universities do staff Scientists and Engineers who have graduated from some of the top-class Universities from all over the world.

As far as my knowledge is concerned, International Islamic University is not a very seriously-taken Pakistani institution even by the serious-minded Pakistani students.

Therefore, to sum up, science is a work of logic and a worker in science should avoid any “Hasty Generalization” which is one of the well-known fallacies of logic.

Habib-ur Rehman August 10, 2005 4:50 AM

Well I want to raise two points. I am not sure whether someone has already mentioned these.
1) I think there is also a big responsibility on the Journal and the reviewers of the paper. I personally beleive that they are also part of this crime.
2) I also studied in another Pakistani univeristy where palgirism is considered such a big crime that one can be expelled from the univeristy even at the last stage of his degree for ever.

Finally, I came to know that the said Faculty member was called by FIA (Federal Investigation Agency) Cibercrimes Section for investigation in this matter.

Ibn-e-Adam August 10, 2005 6:46 AM

With plagiarism occuring everywhere why blame the three guys. Under certain conditions certain things are allowed. With the poor research atmoshpere, pathetic educational conditions in Pakistan, this thing should be allowed to some degree. In the way to success, this happens. Just like japanese copied product after product from America. Now they innovate.

(One American President recently plagiarised his relationship with his wife by indulging in illegal relationship with another women. Why forgive him then ?. If he can be forgiven then so be the three guys. There are other examples. e.g Russia stealing nuclear secrets from America, Israel constantly refusing to act on international agreements and obligations, India refusing to talk on Kashmir issue, whole generations of european scientists stealing the discoveries of chinese, indian and arabian scientists and naming them their own. So declare their degrees as fake also.)

ACM, Bruce Schneir and others should tender their apologies for taking this incident to this stage. Everything should be GPLed.


RAV4 August 10, 2005 7:39 AM

Its really sad to know about this incident and there is no apology for this. Many of current guys are not happy about old students response. Just want to tell them that old students have seen and observed dr toseef quite closely and have seen him reaching current stage.
But let me tell you that the talent IIU has got is enormous and I am 100% confident that islamians can prove themselves anywhere in the world. I have myself observed this thing specially after leaving Pakistan.
Blaming whole nation or all students is not a new thing and putting blame on whole nation for one’s deed has become a normal practice faced by pakis.
Mr. Schneier, accept my apologies on behalf of my fellow students but I want to assure you that most of the islamianz have great potential to do something and prove themselves and I m quite sure that if these students would have been contacted you during their work for guidance then it wud be a different story as I myself had got very positive response from very senior researchers like u, during my work and it helped me a lot to carry on my research.
In the end I will suggest only one thing that we should not underestimate our strengths and at the same time we should never ignore our weaknesses. Admitting a mistake gives you more strength.

Ezekiel August 10, 2005 9:59 AM

IIU does not represent the top Pakistani universities. Its a mediocre university and deeds of its students should not be considered as a general trend. Never the less, its a shameful act and nothing can justify it.

abcd August 10, 2005 10:05 AM

Dear all first of all its really a very sad incident, but to generalize this and putting blame on each and every indiviual is not the right thing, there is no doubt pakistani’s are capable enough and they are proving themselves not only in pakistan but also in every part of the world.

I do agree that it is the western media who is always trying to highlight these type of individual mistakes made by anyone who is from muslim world.

I really feel very sad that other institutions are taking this opputunity no doubt provided by Dr. tauseef to show that how competent they are (again if this thing is from the western world then atleast they will not be taking it as oppurtunity….). I know each of the insitutions listed above and many other such institutions personally, but i must say that that no one is perfect in every thing( apart from ALLAH) as plusses and minuses are there in every insititution, but IIUI is among one of the best institutes not only in pakistan but has approved its ability internationally as well, just go and check every corner of the world where you’ll be able to find islmians proving their skills specially in the western world from where the original author belongs to ( so there is no need to be ashamed of being islamian, you are, you were and you will be a proud pakistani, proud islamian).

One point i do mention here that iiui is spreading quality knowledge from the time when there was not only a single institution listed above was on the map, now there is a need to think and do some thing practically to save this institution and don’t let it be a history(or thing of the past) like many other insititution like QAU computer science department for example because of the policies of the authorities.

I do agree with one comment posted above that at present FMS is a one man show(H.E. Professor Doctor Khlaid Rashid) and nothing else, who is not letting new researchers, doctors as a part of the faculty and appointing his relatives(Professor Mustafa one example) and people like Dr. Tauseef and Professor Sher who bought their degrees from internet(things are on record, and according to my knowledge no action is being taken so far), and other people like Professor khawaja. Ther were good but not able to meet the current chalanges and coupe with the current technologies(as COBOL, FORTRAN, Lotus 123 are things of past). SO president iiu and H.E. don’t do these type of things with this world renowned insititution just for your own sake, so that no one disagree with you, make this thing very clear in your mind that positive critcism is very good, and do appoint some newely high educated people so that the nation can remember you in good words, don’t just go for money go for some thing which you can say proudly and prove it.


cash August 10, 2005 12:26 PM

Okay well despite the fact that i am pretty much annoyed by all this you folks shouldnt be making abusive posts about Dr Tauseef….. We already proved that we are a dumb and untrustable country but we are now proving that we are even worse…. (by the way im not related to any of the accused if thats what ure thinking…..)

Davi Ottenheimer August 10, 2005 1:00 PM

@ abcd

“I do agree that it is the western media who is always trying to highlight these type of individual mistakes made by anyone who is from muslim world.”

Agree with whom? Could we just as hysterically say that it is the muslim world who is always trying to highlight the non-muslim media who is always trying to highlight the muslim…?

Sometimes the circular baiting and targeting will make you so dizzy you want to get off this crazy planet.

Confused August 10, 2005 2:14 PM

@ Bruce
“I’m more amused……but I’m surprised see it happen to me. I mean, really; if they were going to do this, wouldn’t it have been smarter to pick a more obscure author?”

They were smart quiet smart; Bruce in his “Description of a New Variable-Length Key, 64-bit Block Cipher (Blowfish)” has cited their work (or his own work) without even knowing that the work belonged to him or them……

I mean …… I am confused…….If some one steals my work….. will i be using his/her reference ……. :$

Haseeb August 10, 2005 2:51 PM

Schneier, I will request you to stop this thread now. I think you got enough perspective about how a lot of other people feel and I hope concerned authorities will also get the Point. But now its getting into personnel comments thread, people are showing personnel grievances and their University Superiorities etc.

Just my humble opinion, avoid generalization. One stupid person in Islamic doesn’t make it a stupid place and one good person working in Microsoft will not make it the best place on earth. Its just the person’s own abilities which stand out at the end, not that he is a graduate of lums, giki, or even of MIT, Stanford etc.

So just saying that our graduates work in multi-nationals you should ask the question about yourself; where do you yourself stand. No offence, just my humble opinion.

Imran August 10, 2005 2:59 PM

This is highly unfair not only with themselves rather the institutions they are working in.These people must be banned or under observation in future.Through some reliable resources it’s heard that the doctrate degree of touseef-ur-rehman is also doubtful.The institution and responsible people must take notice of this.

Moderator August 10, 2005 4:26 PM

Please, no more personal attacks or abusive language, whether directed at people or countries.

“One American President recently plagiarised his relationship with his wife by indulging in illegal relationship with another women.”

Please look up the word plagiarism before you post to this thread again. You are spectacularly confused.

Moderator August 10, 2005 4:34 PM

On further inspection, five attack messages on Dr. Tauseef-ur-Rehman were from the same person using five different names. I’ve deleted them all. Whoever you are, take your vendetta elsewhere.

mud and flame August 10, 2005 5:07 PM

“They were smart quiet smart; Bruce in his “Description of a New Variable-Length Key, 64-bit Block Cipher (Blowfish)” has cited their work (or his own work) without even knowing that the work belonged to him or them……”

Er, what? I can’t find any such citation in the paper:

NotSoConfused August 11, 2005 12:04 AM

“They were smart quiet smart; Bruce in his “Description of a New Variable-Length Key, 64-bit Block Cipher (Blowfish)” has cited their work (or his own work) without even knowing that the work belonged to him or them……”

Bruce wrote the paper in 1994 and the guys got their (sorry Bruce’s) paper published in December,2004 so how come Bruce refer them in his paper in 1994.

someone August 11, 2005 2:20 AM

be objective

First of all i would suggest that people refrain from turning this into an insulting marathon, who can insult whom more. The important point is, what can be done about stopping such incidents from happening again. The stand taken by ACM (about not blocking the authors) does not help either. They should have banned the authors from submitting any further papers. Also, it throws a poor light on the reviewign process. How come the reviewers missed the copying……? And dont tell me that it was easy to miss. Simply pasting the text on google or citeseer should have been enough, but apparently none of the reviewers bothered.
It would be interesting to see what action is taken against the supervisor and the students involved. If no action is taken by the university, they maybe we can go back to the insulting match. And by the way, please remeber people do cheat in the west as well, infact majority of such occurences occur in so called developed contries, since they have more people involved in research related activities (please google).

someone August 11, 2005 2:24 AM

Is there a web site where information about such cases can be archieved. A kind of “hall of shame”…… would be embarrrsing like hell for people to get their name on it.

xyz August 11, 2005 6:54 AM

after lot of discussion and going through all coments
my humble request to students of that university.i personally visit that institute ,there is no doubt that iiu is one of internationaly recognized university and they are serving all world .
for students i feel u all are much angry with whole department start from dean and his all relatives .
i also know that thay have 4 doctors actully one who has PHD in computer related disciplane.remaing one u all know him know ,and other two are basically mathmatics.
and they are supervising all field of try to go for solution.
why so many students 4 doctors only,why u people not crying on that.u all know that all of students are from medium family and they work hard and they made iiu and out class university by ur efforts.its urs university kick all peoples those involved in this crime and all other responsible.
how many HEC phd in iiu,and how many teachers.and of what calebar.
so take a stand till all people who r supporting that person are who are behind him,intresting thing dr touseef is supervising not only his students of PHD but his BIG BOSS as well bcz he dont know any thing about network,AI certainly he has to made him happy to survive and for one person to supervise BS,MCS,MS and his own PHD + His BIG Boss so definatly he will do this type of action

Shiraz August 11, 2005 6:59 AM

no one will say any thing abouyt A Q Kha. only single person did work about nuclear bomb.all of u got by wrong meaning. in whole no where including in US. US got it from Germany when they took over germany. so no wrong word about A Q Khan. he will remain Hero for ever.

Jahangir August 11, 2005 8:05 AM

Most Instituition like IEEE and ACM do not offer free access to their full papers for viewing. This makes life difficult for many referees etc. I think these organization should offer services to address this issue which should be affordable. For example, giving low-cost services (like cheat-check) to conference organizers without giving full paper access.
Believe me many conference organziers are afraid of this happening to their conference. I think It will be a good service.

Banu X student,IIUI August 11, 2005 10:43 PM

Keeping in view the discussion and coments
my request to students of IIUI to protest against MAIN RESPONSIBLE PERSON I.E. DR. KHALID RASHID, DEAN, FAS. because this is the third cas in IIUI in the same faculty under the umberalla of that BIg responsible person. He is looting the university and making property in different sectors of Islamabad. Can u imagine that dr.tauseef was allowed to draw rs.29,000/= per week in addition to his own salary of in the previous semester. So please devise a protest and see dr. Mehmood Ahmad Ghazi in this regard. It is also worthmentioning over here that there are only 4 doctors (YES MEN) out of them only one is PHD in computer related disciplane, remaining are basically of mathmatics. Dr. Khalid is also from mathematics field but u will be astonished to see that he is supervising projects done in VC, C++, Oracle, etc. Please arrang a meeting in the univrsity and go to dr. ghazi for solution and if he dont take action then go to Pervez Musharraf (chancellor) for solution.
mr. bruce i am very sorry for this shock news but i cant do anything in this regard. Dont worry it is the business of Dr. Khalid RAshid and his YES MEN GROUP. I would request u to write to the President of IIUI to take sever action this fake dr.tauseef.

Ali August 11, 2005 11:07 PM

It is not the first case but i would like to mention over here that a paper titled “Performance Evaluation of TCP Based Applications Using Double Constellation Geo/Leo Architecture:” was also supervised by mr. tauseef which is also a plagiarism case. The student name is “Ms. Muneera Bano” MS Computer Science, and she has also been appointed as Lecturer / Research Associate in the same faculty ( the Original author are M.Lugio(1) J.Stepanek(2) and M.Gerla(2) (1)Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettronica, Universita di Roma Tor Verggata Via Del Politteenico 1, 00133 Rome, Italy, and (2) Computer Science Department, Univesity of California Los Angeles, Boelter Hall, Los Angeles CA, 90095 USA,

to sum up it means that the paper published under the supervision of mr.tauseef are fake.

Please come dr. gahzi and take action against these culprits i.e dr. tauseef and M.Bano and save the International Islamic University from bad reputation. PLzzzzzz come Plzzzzzzzzz

Dr. Asmatullah Khan August 11, 2005 11:32 PM

mr. bruce, i am X faculty member of IIUI. When i realized that dr. khalid Rashid perform the role of ONE MAN SHOW and cannot afford a person whose consciousness is live then i decided to leave that institute. Dr. Khalid Degree is also suspicious and not in the field of computer science but he always write in the CV Ph.D in Computer Science.

Another Dr. Sikandar Hayat khiyal whos has written a book and the university has given a reward of Rs.50,000/= is totally copyright… Another Mr.Sher who purchased his degree from a foreign university @ some dollars was given qualification allowance @ Rs.5000/= per month…

All these facts shows that Dr.Khalid Rashid has been placed only for filling his pocket and defaming the International Islamic University, Islamabad.

Mr. bruce,i am fully with u in this critical situation. But i will suggest you to contact with Dr. Ata ur Rehman for taking necessary action against this guy.

Zawar Hussain August 11, 2005 11:50 PM

After reading all the comments i reached to the conclusion that mr. tauseef is not totally guilty, the main role is played by Dr. Khalid Rashid. These all cases done in the faculty of applied science, international islamic unviersity under the supervision of dr. Khalid Rashid. He is the main responsible person and should be Kicked out of the University. He should be expelled and his services may be terminated with givining any benefit. Dr. Mehmood Ahmad Ghazi should apply the Ordinance 2000 to expell/terminate Dr.Khalid Rashid within no time without any benefit. A case of forgery and faksim must be registered against him.

Haqparasat August 12, 2005 2:11 AM

all the viewers and visitors of this site are hereby informed to note that the link of FACULTY & STAFF in the website of International Islamic University i.e. has been disable. This clearly shows that most of the faculty members’ degrees and researchs are fake. The faculty members of IIU are requested to take action and asked the BIG FISH..DR.KHALID RASHID about this problem.

Ashhar August 12, 2005 2:57 AM

I agree what happened is wrong. I agree with what people said about Mr. Tauseef Ur Rehman that he should be expelled etc etc etc. It is indeed a shameful act but I also want to make a point that “everyone is not alike”. The action of single individual should not spoil the image of the nation as a whole. We, Pakistani, are working really hard in many diciplines of IT. There are people who are working with full dedication and commitment and they are prodcuing some genuine work. You can find such people by visiting websites of some good universities of Pakistan.

So, my humble request is not to baseline one single individual to spoil the image of the nation. We as a nation condemn plagirism or any such activity.

justice always August 12, 2005 3:23 AM

Once upon a time a dog was just wandering around and he saw uncle sams brand new car parked outside. He just sniffed it, picked his leg up and and pissed on it for his own amusement. Uncle sam somehow found out that he had been pissed upon. He follwed the dog home and saw the master of the dog patting the dog for not pissing on the door today. As the obvious fact it that he did not find it upto his standard to go and piss on the dog for having his own revenge, he instead started a campaign that the master of the dog should be pissed upon by every body since the owner is responsible for the dog letting his pee pee loose.
The same amusing case can be found here where two of the most dumbo students made a fool out of their respectful teacher, ACM jounral, and all the refrees of that journal, and put Mr.Schneier’s paper on the ACM journal by their own name.
Any one could clearly see the scenario as it was happening to a researcher say Mr.X(X can be Schneier or Tauseef).
Two students come to Mr.X and tell him that they have made a remarkable breakthrough and it was worth an internatinal publication in a prestegious journal. Any anyone (“including Mr.X and myself would do”) would take a look and find out that it was worth it. So Mr.X told them that he had gone thorugh it and it is good and ill do some fine tuning and ge it pulished for u at a good place.
So it was reffered and posted to the ACM journal after slight midifications and the story takes a new turn.

Now with the poeple working with ACM who are as dumb as as Dr. Tauseef think, OK this stuff is good and refer it to their refrees.

The refrees themselves supposed to be experts in the field and know all that Mr .Schneier has done turn out to be more dumber than the previous two say its great and genuine go ahead and publish it, to the ACM people.

Now Mr.Schneier comes out and finds out that he has been with by two dumbo students who by two students ( who amuse him so much that he often talks about it). So he thinks well why should I get entangled with the students why not blame the doctor because he intuitively knows that Dr Tauseef is the person responsible for all this.(As we all know that even if LARA BUSH gets pregnant BIN-Ladin must be behind it). Mr.Schneier has called upen a relley to piss on Mr Tasueef and all the person who hate him have come out of their burrows and have started yelling their own frustrations on only the poor guy as I can make out of it.

As we can see here that he claims his not knowing of the paper being yours and no one can prove for sure that he did we should give the guy a break and I think he or even the students are not to be blamed any less than the ACM officials and referees who allowed all this to go on under their very nose, and a single person should not be targeted here but all who are responsible.

So give it a break and get the things right at ACM and IEEE because they are allowing it to happen (and I would steal if I was allowed to u know and sleep with other women rather than our wives if it was allowed), and stop the piss on it campaign.
Furthermore I am astonished to hear the names of other doctors form Pakistan and the things associated with them, and I know most of them are students and my students hate would say things like that about me as well if I got the chance. The case can be that the people in Pakistan either are really jealous and greedy or they all are infact that stupid and corrupt. I cant make up my mind on this one.

I also want to make one thing clear that I don’t know any of the people I am talking about and I have just used my common sense on this one being a fellow Associate Professor my self.

unknown August 12, 2005 4:20 AM

Landmark Routing In Ad Hoc Networks With Mobile Backbones; S.T.Rehman, S.Naz & A.Anwar, ITJ-Webnews Journal; USA; 2005

is plagirized from

Kaixin Xu, Xiaoyan Hong, and Mario Gerla, “Landmark Routing in Ad Hoc Networks with Mobile Backbones, ” Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), 2003.

someone August 12, 2005 4:28 AM

To: justice always
Respected Sir, I agree with what you are saying to some extent but don’t you think a person in the hec approved list of supervisor (and all of us know what that means) should consider the consequences while writing his name on the paper. Considering the fact he realized that this paper is of interenational standard and will be accessible to people around the globe after publication, he is responsible.

Although i agree with the fact that this is not the only person who should be targetted but having said that the action of this person should not be ignored either. Moreover, everyone should learn not only from his mistakes but also from mistakes of others. So, this also gives a lesson to be learnt by ” All supervisor around the globe” (not only Pakistan).

unbiased August 12, 2005 4:30 AM

i do not balme dr. tauseef for what has happened here. Unfortunately, the whole system of higher education here in Pakistan to be blamed and the people who at the decision level are to be blamed. There are several universities in Pakistan which are running their programs using hired faculty. The actual strength of the permanent faculty in the departments consists of only three or four people. When it comes to supervise the project/thesis work, there are only these three or four permanent faculty members, with, in some cases more than 50 students. Imagine 50 students with 3 or 4 supervisors with their own teaching load, administrative responsibilities such as searching for the faculty to be hired for the courses to be taught in the next semesters and etc. a faculty member cannot refuse to supervisor that number of students easily affordable by him becasue he is part of permanent faculty and otherwise who will supervise all thse guys.How can he be vigilant to find out that his students have done something wrong? I think this must have been the case here also as most of the message talk about three or four faculty members. Only solution for quality education is to reduce the number of students in accordance with the permanent faculty strength and govt. must make sure that the culture of hiring faculty and starting a program should be abolished. All those programs should be banned immediately if there are not enough teaching staff with required qualification. at least there must be a lower limit of permanent teaching staff to start a program.

X Faculty Member August 12, 2005 5:50 AM

mr. bruce, i am X faculty member of IIUI. I would draw your attention about one of another business man of this university who is running his business in the name of IIUI. He earned millions of Rupees with in very short time just on the name of IIUI. But none of the university authorities took action against him. He is the developer of University housing scheme. Earned billions within 2 years. Abdul Zahid Khan he is another example of fraud in the IIUI.
All these facts shows that University Authorities are sleeping. And free these ppls to only for filling their pockets and defaming the International Islamic University, Islamabad.

x student August 12, 2005 7:04 AM

We are sorry for the action taken by Mr. Tauseef ur Rehman, we cannot blame the whole university for the action taken by an individual. Specially peoples who are blaming the worthy Dean FAS is totall wrong. He is competent, hardworking and pioneer of computer science department of the university. so please dont condemend.

adnan sha August 12, 2005 7:21 AM

What the hell you people r talking about Aq khan. he is our national hero and will be remain forever. it’s the matter of Rehman so please don’t invole Aq khan in this matter . i think u people will also consider Dr. Abdul salam and Dr. Zubari that they are also palgiarist.

FAULTY August 12, 2005 7:39 AM

i am islamian as well…and let me tell ya that tauseef has this saying that just bring any paper and we will make a small modification like changing the original author name and will get this published…..he is a sick and stupid person and he should be relegated from the university….what do u expect a student should do when his supervisor ask him to copy a paper….

Hassan Ali August 12, 2005 8:13 AM

I will say that u must have achieved what you thaught. But now please close this discussion and let the adminstration decide the matter. But also plase think about those thousands of students who will go now and later in market. They are innocent in this matter and please pay them same respect and opportunity as before this incident. I am saying about developers and software engineers not the researchers.

Bruce Schneier August 12, 2005 11:51 AM

A few points:

  1. It’s unreasonable to expect the journals to discover the plagiarism. If the papers were submitted to a major cryptography conference, then there’s a good chance someone would have recognized my work. But the paper was submitted to an obscure ACM publication — not even one that has a formal referee process. And the other two papers were submitted to a journal published by the Asian Network for Scientific Information — a Pakistani organization that I had never heard of. (I just searched my database of cryptography papers; none of them come from that journal.) So it’s likely that the people reviewing those papers didn’t know the cryptographic or security literature, and couldn’t be expected to uncover the fraud. You can make the case that the publications should not accept papers that they don’t have the ability to adequately review, but that’s not the way things work.

  2. While it’s easy to point fingers at the university, the academic climate in Pakistan, in the end the responsibility for these actions lie in the hands of the authors of the plagiarized papers. Tauseef has repeatedly said that he did not know the work was plagiarized, that it was done by his students. That may be true, but it does not excuse Tauseef. He gets to decide whether or not to put his name on a paper. If he receives a paper from his students that he has not worked on, that he does not know the previous research on, that he cannot verify as authentic research, then he should not add his name as an author. I know it’s common practice for the professor to get his name on all papers by his students — and sometimes for the department head to get his name on all papers by the department — but the practice is wrong. All authors accept responsibility for the accuracy and originality of the paper; that’s what “author” means.

  3. Plagiarism is serious. In the self-policing world of academia, academic honesty is critically important. The only way to stop plagiarism is to take a zero-tolerance policy towards it.

faculty member August 12, 2005 10:51 PM

i visited dr.khalid Rashid regarding this serious matter. He replied i am not aware of this matter. Is is possible? can you imagine? Its totally wrong…. He had appointed all the heads on contract basis and if a head speaks a word against him he threat him to be terminated from the services. So please dont blam the heads including dr.tauseef because they are compelled to do so.

Dr.sikandar has been placed for playing the role of Miss noor… only for signature on partime teacher notification etc…. but he should note that his final end will also be like Miss noor. the difference is that she was she and he is neither he nor she…..

Arain August 12, 2005 11:13 PM

Mr. bruce, i am sending you the CD of our website, and a copy of all research paper of dr.tauseef. 90% papers of them are plagarized. The authors with him are Dr. Khalid Rashid, Dean of Faculty of Applied Science, His Son Ammar Khalid, and other faculty members. The clever guy participated all the faculty members in these papers and thats the reason that still no action has been taken against him. If the Dr.Khalid RAshid takes any action then he will be the first to resign from the service, and his son degree will be cancelled….. So please approach to Dr. Mehmood Ahmad Ghazi for strict action against Dr.tauseef and the other authors.

Khari August 13, 2005 12:49 AM

“If they were going to do this, wouldn’t it have been smarter to pick a more obscure author?”
as said by Mr. Schneier.
To me it looks as if Mr. Schneier is concerned less about Plagiarism and is concerned more because ‘HIS’ work is plagiarised. His reaction would never been that severe if he would have detected some one else’s work being plagiarised. This is not a war against plagiarism that this platform is made available for, but sorry to say this has turned out to be a platform where people are satisfying their heart egos, expressing their personal grudges against one single person who is yet to be established as the only responsible for this act.
Mr. Schneier is successful in pacifying his heart ego by defaming one single person but at the cost of future of those thousands of student who are studying in this university, at the cost of credibility of those researchers who are working in third world countries to make the contrubutions, at the cost of impression of acadmia in these countries.
Is it the appropriate way this all should have been tackled??
It will request all those who are expressing their personal grudges against any person or authorities of IIU, to choose some appropriate plafrom for this.
I will also ask Dr. Tauseef to come to the platform and state his position (if he intends to) and show his genuine contribution to research.
I will request university authorites to look into the matter to establish whether this was an ommission or commission, and respond accordingly against this defaming compaign–defaming of a person, of the university and that of a country.

Khari August 13, 2005 1:38 AM

“If they were going to do this, wouldn’t it have been smarter to pick a more obscure author?”
as said by Mr. Schneier.
To me it looks as if Mr. Schneier is concerned less about Plagiarism and is concerned more because ‘HIS’ work is plagiarised. His reaction would never been that severe if he would have detected some one else’s work being plagiarised. This is not a war against plagiarism that this platform is made available for, but sorry to say this has turned out to be a platform where people are satisfying their hurt egos, expressing their personal grudges against one single person who is yet to be established as the only responsible for this act.
Mr. Schneier is successful in pacifying his hurt ego by defaming one single person but at the cost of future of those thousands of student who are studying in this university, at the cost of credibility of those researchers who are working in third world countries to make the contrubutions, at the cost of impression of acadmia in these countries.
Is it the appropriate way this all should have been tackled??
It will request all those who are expressing their personal grudges against any person or authorities of IIU, to choose some appropriate plafrom for this.
I will also ask Dr. Tauseef to come to the platform and state his position (if he intends to) and show his genuine contribution to research.
I will request university authorites to look into the matter to establish whether this was an ommission or commission, and respond accordingly against this defaming compaign–defaming of a person, of the university and that of a country

Nigel Sedgwick August 13, 2005 2:38 AM

@Khari, who wrote: “To me it looks as if Mr. Schneier is concerned less about Plagiarism and is concerned more because ‘HIS’ work is plagiarised. His reaction would never been that severe if he would have detected some one else’s work being plagiarised.”

That looks to be a perfectly reasonable position for Bruce to take.

I, for instance, am somewhat concerned about the issue of plagarism. However, in any particular case, surely the primary responsibility for complaint falls on the wronged parties, ie the authors and/or journal(s) that published the original and plagarised papers. If they do not pursue the issue, I (or anyone else) needs to have especially good reason to do so.

Best regards

Nigel Sedgwick August 13, 2005 2:46 AM

Recent comments here have started a chain of thought in my mind.

Is not plagarism, itself, a copyright infringement.

In the UK (my country), I think copyright infringement is only a civil tort. However, I have a recollection that, in the USA, copyright infringement can be (in circumstances that I do not know) also a criminal offense.

Given that the plagarised authors and the publishing journals are USA-based, is this not a pertinent aspect of the issue.

Does anyone more familiar with the exact legal status of copyright infringeent and plagarism have any information or views on this?

Best regards

current student August 13, 2005 3:34 AM

Good News!
University authorities first decided that this issue will finish with in 10 days but it couldnt happend.dr khalid and even dr ghazi tries their best to delay this issue and try to hide in front of students and HEC.
But we are thank full to One student organization in IIU and old graduates that when they threeat president that we will do press conff over it,Geo and Ary came but that organization stop them and said give us one day if president didnt fire khalid rasheed and touseef then we will stand and we will stop till expulsion of all relatives and appointed faculty by dr khalid.
so good news after this threat university fired touseef .
u will hear official notice on monday.we all current students at BS/MS/PHD level thanks to shenider ,old students and jamiat to help us.we want that this effort should continue till dr khalid should also expeld.
bbbye ………

amjad August 13, 2005 4:56 AM

Mr Bruce
cannot you c a whole lot of fake posts……. Kindly stop this posting as authorities are in action…. Plz stop these exploitations

Naveed August 13, 2005 5:18 AM

This is a big propaganda against international islamic university islamabad because all universities at national and international level seem to be angry with international islamic university because of its great repute in the field of technology and islamic teachings.International islamic university has more than 10,000 national and international students which is due to its good repute in field of IT,Management scinces, Economics, Law, Mathmatics etc. International islamic university has a very strong faculty in its all departments.Most of faculty members have a number of publications at national and international level. I challenge all the universities at national and international level that international islamic university has better faculty in all its departments then from any other university. I invite the persons of different universities to come here and observe the facts which i mentioned here.

Bruce Schneier August 13, 2005 8:25 AM

“cannot you c a whole lot of fake posts……. Kindly stop this posting as authorities are in action…. Plz stop these exploitations”

The comment section of the blog is anonymous. The posts are not fake; they’re real. What is innacurate are the names of the posters.

There’s nothing I can do about that. All of my blog entries work this way. If you comment, you can choose any name you want.

What I am deleting are the posts that are rude and/or incoherent. I understand that this is an emotional and volatile issue. But I also understand that people have things to say about it.

Think of it as an exercise in free speech. Just because “authorities are in action” doesn’t mean that people should no longer talk about the issue. At the same time, remember that this is simply idle chat.

Bruce Schneier August 13, 2005 8:29 AM

“To me it looks as if Mr. Schneier is concerned less about Plagiarism and is concerned more because ‘HIS’ work is plagiarised. His reaction would never been that severe if he would have detected some one else’s work being plagiarised.”

Of course. The only reason this appeared in my blog is that it’s a personal experience. The only reason I pursued this issue with ACM, Springer, the Internaional Islamic University, and the Asian Network for Scientific Information is that it’s a personal experience.

As a security professional, I am interested in the security aspects of the academic anti-plagiarism system. As an academic, I am interested in the social aspects of the academic anti-plagiarism system. But before I was only vaguely interested in the abstract.

After this happened, I became much more interested. Personally interested.

This seems both obvious and reasonable.

Bruce Schneier August 13, 2005 8:31 AM

“What I am deleting are the posts that are rude and/or incoherent.”

I am also deleting posts that claim to be by Tauseef, since that is unlikely to be true.

(Dr. Tauseef, if you are posting to this thread, please send me an email and tell me so. I’ll leave your posts up.)

RAV4 August 13, 2005 9:41 AM

I am really happy after listening about the expulsion of taoseef. Now all the students should get together to do this with Dr Khalid.
I wont talk much but i would like to tell u that i have spent more then 7 years in this university and it was/is my biggest wish to see these people leaving this university as i consider this institution as my home where i learnt how to stand nd live in this world, and believe me my heart cried many times after seeing the policies and management of Dr Khalid.
Once after getting emotional i sent mails to newspapers and even president of Pakistan but in vain.
Anyways.. hope for a good change.

ObaidUllah August 13, 2005 5:35 PM

Dear All,
I am Rav4, now it is the time to disclose myself. I am against the fake papers but infact I am also very angry against the policies of dr khalid & co. I am not a programmer but they want me to work as a programmer. I have lead the compaign against FAS Faculty and its the compaign for truth and againist plagarism & freud.
In this war I have used all my tactics whether +ve or -ve but in the end I am very happy that war against plagarism is coming to an end with expulsion of tauseef.
I will fight till the last drop of my blood and I will go everywhere to seek justice.
I thought to end my life once when I was disappointed but Mr. Bruce’s efforts have saved my life otherwise I would have been a dead man.
Dr Khalid Murda Baad,
Either u fire me or hire me I will fight for my justice & will never let ppl do cheating.


just a comment August 13, 2005 5:44 PM

I don’t agree with ppl saying to close this blog and that this blog is against Int’l Islamic University or is against Pakistan… What I think is that this case of plagiarism can prove to be a turning point for research in Pakistan (and possibly for other third world countries)…
This blog clearly depicts the consequences of plagiarism and its implications, which i believe the research community in my country (Pakistan) is not much aware of. Lets take this issue positively and try to help building a research environment that has a much more ethical set of norms….

terry August 13, 2005 7:12 PM

Bruce Schneier wrote, “Plagiarism is a particular form of
copyright infringement.”

My understanding is that neither class includes the
other. Unattributed quotation of a work created before
copyright existed is still plagarism. And to copy even the
entire text of a copyrighted work is not plagarism if the
copy still names the original author.

Less clear but perhaps more important fundamentally is
that copyright is limited to expression, but plagarism
extends to the unattributed borrowing of ideas as well. At
least, so I was told in my school days. Is this distiction
still honoured?

Bruce Schneier August 14, 2005 9:58 AM

“My understanding is that neither class includes the other. Unattributed quotation of a work created before copyright existed is still plagarism. And to copy even the entire text of a copyrighted work is not plagarism if the copy still names the original author.”

You’re right. And the wholesale copying of an article and claiming it to be your own is both.

Pakistani August 14, 2005 2:16 PM

@current student very very Thanks goes to PSF MSF ATI jamiat etc etc for their fake help. Kia moqa hay yahan siasat jharnay ka. aur yeah jin logoon ko bahot shooq hay apnay mulq kay baray mein fazool image promote kernay ka woh yahan kis liay waqat barbaad ker rahay hein . kis aur mulq mein jaien , jan chorein hamaree. poree socity mein kisi ko ehsas he nahien hay mulq aur qoom ki Izat ka. koiee Naqal Khor hay tu baqi Us ki muzamat mein puray mulq ki BaEzati ker rahay hein.

Amir Aman August 14, 2005 10:30 PM

Thanks mr. bruce for helping us to expell mr.tauseef from this university. Now please come to help us and expell the big FISH from this Faculty of Applied science.

Student August 14, 2005 11:50 PM

I can’t help laughing on the fake posts claiming to be from faculty members, dr khalid and Dr Tauseef. Now only waiting for the posts of OSAMA BIN LADEN, george w bush, perveiz and tony blair so that their views may also be known on this critical matter. 😉

Raiz Ali August 15, 2005 1:22 AM

Currently i am student of final term from International Islamic University. It is my pleasure to inform youl, that President of International Islamic University has terminated Dr. Tauseef U Rehaman. At same time I also came to know from reliable source that Higher Education Commission seems to be in action and it may be possible that Dr. Tauseef will be banned in all universities of Pakistan.

Mulla Umer August 15, 2005 1:28 AM

Salam Bhaio!!!
Aaj hamen bohat khushi hui Dr Tauseef jese batil ke paristaron ko shikast se dochar kar ke…
Ese hi qadam barhao.. nd yahan se uth ke amrica ke ewanon men larza taary kar do… shabash bacho…
Dr Khaliq jese khanzeeron ko bhi nikalo apni university se…
mery or Laden bhai ki taraf se dheron duayen…

Faisal August 15, 2005 4:12 AM

I am pleased to see the news that Mr. Tauseef has been expelled from the university… Honestly speaking, I had never imagined that a blog can do that, keeping in view the “turn a deaf ear to” atmosphere in many departments in Pakistan. We owe thanks to Mr. Bruce Schnider for bringing this up, and HEC Chairman Dr. Ata-ur-Rehman, for forcing a serious action… I hope any other people will now think twice before attempting plagiarism (or will find a smarter way to do that)

M Amir Aman August 15, 2005 4:44 AM

The comments posted on 14, 2005 10:30 PM using my name are fake. On recieving the news that Mr. Tauseef is fired, Here at International Islamic University, we are not celebrating or making parties. Rather, at first we were all in a shock when we listened to this that some of our fellows were involved in plagiarism and on recieving the second news we are also feeling sorry for them. The three guys were our fellows and we all had very good terms with them. When someone listens that his friend or colleague is involved in such an activity then this is not the time to be happy or celebrate, but to think that how we can prevent such things to happen in future. The people here at IIUI say sorry to Mr. Bruce for the incident. But once it is informed that some guys are involved in such kind of activities then authorities at IIUI cannot sit idle and relaxed. The authorities were investigating and acting on the issue and we certainly have no need to invite the people from outside to help us firing the people from IIUI. This forum was opened to comment against plagiarism, and we all are against plagiarism. By posting fake messages and by inviting people from outside for making rescue calls, many of the people played the role at this place which could only be performed by some enemy of IIUI. I would recommend to the students and others who are posting the fake messages and destroying the image our our great institution, that this is an international forum, please show responsible and serious behaviour at this place. If you want to comment use your own name if you’ve some courage to stand for what you say, and if you do not have the courage to appear in front of public then stop wasting the time of others. Once again I comment that the people at IIUI are against plagiarism. Most of our colleague have international publication in journals of international repute and international conferences and we have produced very good students as well. The act of one man cannot be used to put blame on the whole institution or nation. I would also comment that universities like IIUI, NUST, LUMS, FAST, MAJU and other great institution of Pakistan are all working for the betterment of our people and Pakistan. Instead of destroying the image of our institutions at International forums, we could raise this issue with a sense of responsibility. IIUI is one of the great institutions of Pakistan and it discourages plagiarism. Here at IIUI we also teach our students the courses like Islamic Studies, Ethics and IT laws and it is not the case that these things are only told to the students at other universities. Not all the student follow what we teach and all the human beings are not the same, so if 2-3 people act in a wrong manner, it simply doesn’t mean that all of our students and faculty members are unaware of ethics and plagiarism. Our students are working at high positions in multinational and national organizations and performing their duties honestly. It is not recommended that due to 3 people, all of our students and people would be blamed for plagiarism.

Geir August 15, 2005 6:56 AM

More personal experience:

About a year ago I was asked to review a paper for an IEEE sponsored conference.
The paper was on wireless security, and since this is my field I agreed to do a review.

To my surprise about 50% of the paper was a verbatim copy of an article I had written. Word for word, sentence for sentence!

Now, the really stupid thing was that the plagarized paper was published in IEEE Communications magazine only about two years ago. I mean, that magazine goes to all IEEE Comsoc members and enjoys a reltively wide circulation.

I contacted the chair on the issue, but never heard anything from the organizers.
IEEE does have a anti-plagarize policy, but they may be as lenient on this issue as ACM apparently is.

M Amir Aman August 15, 2005 7:25 AM

I would like to raise another point. According to the experience of many of senior faculty members from IIUI as well as from NUST, it happens many times that some students come to a them and tell them that, “Sir, this is a paper which I’ve written and it is accepted in an XYZ conference”. Another Professor told me that some students came to him and requested for research travel grant for one of their papers accepted in a conference at USA. On viewing the paper, Professor came to know that his name was also present in the paper as a co-author.

Now to whom one should blame?

I’ve personal experience with these conferences and journals that they bother to contact only one author of the paper regarding all the matters starting from submission of the paper/abstract till final acceptance and publication of the paper. They suppose that the other authors would know everything about what is happening to their paper. Although some of them even don’t know that their name was included in a paper, which some of his students have written and submitted it to a conference/journal.

It is my suggestion that the organizers of the conferences and journals must contact each of the author and seek his permission before deciding about a paper.

This would help all the people whose names are included in the papers whithout their knowledge.

M. Anwar Raja August 15, 2005 7:26 AM

Being on such a high designation and in an Educational Sector’s reputable University, such a person is criminal and a cheater. Such thiefs have to be punished severely. I, being an Islamic University student assure the world that there has never been such criminals on the faculty before, yet Khalid Rasheed Dean FMS has employed such useless and criminal-minded persons. I also protest and demand Dr. Khalid Rasheed’s resignation for employing such incompetent personnel and posessing such a neglegent behaviour.

Dr. Ali Hayat Syed August 15, 2005 7:34 AM

Amir Aman is a chootia and spoon of Tauseef ur Rehman. Favouring a thief is also a crime. I think he himself is involved in such activities. His work in MS must be re-examined, he also sounds to be a thief. (plagiarism is a more soft souned word, I will say such people THIEFS)

M Amir Aman August 15, 2005 7:40 AM

Dear Dr. Ali Hayat Syed

I invite you to re-examine all of my work during my MS.

But how can you come forward? You also posted with a fake name and if you were unable to show your ill minded face to the people at international forum, your dirty comments in which you used objectionable words as well, were certainly not required here.

and for other people who read my previous comments would agree that during those comments I never supported Dr. Tauseef for his wrong acts.

Mr. Anxious August 15, 2005 9:19 AM

Mr. Amir can you answer few questions:

1) When Dr.Tauseef has done his PhD and from where & in what area?

2) Why Dr.Tauseef name isn’t available on the Faculty page?

3) Has he been removed from Departmental Head position? (see the difference between cached page by google and the current page)
( the name is missing in page 3 below)

M Amir Aman August 15, 2005 9:57 AM

Dear Anxiuos

Don’t be so much anxious!

because Dr. Tauseef is no more a faculty member at IIUI! as action against plagiarism

Therefore his name is not present in the faculty list at IIUI website.

I hope after this you’ll be no more anxious.

and the answer of the first question can be found directly from Dr. Tauseef himself, becuase verification of other faculty members’ degrees is not at all my responsibility.

Mata ur Rahman August 15, 2005 11:10 AM

Very well said Amir Aman. I am totaly agreed with you. You have given ballanced comments. How can the whole community be blamed for the act of few persons. Like the world media start raising fingers on whole muslim community or pakistan on any bomb blast or on any of these kinds of events. Many people use this forum for their own purposes with fake identities. They may of may not be the students of IIUI, may belong to other institues (thinking IIUI as their competator whereas all are institues of Pakistan). Some anti pakistan people use this issue by their own way even involved the name of AQ Khan with this issue. Where as it was only a plagiarism issue and authorities didnt not tolarated with the persons responsible of it. It doest mean the whole community is responsible. I feel some people didnt like your comments and commented indecently about you. They just want the comments of their will. They will surely dislike my comments as well. But even I wouldnt care. As IIUI authorities has taken action and has not tolerated this issue, so now I thing nothing to be blame to the Institute.

Arif Khan August 15, 2005 2:12 PM


Below is the excerpt from the news article that you mentioned above

“Cryptanalysis of some encryption/cipher schemes using related key attack”, by Khawaja Amer Hayat, Umar Waqar Anis, and S. Tauseef ur Rehman is the same as a paper that John Kelsey, David Wagner, and Mr. Umar Saif published in 1997.

Bruce, I didn’t know that you go by the name ‘Umar Saif’ too. Now we all want to know how many identities you have? 😀

abcd August 15, 2005 3:23 PM

It is indeed a courageous step taken by the president IIU and Dr. atta, but what about H.E Professor Doctor Khlaid Rashid, as he is also fully involved in all, not only in IIU but also when he was in OPF alongwith Ms.Noor (Rabia Noor escaped from pakistan). will he be able to show some courage to present resignation from his post or there is any one in pakistan who terminate his services. Can any body just ask him to explain a little bit about the papers where he is a co-author, I am dead sure he don’t know a single thing about that work as a person who is not able to load Ms-Word how can write or even understand such things, and also the ass hole sitting in germany (Professor M. sher) .

Faheem Asif August 15, 2005 5:00 PM

1.Ethics N Moral Values Lets not talk about dem as here many ppl r acten as a person living a disastrous life in Hype !! but, i appreciate Loyality n obligation shown by Faculty Members n regretful on Dr. Tauseef’s Issue !!!
2.Pakistan by no means should b considered as some place of Plagiarists n Cheaters ,Depriving da Infra-Structure n other Facilities[Latest] v have achieved some MileStones n yes v r workinghard [consider exceptions anywhere]….(I think i dont’ve to put any Examples Up)
3.Mr. Bruce ,Lets C things in n odar way if some students finds ur Research Paper as a guideline or lets say dey find something which can b enhanced encouragment’d b given anyways !!! [Many Phenomonen r dere n Ppl r still working to attain da max.] …It was ur personal effort …
4.To All Islamains n X-Islamians or any Cs’s Professionals n [Pakis] ,As A matter of Fact CS is Skilled Profession so chill ppl, n yes lets keep our thingys among us , n whateva happens in our uni’s should b Discussed n solved within[internal issues]….Show some Faith n Moral n Ethical Values as this was the event where things should have been handled with some DIGNITY anyways Think abt it guys wht Impression v Left…

Jack August 15, 2005 5:49 PM

I think if proper action is taken, then we would be leaving a very good impression… Talking abt imression n moral u seem to believe that this was an internal issue, how can a case of plagiarism, where a copied paper is published in ACM can be an “internal issue”. If strick actions are taken against the plagiarists then we would be behaving in a dignified manner…
If one cheats in public then he is to be punished in public… this is the rule…so nothing like someones personal thing here, and do not consider it so..
YEs i do agree that we have achieved a few milestones and are working harder, but our efforts should be in proper direction…

Spaf August 15, 2005 8:16 PM

I was first plagerized about a decade ago — someone took several of my tech report versions of papers that had appeared in conferences and then submitted them under his own name to minor journals. The good news is that they were judged good enough to be accepted. 🙂 Bad for him is that he tried to submit one of my papers on computer viruses and worms, and it was instantly recognized — I was one of only about 3 or 4 people writing scientific papers on the topic at the time, so he got caught.

Several of the victims (us) investigated and it turned out that we identified something like 6 groups of authors he had done this with, apparently in an attempt to gain tenure. He was not from Pakistan, either, but from Greece.

It has happened twice more since then, and both times the papers were well-known to the reviewers. I have also caught at least one case that I remember, as a reviewer, and had one case reported to me as a program chair. It is not rare, and there may be many more cases that aren’t caught. Conferences and journals that are not carefully reviewed (there are probably too many of both) provide fertile territory for the plagerist. Self-plagerism is also a problem in these venues.

I have seen it happen regularly with students, most frequently with grad students from China. (One colleague got a paper to grade that contained the phrase “When we designed the Cyber 205….”). One clue is getting a 25-page paper in perfect English from a student who cannot speak or write a a full sentence without grammatical error. Plagerism is a sure way to fail a class with me or any of my colleagues.

It is very discouraging to be working in science, where we seek the truth, and find people who misrepresent their work. Once a shadow is cast on their honesty, everything thereafter is in doubt. The same happens when there are cases of falsified or altered data in papers, something that historically has happened in biology and medicine, it seems.

Falsehooda are not new, nor are they limited to computing, nor to any one area of the world. As a society we need to be less tolerant of dishonesty, or it will continue to occur. Whether it is false claims of authorship, “accidentally” taking steroids in pro sports, or claiming the existance of WMD to justify an agenda, allowing a culture of dishonest behavior without significant consequence simply leads to bigger and more extensive lying. In the end, that hurts us all.

Mr.Rizwan August 16, 2005 12:25 AM

some of the research papers includes the name of dr. Khalid Rashid…It is obvious from his CV in his file in the administration. Therefore Dr. Ataa, chairmain HEC should take strict action against Dr.Khalid Rashid, he should be expelled from the university… Mr. Amir aman always singing songs in favour of dr.khalid rashid because he has given so many relief by this BIG FISH. Mr.amir aman is a puppet…. and exploited by dr.khalid…List of the papers on which the name of dr.khalid appears is as under:

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Research and Publications

Following is the list and abstracts of recent research publications under the umbrella of Faculty of Applied Sciences:


Mutarajjam: Software for Machine Translation of English Sentences into Urdu; Rabia Javaid, Amena Javaid, Shakeel Ahmad, Dr. Sikandar Hayat Khiyal; European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol 4, No 4, 2005.
A web-enabled Architecture of Workflow Management System for Hetrogeneous Environment; Khurram Shahzad & Khalid Rashid; Information Technology Journal; ISSN 1812-5638, ANSI (2005).
Performance Evaluation Of TCP Based Applications Using Double Constellation Geo/Leo Architecture; S.T.Rehman & M.Bano; OxbridgeInformation Technology Journal, USA, 2005
Scalable Ad Hoc Routing In Large, Dense Wireless Networks Using Clustering And Landmarks; S.T.Rehman, S.Naz & A.Anwar; Telecommunication Review Journal; UK, 2005
Random Flow Network Modeling And Simulations For DDOS Attack Mitigation; S.T.Rehman; U.Anis &A.Hayat; International Journal of Cryptology; USA; 2005
Landmark Routing In Ad Hoc Networks With Mobile Backbones; S.T.Rehman, S.Naz & A.Anwar, ITJ-Webnews Journal; USA; 2005
A Data-Warehouse / OLAP Framework For Scalable Telecommunication Tandem Traffic Analysis; Data Warehousing Journal; USA, 2005
Adaptive Beamforming Algorithm for Voice Enhancement; Syed Husnain Abbas, Waqas Ahmed, Shehzad Ashraf, Imran saeed, Dr. Khalid, Rashid; Proceedings of National Conference on Information Technology and Applications; BUITMS, Quetta, Pakistan; 2005.
Adaptive Beamforming Algorithm in CDMA Wireless Communication Chennals; Syed Husnain Abbas, Shehzad Ashraf, Asim Munir, Dr. Sikandar Hayat Khiyal, Dr. Khalid Rashid; Proceedings of National Workshop on Information Technology ; CIIT, Abbotabad, Pakistan; 2005.
An Architectural Approach for an Enhanced & Customer Centered E-Government Framework; M. Sulayman, M.Amir Aman, and Khalid Rashid; Proceedings of National Conference on Information Technology and Applications; BUITMS, Quetta, Pakistan; 2005
Engineering, Designing & Documenting a Successful Software Engineering Research Paper; M. Sulayman, M.Amir Aman, and Khalid Rashid; Proceeding of International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications; Islamabad; 2005
Net Café: A source of Information and Entertainment; M. Imran Saeed, Professor Khalid Rashid, Asim Munir; Proceedings of National Conference on Information Technology and Applications; Quetta, Pakistan; 2005.
Misuse of Internet by College and University Students; M. Imran Saeed, Professor Khalid Rashid, Dr. Sikandar Hayat Khiyal, Rafi-us-Shan; Proceedings of National Workshop on Information Technology ; CIIT, Abbotabad, Pakistan; 2005.
Scaling Clustering Algorithms To Large Databases; Proceedings of Proceedings Of 1st International Conference On Knowledge Data Discovery And Data Mining; Chicago, USA, 2005
On Data Clustering Analysis: Scalability, Constraints And Validation; S.T.Rehman; ITJ-Webnews Journal; USA; 2005
Performance Analysis Of Runtime Data Mining Algorithms Over Uniform Exo/Endo Factors; Sana Asaf, Ommara Khalid and S.T.Rehman; Data Warehousing Journal; USA, 2005
A New Routing Mechanism for TCP in LEO Satellite Link; Muneera Bano and S.T.Rehman; ITJ-Webnews Journal; USA; 2005
Scalability Of Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP) Extensions for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks; Muhammad Bilal Nazir, M.S.H. Khiyal and Tauseef-ur-Rehman; Information Technology Journal, 4(): 00-00, 2005, ISSN 1682-6027, Faisalabad, Pakistan; 2005
Removal of Non-Uniform Illumination from Medical Images for Enhancement in Frequency Domain; M; Nadeem, Asim Munir, M; Asmat Ullah Khan, M.S.H.Khiyal; Accepted in Euro Asian Journal of Applied Sciences; (2005)
C-minor platform for comparing different clustering algorithms; Tehmina Amjad, M.S. H.Khiyal and Tauseef-ur-Rehman; Accepted in Euro-Asian Journal of Applied Sciences; (2005)
Graph isomorphism algorithm for undirected graphs; Bilal Javed and M.S.H.Khiyal; Accepted in Euro-Asian Journal of Applied Sciences (2005)
UM and three stack PDA; Umar Waqar Anis and M.S.H.Khiyal; Information Technology Journal 4(2): 146-149, 2005, ISSN 1682-6027, Faisalabad, Pakistan; (2005)
Implementation of Newmark’s method for second order initial value problems; M.S.H. Khiyal; Journal of Applied Sciences 5(3): 402-410, 2005, ISSN 1682-6027, Faisalabad, Pakistan; (2005)
Implementation of s-stage implicit Runge-Kutta method of order 2s for second order initial value problems; M.S.H.Khiyal and Khalid Rashid; Journal of Applied Sciences 5(3): 411-427, 2005, ISSN 1682-6027, Faisalabad, Pakistan; (2005)
A class of explicit fourth order method with phase lag of order six for second order initial value problems; M.S.H.Khiyal; Journal of Applied Sciences 5(2): 292-298, ISSN 1682-6027, Faisalabad, Pakistan (2005)
Matrix Equality; An Application of Graph Isomorphism; Khadija Riaz, M.S.H.Khiyal and Muhammad Arshad; Information Technology Journal 4(1): 6-10, 2005, ISSN 1682-6027, Faisalabad, Pakistan; (2005)


On (X0-Aleph) Coherence of Modules and Rings; Acta Math.Sin. (Engl.Ser.), Ahsan, J. and Liu, Zhong Kui; 20(2004), no.1, 105-114.
Data Profiling for Transformation Engines in Very Large Databases; Ammar Khalid Chaudhry, S.T. Rehman and Khalid Rashid; Datamining Journal, Seattle, USA, 2004.
The Impact of Application Requirement and Hardware Limitations on Embedded Operating Systems; Sohail Ahmad and S.T.Rehman; Islamabad Journal of Information Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan, 2004.
Component based programming model for Linux; Muhammad Ali Raza, Muhammad Omer, M.S.H. Khiyal and Imran A. Gondal; Information Technology Journal 3(1): 12-16, ISSN 1682-6027, Faisalabad, Pakistan; 2004
A CRM & DSS Framework for Improving the IT-Enabled Supply Chain Mnagement; M. Sulayman ,M.Amir Aman and Khalid Rashid; Proceedings of International Workshop on Frontiers in IT, 2004, (Sponsored by University Of Illinios, Chicago, Purdue University & COMSATS); Islamabad; 2004
Stackably Extensible Template layer for file system development under Windows NT (Family); Muneeb Ahmed Awan and M.S.H. Khiyal; E-Tech 2004, NED University of Engineering and Technolgy, Karachi; 2004
Congestion Arbitration and source problem prediction using ANN in wireless networks; Saadia Arshad, Ambreen Siddique, Muhammad Sher and M. Sikander Hayat Khiyal; In: Proceeding IBCAST 2004, 3rd International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences and Technology, June 07-12, 2004; 2004
Channel encoding of wireless medium based on convolutional codes using neural networks and genetic algorithm; Syed Muhammad Saqlain, Imran Khan, Muhammad Sher and M. Sikander Hayat Khiyal; In: Proceeding IBCAST 2004, 3rd International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences and Technology, June 07-12, 2004.
Design and analysis of predictive reflected residual vector quantization; Mohammad A. U. Khan, Ch. M. Imran, M. Shoaib and M. Sikander Hayat Khiyal; In: Proceeding INCC 2004, International Networking and Communications Conference, June 11-13, 2004 held at LUMS in Lahore Pakistan.
Denialof Sevice’s Smurf Attack Solution –Block Ping If Necessary Method; Muhammad Sulayman, Wajahat Nausherwan, Taimur Haider and; Proceedings of International Workshop on Frontiers in IT, 2004, (Sponsored by University Of Illinios, Chicago, Purdue University & COMSATS); Islamabad; 2004
Perceptive path, hurdle detection and tracking for autonomous vehicles; M. Farooq Azam Khan and M.S.H. Khiyal. In: Proceeding IAV2004, 5th IFAC/EURON symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, 5-7 July 2004, Lisbon, Portugal.
Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks Simulators: A Comparative Study; M.Adeel and S.T.Rehman; Islamabad Information Technology Journal; Islamabad; 2004
Cryptanalysis of Some Encryption/Ciphers Schemes Using Related Key Attack; Khawaja Amer Hayat; Umar Waqar Anis and S.T.Rehman; ACM Inroads (Volume 36, Number 4) SIGCSE Bulletin; New York; USA; 2004
Implementing Strong Code Mobility; Muhammad Kamran Naseem, Sohail Iqbal and Khalid Rashid; Information Technology Journal 3(2); 188-191; Pakistan; 2004
Converting Standard HTML Input Controls to Urdu; Muhammad Zaheer Aziz, Muhammad Fayez Aziz and Khalid Rashid; Information Technology Journal 3(1); 69-73;Pakistan; 2004
A Splitting Approach to the TCP Routing for Satellite Communication; Maleeha Saeed, S.T. Rehman and Khalid Rashid; Oxbridge Information Technology Journal; USA; 2004
Improved Face Recognition through Infrared Images and Eigenfaces after passing Test Face through Cold Effect Enhancement and Sunglasses Filtering Algorithm; Raheel Siddiqui, Muhammad Sher and Khalid Rashid; The 12th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG’ 2004)
Multi-Matcher Based Fingerprint Identification System; Nasir Rehan and Khalid Rashid; Pakistan Journal of Applied Sciences; Faisalabad, Pakistan; (2004)
Analysis of Multipath Splitting for Transmission Control Protocols in Hybrid Environment; Adila Arif, Ummara Naseem, S.T.Rehman and Khalid Rashid; Oxbridge Information Technology Journal; USA; (2004)


Secure Banking: Authenticating Peer-to-Peer Ad Hoc Interactions; Khalid Mahmood, Imran Hameed, Khalid Rashid and Amir Qayyum; Pakistan Journal of Applied Sciences, Faisalabad, Pakistan, 2003.
Message Encryption with Image Processing; S.M. Ashar, T.M. Shah. and Khalid Rashid; Proceedings INMIC, Islamabad, Pakistan,2003.
On Performance Analysis Of TCP In Multihop Hybrid Networks; S.T.Rehman and A. Kaashoeck; Proceedings of IEEE WCNC Chicago, IL, USA; 2003
Analyzing The Performance Of ODMRP Protocol In A Hybrid Environment; S.T.Rehman and A. Kaashoeck; ACM-Baltzer Journal of Wireless Networks, USA; 2003
Investigating the Properties of Transmission Control Protocol in Complex Environments for MANETS; S.T.Rehman,and A. Kaashoeck; Proceedings of IEEE WCNC Chicago, IL, USA; 2003
K-MT; A Modified K-Mean Algorithm for Data Mining; S.T.Rehman, andM.A.Mohsin; Datamining Journal, Washington DC, USA; 2003
Empirical Analysis of the Correlation between Amount-of-Reuse Metrics in the C++ Programming Language; Sarmad Nafees, S.T.Rehman, Zaigham Mahmood and Khalid Rashid; Proc. SQM/INSPIRE, Glasgow, UK; 2003
A Goal/Question/Metrics (GQM) Based Technique for Implementing Requirements Management Key Process Area (KPA); Sarmad Nafees, S.T.Rehman, Zaigham Mahmood and Sikandar Hayat; Proc. SQM/INSPIRE, Glasgow, UK; 2003
Implementation of CMM Requirements Management Key Area Using a Goal / Question / Metrics Based Technique; Shoaib Adnan, S.T.Rehman and Zaigham Mahmood; European Software Process Improvement EuroSPI’2003 Proceedings, Graz, Austria; 2003
Simulation of Requirement Phase Improvement for Telecom System Using System Dynamics; Naeem Akhtar, Laique Ahmad, S.T.Rehman, Sikandar Hayat Khiyal, and Zaigham Mahmood; European Software Process Improvement EuroSPI’2003 Proceedings, Graz, Austria; 2003
Information Enterprise Architectures; Problems And Perspectives For SME; Nauman Ullah Khurram, Waqas Ahmad S.T.Rehman, and M.Arshad Zia; Intelligence Technologies Journal, Washington, USA; 2003
Application of COSMIC-FFP to Telecommunication Systems; Shoaib Adnan, Khalid Rashid S.T.Rehman and M.Sohail Ayubi; Journal of Software Engineering, New Jersey, USA; 2003
Validation of Application Results of COSMIC-FFP to Switching Systems; Shoaib Adnan S.T.Rehman and Zaigham Mahmood; Proc. SQM/INSPIRE, Glasgow, UK; 2003
E-Government Strategy – A Proposed Infrastructure; M.Sulayman, S.T.Rehman, and M.Zaheer Aziz; International Workshop on Trends in IT, 2003, (Sponsored by University Of Illinios, Chicago, Purdue University & COMSATS), Islamabad; 2003
Visual, Object-Oriented Development of Parallel Applications; S.T.Rehman, A.Aman and A.Wakeel; Journal of Visual Languages and Computing Telecom, NewYork, USA; 2003

Ch. Bisharat Ahmad August 16, 2005 1:16 AM

Hi All,

Surprised to see that a blog can be so effective. Dr. (So called) Tauseef Ur Rehman has gone!!!!!! Who knows what else sins are on his parts BUT THAT IS NOT THE WHOLE STORY….

I am going to divert HEC’s attention toward another dark aspect of Mr. Tauseef’s Biography. HEC should, as in the past, take severe steps in this matter.

I want to say something about Mr. Tauseef’s PHD. As everyone knows that he has done his PHD from abroad (sitting back in Pakistan 🙂 ) and his viva was to be conducted in HEC by Dr. Ghazali. When he reached for the viva (fortunately for Dr. Tauseef and unfortunate for the whole nation) Dr. Ghazali had to go for a meeting and his subordinate Mudassir Raja was to conduct the interview. AND Mudassir Raja was student of Mr. Tauseef. He didn’t ask him even a single question told by Dr. Ghazali and awarded him A grade.

If I am wrong… It can be checked that

— Was Dr. Ghazali not appointed to conduct Tauseef’s viva?

— Was he not absent at the time of viva?

— Is Mudassir Raja not a subordinate of Dr. Ghazali?

— Was Mudassir Raja not a student of Tauseef in MS?


— Did Mudassir not conducted the viva of Tauseef?

I fully protest and demand the cancellation of the doctorate Degree of Mr. Tauseef.

Ch. Bisharat
(Ministry of Oil and Gas)

E. Stone August 16, 2005 2:15 AM

It’s sick how everyone is just attacking Dr. Tauseef while those who are actually responsible are the students. Anyone of you who has done his or her final project should know that 90% of the work is done by the students themselves. Considering the ratio of students to teachers in IIUI, its almost impossible for a supervisor to know what each group is doing every step of the way. Dr. Tauseef is an extremely intelligent,creative, & dedicated teacher. He is one of those teachers who actually guides and motivates. There should be a meeting with the authors that would help clear up the matter of who’s to blame rather than cussing everyone out. Those students have brought shame to themselves, their families, their teachers, their university, their country, their religion. I truly believe this is just a case of extreme bad luck for Dr.Tauseef. And I am disgusted at the seemingly large number of X- & current Islamians who have no self respect,calling Dr.Tauseef names. No matter what has happened, he still is after all our teacher & as his students we owe him our respect.

Zulqarnain August 16, 2005 2:15 AM

Today i went to Dr.Khalid Rashid and asked him that his degree is Ph.D in mathematics and he wrote in the prospectus Ph.D. (Computer Science). I further inquired him that how can you supervise the projects of VC, C++, and oracle etc. He replied that i can do anything… i am the king of jungle either i give eggs or children no one can ask me about this… He further replied that Dr. Ghazi’s degree is in usuluddin/islamic studies how can manage the whole university….

I hereby request Dr. Mehmood Ahmad Ghazi to rectify the prospectus of the University by deleting the Ph.D (computer Science) and make a committee to do investigation and punish him severely for this act of non-sense.

MS student August 16, 2005 2:26 AM

Mr amir aman!
i agree with u whats so ever u said.
is it not true that U and Salman got 4 GPA in ur MS and some publication .
The person who was proved plagiarism mr omar waqar teach u 2 courses and u both got A grades.
so morally if u r so sincere then took both subjects again.
and in the history of IIU no one got 4 GPA in MS,only u and mr salman are so intelligent that u make new record .
is it not true that once in class u copied our assignment in course that dr khalid give u mavimum marks and the poor students who do actual work got 7 and 8 marks in that assignment.
so first look inside ur self then start blaming others.
allah hafiz

Mohammad August 16, 2005 3:10 AM

Man I can tell that this DR. KHALID RASHID Head or Dean at that place is really unpopular. Browsing their website I can tell of several departments present. Surprisingly none of the heads of their respective departments have been critisized. Honestly, can Dr. Rashid really lead by example?

M Amir Aman August 16, 2005 3:15 AM

Dear class fellow (as I found from ur comments)

It is true and it is a fact that we got 4 CGPA and got research publications as well. When you were found sleeping in your hostel rooms, we were always present in our offices to study and research, often till 2 o’ clock in nights.

It should be clear to you that I’ve got more than 5 years of experience in field and in academia and in comparison of a fresh student I am in a better position to score high.

I would also like to say that please improve your English and use proper vocabulary and tenses (I guess you need to take English courses once again), and if u are successfull in improving the language, only then you’ll be able to get good marks in ur assignments.

I am sure that if I copied your assignment, then i could never get the maximum marks.

The assignment on which I got the maximum marks, is still present with me, you can come to my office any time and can see the standard. You can very well compare it with your assignment and if a single word is found copied, I’ll leave my MS degree.

Mr. Sulayman is also inviting you to visit him and also has a same claim about you.

And you were also a student of Mr. Umar Waqar, what do you say about the matter? Are you ready to repeat the courses of your MS Degree? If yes then please meet me, I’ll help you for registering these courses. As far as I know about myself, “I did not waste time during my MS studies, so I do not need to repeat these courses.. :)”

and I would repeat, “That please use your own name for posting the comments, otherwise, do not waste time of others”

and Dear Mr. Bruce, The purpose of this weblog was to get comments about plagiarism. But I guess that most of the people are using it for their own interests and personal grudges, which are totally baseless. I think it will be better that a proper authentication process may be involved for such a serious and important issue.

Zheng Ching August 16, 2005 3:18 AM

It was so sad to read about plagrism act by community of pakistani univeristy. But what astonished me more is that student of this particular pakistani university are filled in with hatred for their professors and management. And this is the perfect time for them to take revenge against their professors, as most of the people who are concerned with university are looking on this blog.
This leads me to the point that this university doesn’t have any kind of teacher evaluation system(in which student can evaluate their teacher at the end of semester). I think it would be much better for the students to go to the administration and ask them to introduce this system so that they can evaluate their teachers.

Zheng Ching August 16, 2005 3:29 AM

Sorry this is not personal, but what concerned me more when looking on Mr. M Amir Aman website( that either this university is the best as most of their professors have studied in the same university or this is the worst university that very few people graduated from other universities are teaching there.

zia August 16, 2005 4:05 AM

Heads have to roll man. Dr. Atta ur rehman Man for christ sake lookinto what Khalid rashid is doing. Now i know what goes on there. Amir aman why did I m querishi leave? why did asmatullah leave? why dont you have any good teachers? Mr. Aman you yourself know how good khalid rashid is. You tell me now what is more important – Khalid rashid as dean or the university itself? Mr. Aman you know it and i know it too that Islamic University is going to be a much better place without khalid rashid. Tell me i am wrong !

true islamian August 16, 2005 5:24 AM

Hi everyone

When I got admission in IIUI, there were few good teachers who had great knowledge, clear vision and firm grip on the courses they were involved with and we had all the respect for those teachers but by the passage of time all the good professors started to leave and then came the era of teachers like tauseef-ur-rehman. This person as a matter of fact has ruined our courses during BS. I have studied one course of VC. He taught us from the book of VC in 21 days. In a semester of 4 months he taught us VC in 21 days. and the rest of days believe me or not he spent on smoking cigarretes even in class and he used to borrow the cigarretes from his students.

also something about this great man Dr. Khalid Rashid. He doesn’t want good professors in IIUI. He wants more power and nothing else. and i totally agree with the person who wrote that if this man is removed IIUI everything will be fine and this university will shine. there is no doubt in the intellectual skills of students here at this uniersity.

At last one last thing for amir aman. taking 4 gpa in MS is not a piece of cake. No matter how long u study or what. studying till 2 o’clock and then delivering lectures at university and also attending classes of MS. how can you manage all these things. my point is that I am sure you sacrifice one of the two things .. I know how much you are good in english. speaking or writing english excellent doesn’t mean that one is intelligent enough to get 4 gpa in MS.

arsalan August 16, 2005 5:42 AM

please people! you are washing your dirty linen in public. I mean everyone knows khalid rashid. I dispise him myself but keep things about obaid (formerly P.A to Khalid rashid when we were at Blue Area in Islamabad) to yourself.

M Amir Aman August 16, 2005 5:48 AM

Dear True Islamian

I’ve eaten that piece of cake… 🙂 and if you are interested in how to get 4 CGPA then contact me.

I’ll tell you how to get through it… 😉

And the other thing is that I do not require any certificate of English from your side. I used to stand first in English courses in my B.Sc. (hons) degree as well… 🙂

Obaidullah X-clerk August 16, 2005 5:55 AM

I respect my brother who write things about me.No dout i came here as a clerk no dout my english is not so good.but i am proud that i am pakistani and my language is urdu.i was a clerk per ye kahan ka insaf hai k insan agey berney ki justuju na karey.main ne to ik examole qaim ki hai sab k lia k himmat or mehnat se insan kahan se kahan ponch sakta log merey khilaf batain kar rai hain un se main ye he keh sakta hun k meri umer un k parents k baraber hai ye log us ka he lehaz karain.Jahan tak Janab Dr.khalid sb ka sawal hai to main un ki b bohot respect karta hun.lekan meri to jang usooli hai.Agar wo Dean ban saktey hai to pir merey Dean bananey main b koi mazaika nai huna chaiyey.Main apni University ka future roshan daikhna chahta hun.k hammari nai nasal bgair study kia 4/4 gpa na ley.Balkey hard work kar k 4/4 gpa ley.jis qoom k Ustad iesey ho jain us qoom ko pir ik Qaid ki or Iqbal ki zuroorat hai.Main apney ap ko ehtasaab k lia pesh karta hun agar mera gunna ye hai k main hamesha such ki baat karta hun to mujey kari kari saza de jai.Lekan meri qoom ko parey likhaey ustad de he mri guzarish hai.Jab plots k gifts per lectures milney lagey or itney aram se 4/4 gpa a jai to is zulm ko metaney k lia Zarror koi MUSA ayey ga.Meri dua hai k ye Uni hamesha qaim rahey.Chaiey main rahun ya na rahun.akher main sirf ye he kahun ga k (HAR SHAKH PE ULLU BEHTEAN HAIN ANJAMEY GULISTAN KIA HO GA)
Obaidullah X-clerk

Islamian August 16, 2005 6:09 AM

Mr Amir Aman i think you dont need to answer every question? Do you? Just leave this blog you are making the matter wrost by answering everything thrown at you!!!

k August 16, 2005 7:02 AM

Data Profiling for Transformation Engines in Very Large Databases; Ammar Khalid Chaudhry, S.T. Rehman and Khalid Rashid; Datamining Journal, Seattle, USA, 2004.

Ammar Khalid is Khalid Rashids Son.

last visited 3 years ago. August 16, 2005 7:37 AM

We knew this all the time. I guess it happens everywhere, in neighbouring india aswell. This is just unfortunate that it happened to a pakistani university. It was only a matter off time. It has happened. Thank God for that. And yes I would agree that Khalid Rashids ‘regime’ is an authoritarian one. He is very powerful. It is indded a one man show. I wonder what prof. atta ur rehman is now gona do.

I visited the university today after some 3 years. The place is abuzz with this story. The morale is understandably low. I talked with several teachers. The majority did agree that Khalid rashid should be the next to go. They all agreed that the image of the university has been tarnished.

I, personally, do not want to name names but most teaches are unhappy with Dr. Khalid Rashid (or Dr. HAirstyle as me and my friends used to call him). This is very unfortunate. But now that our trade secret is out of the bag, i suggest that Dr. Khalid Rashid accept responsibility and resign his position and allow for a more competent person to head this once great department.

azam August 16, 2005 7:47 AM

obaid shobaid ko choro. khalid rashiday khuda kay liya yar humaree jan chorr. Kia chata hay tu.

S tauseef behtar insan to tha. cha hay ghalat kam zaroor kerta tha mugahr ghairat to thi usmay itnee. deckho apnay app ko. Ajj sub log tumhay bauhat ahay lafzon may yad kertay hain. Kisi aur ko koi kuch kion nahi kahta?

student August 16, 2005 8:18 AM

University is not allowing access to this blog. They stopped it this afternoon. Now you tell me is this act not reminiscent to what the Burmese or Chinese authorities do?

Imran Saeed August 16, 2005 8:26 AM

Please listen every islamian…
This is not the right place and time to critize each other and discuss about our university. As you will be aware of the fact that University Administration has taken all this very seriously and the matter is not ended yet. A complete inquiry will be conducted to locate all the culprits involved in this bad incident. So we should tolerate and wait patiently. Anyhow whatever happend in case of plagrism is so condemnable and very bad. I personally believe that whoever found involved in this bad act must be punished. We all islamian are always proud on our almamater. I request to all of you please stop talking negatively on this issue and try to think positively. As this is not a joke whatever happend is the biggest mistake and criminal activity in the history of IIU. We should not ruine the glorious past of IIU. It is not just the matter of islamian but is the matter of a nation and our country. So we should wait patiently. Kia app ko yaqeen nahee keh.
Allah key lathee bayaawaz hay
Zulm jab hadh say barta hay toh mit jata hay
Her bulandee ko zawal hay

We all faculty members are passing through a miserable and hot time. please pray for us and pray for all those who has made the name of this institution glorious. Act of a criminal cannot be blamed to whole community and nation.

May Allah bless all of you.

unbiased August 16, 2005 9:28 AM

“I m proud student of International Islamic University. If some does bad it doesn’t mean every one is bad. so please stop this non sense .those who did all this must be held responsible, and definitely Pakistani government and management of Islamic university will take strict actions against them. But please don’t Blame Pakistan or Islamic University. This was an act of individuals so please don’t target Pakistanis nation or Islamic university.”

Mr. Schneiers reply to this post is as follows:

I agree with this. Don’t generalize.

But the university is responsible for the actions of their students and faculty. I expect them to act appropriately. If they turn a blind eye to this behavior, then they are effectively condoning it.

Posted by: Bruce Schneier at August 9, 2005 10:23 PM<<

< < < < <

I agree with Bruce Schneier. The university is to be blamed. And when you blame the institution you are infact criticizing the people who run it. The Department of Applied Sciences is headed by Khalid Rashid. Not once did we see a note of regret from him.

As a matter of principle Khalid Rashid should leave.

imran saeed ka thoko August 16, 2005 10:19 AM

i am shakeel ahmad,thoko of imran saeed. abay chootiye bk bak nan kar toon, teri gand main obaid ka lun daloon, lamba wala, chup kar ja kanjara.
obaidullah ka lun muj samait sub faculty nay lia.

Anonymous August 16, 2005 10:22 AM

“Very well said Amir Aman. I am totaly agreed with you. You have given ballanced comments. How can the whole community be blamed for the act of few persons….” Mata ur rehman.

Mr. Matta ur Rehman Lets not forget that you left the islamic university in late 2001 because you had some personal differences with Khalid Rashid. Mate and Mr. Aman sure are turn coats.

Harvard graduate fired from job from a Pakistani uni August 16, 2005 1:02 PM

well, I was once a faculty memeber of the nearby university . Islamic university for me always had good standards. Though I would like to say that no University in Pakistan has overall good standards ad they can generally be considerred as below average universities.

But few subjects esspecially physics still follow very good quality.

Islamic university is really sufferring from the race for the money. They have indeed been hiring below average faculty memebres chosen from their own graduates.

I also think in general the faculty in Pakistan in 95 % cases really low standards. The simple reason being low esteem for education sector in general. Most faculty memebers have been belwo average students of their times.

But that difference would not be so starc 7 to 8 years ago. But now, as knowledge is changing so fast and research is getting so competitive, the old faculty memebers, generally fail to cope with the current demands of high quality education.

LUMS is probably the only university in Pakistan where merit is somewhat retained. Or lets ay they try their best with what best they can have in Pakistan or what best they can get in Pakistan from education sector.

I still consider IUII a good university in Pakistani standards.

GIK is highly professional school for specific subject area.

It is unfortunate to witness the deplorable condition of computer science, where producing high quality research is relatively easy or less demanding then say Social sciences.

There are many in senior faculties of various department and various universities who need to be fired or atleast be transferred to lower standard university.

Few good universities should have no tolerance policy.

Islamic university, QAU, may be Karachi and Punjab are the only universities with some standing in Pakistan. There faculty has to be scrutinised.

Harvard graduate fired from job from a Pakistani uni

Think before its too late August 16, 2005 2:01 PM

I will request current students to think atleast of their own future.
Will they be able to get good jobs or admission in good university after getting degree fom IIU. So please don’t exploit it.

Steve Hackett August 16, 2005 2:18 PM

I posted a comment many days ago about Abdul Qadeer Khan being on the board of directors of the IIU. I agree with Bruce Schneier that generalizing to condemn every Pakistani researcher, or blaming the incident of plagiarism on Pakistan is incorrect.

Yet, I still feel that having someone like A Q Khan still on the board, is setting extremely poor standards. This is not the forum to debate Khan’s activities and whether he stole work from others in the 70s. But the hard fact remains that he recently accepted responsibility for seriously illegal activities. In the US today, if you have ever been convicted of a felony, you cannot hold a job of significant financial responsibility. A similar directive needs to be in place in the higher echelons of academia. In many formerly commonwealth countries, the head of state is an honorary chairperson of large public universities: Khan’s position on the board did not emanate from that convention. Khan’s continuing presence in academia and the IIU is no different than say a Ken Lay continuing to serve on the advisory board of a business school.

If you want to clean up the system, it is always worth considering starting from the top. For the well intentioned Pakistani posters and students of IIU, it is really your choice … these are simply my blog comments!


P.S.: someone mentioned Abdus Salam as a great example of excellence from Pakistan. I concur that his scientific contribution was outstanding. A bit of trivia: did you know he took two of his wives to the Nobel Prize ceremony in Stockholm 🙂

Abdullah August 16, 2005 3:19 PM

I don’t know what you are trying to prove here, but do u know that u r talking about a person whom we Pakistani’s consider our national hero…. what else do u wish to do to him????? he is imprisoned and caught in his own house?? people who used to guard him are now there to cease him….

where the hell is he onboard?? have u ever been to pakistan, have u ever wanted to know wat the pakistanis think about him? have u visited Pakistan to c him on the board of university..
In which world are you living, you are so narrow-minded and conservative… do u know exactly how other nations fot their nuclear programs? how? ofcourse by stealing and black-marketing… I think that you people should first look into your ownselves before throwing mud on others… You should stop humiliating all the Pakistani nation, by humiliating our hero. If we are not humiliating yours, then we won’t let you humiliate ours. This narrow-mindedness and belieing wat the media says, without looking at a brighter picture has turned this world into hell.. plz stop doing this… and respet feelings of others, for ur feelings to be respected.
This is just an incident which happens in academia, and we should all condemn it, but some narrow-minded people just don’t let any chance of humiliating Pakistan as a country and as a nation go by… wat a shame… THis is just not fair…
It is really your choice to think or not… These are just my blog comments…

Geroge Bush August 16, 2005 4:22 PM

Stop it all everyone, otherwise I am coming to take over you. You will never understand that a third person benefits from two people’s personal conflicts. Fight between Obaidullah and Dr. Khalid Rashid is costing IIUI the most, costing its hard earned reputation and respect.

George Bush
UNITED states of america

abcd August 16, 2005 10:16 PM

Please for GOD sake stop all this non-sense, the person who was responsible for that is facing the consequences, i believe in his whole life, what else you people want, you want him to be hanged till death or?, after all he is a human being, he lost his job, career, repute almost every thing, so please stop all this………


AMMARA(IIUI) August 16, 2005 11:39 PM


HEA August 17, 2005 1:33 AM

Everyone has there own view but what matter most is where you put them…now posting your personal thought and grudges against IIU and teachers is not good….
If i say Khalid Rasheed should resign then by posting on this group does not make him to do it….. So no point making any mess here….

I agree with ammara that whatever is done is finished now . S Tauseef has been terminated from the uni as well as he lost position from HEC researchers now what else you want or anyone else will want …We neeed to stop this…..DO you think this is the first time any paper has been copied nope my friends this kind of things do happen but why are we making so much noise on this now…..

will this benifits any of us
– As islamic university students
– As researchers
– As pakistani

NO. So we need to stop this…..


_______ August 17, 2005 2:42 AM

Hi All,

Surprised to see that a blog can be so effective. Dr. (So called) Tauseef Ur Rehman has gone!!!!!! Who knows what else sins are on his parts BUT THAT IS NOT THE WHOLE STORY….

I am going to divert HEC’s attention toward another dark aspect of Mr. Tauseef’s Biography. HEC should, as in the past, take severe steps in this matter.

I want to say something about Mr. Tauseef’s PHD. As everyone knows that he has done his PHD from abroad (sitting back in Pakistan 🙂 ) and his viva was to be conducted in HEC by Dr. Ghazali. When he reached for the viva (fortunately for Dr. Tauseef and unfortunate for the whole nation) Dr. Ghazali had to go for a meeting and his subordinate Mudassir Raja was to conduct the interview. AND Mudassir Raja was student of Mr. Tauseef. He didn’t ask him even a single question told by Dr. Ghazali and awarded him A grade.

If I am wrong… It can be checked that

— Was Dr. Ghazali not appointed to conduct Tauseef’s viva?

— Was he not absent at the time of viva?

— Is Mudassir Raja not a subordinate of Dr. Ghazali?

— Was Mudassir Raja not a student of Tauseef in MS?


— Did Mudassir not conducted the viva of Tauseef?

I fully protest and demand the cancellation of the doctorate Degree of Mr. Tauseef.

Ch. Bisharat
(Ministry of Oil and Gas)

yousaf malik August 17, 2005 3:53 AM

Mr “TRUTH TELLER” ur thinking is opposing the fact that u have studied “6 years” in uni…@Truth Teller
u r showing very well that which type of ethics u have learnt from ur family…@^^^
talk like educated person with positive and effective facts…dont loose ur temper….
Ch Bisharat sahab….aaj sey pehley aap kya so rahey they ya tauseef sahab k dar sey zubaan band kye huye they….@ch bisharat
Mr of iiu have taken strict actions….kindly close this topic…few stupid n hyper student r writing to u…and u r wasting ur time….u cant get popularity in this way..infact gradually u r loosing the sympathy…@Bruce
Humble and Kind request to all u specially Islamians…..
yahaan faculty ke khilaaf bolna asaan hey…come and say infront of them if u have courage….plzzzz..bhaiyo kharaab language mat use karo or manners k saath baat karo….
May Allah guide u all on right path

Sheeraz Akram August 17, 2005 4:20 AM

I have a sad news that Mr.Tauseef-ur-Rehman’s mother died on Monday 15th August…
Inspite of all the heatred and dislikeness I think we can and we should atleast pray for his mother…Allah un ki mugfirat firmay and may her soul rest in peace.

Sheeraz Akram Tarar
MS 04 (LUMS)

International Watch Dog on higher education August 17, 2005 9:51 AM

I have tried to find out the alleged paper but I would not. I want to know whether it was a word by word copy. What was the nature of plagarism.

I think no many know the nature of it. This info is key to know how deep tauseef is in his participation. Whether he was aware of he also like the publishers got fooled by his students.

What was that is plagarised. A model. As if the authors did change the words, and followed the general arguments only then I think they might get away with it.
mr. Bruce from your lines, it doesn’t become clear how much is plagerised.

Since publications have very strict policy on plagiarism, even a small percentage can be taken seriously. Did the authors reproduced your model or what?

Regarding what has happenned to the professor, I think this is unjustified. He should not be fired from his job only on the basis of this case.

A proper case needs to be presented. And secondly, there is an immediate need to scrutinise the research of other faculty members and the research students. There should be a committee comprising of international scholars, appointed by the HEC to inspect the published and ongoing research of academicians doing research work in atleast those universities which are in Islamabad i.e., IIUI and QAU.

Mr. Tauseef should not be dealt with in this bizarre way. He has apologised. His most severe punishment is his forgone reputation. I think the way he is being handled is the violation of basic human rights. Does HEC has any anti plagarism policy. Under which law he has been punished?

By firing Tauseef, the government of Pakistan has tried to hide the mess in IIUI under the carpet.

ttnomad August 17, 2005 10:28 AM

Just a bit of more trivia: Erwin Schrodinger, the Austrian Nobel Prize winner in Quantum Physics (in 1933) lived with two women, one his wife and another his “mistress”. Alan Turing, the British pioneer of the Theory of Computation had to commit suicide by eating a Cyanide-doused apple because he was a “gay”. Girolamo Cardano, the Italian Mathematician who was a pioneer of the Theory of Probability was a “bastard” child of his father and an addicted “gambler”. If you need more such trivia regarding the Western intellectuals, let me know 😉

Regarding plagiarism and stealing the work of “others”, what about Rosalind Franklin whose research work on DNA structure was stolen by Maurice Wilkes, Francis Crick, and James Watson. The latter three got a Nobel Prize but what did Rosalind get??? Just because she was a woman !!!

No nation (either in the East or the West) can claim “hegemony” over knowledge.

abcd August 17, 2005 10:48 AM

Tauseef has been made the scape goat. Islamic University is trying to brush the matter under the carpet.

Islamic University prides itself in being the only university in islamabad that awards a MS degree to students on the publication of a research paper.

Copying papers? well…that requirement shouldnt be very difficult. should it?

blames August 17, 2005 10:59 AM

“Pakistani nationalism is characterized by ironies and contractions. Its ideology and national mythos have not been substantiated by its historical realities. In the last fifty-eight years the vision or ideal of Pakistan, as a secure homeland where the Muslims in the subcontinent could find justice and live in peace, has not been realized by the citizens. There is a shared experience of disappointment and dissatisfaction among the populace that has not abated since the restoration of democracy in 1988, and in fact the feelings of betrayal and a collective mental depression have increased dramatically in the last decade. This intellectual fatalism and depression about the state of affairs is not something new, as can be seen in an excerpt from the book, Breaking the Curfew, A Political Journey Through Pakistan, published ten years ago by a British journalist, Emma Duncan, where she wrote, and I quote,”[. . . .] many Pakistanis I talked to seemed disappointed. It was not just the disappointment that they were not as rich as they should be or that their children were finding it difficult to get jobs; it was a wider sense of betrayal, of having been cheated on a grant scale. The businessmen blamed the civil servants, the civil servants the politicians; everybody blamed the landlords and the foreigners, and the left and the religious fundamentalists blamed everybody ……..”

And what we see over here is a perfect example on how every body blames every other……

Propoponent for International Inspection of Research in Pakistani Universities August 17, 2005 11:25 AM

HEC is spending millions of dollars to send people for doctorate in the Western countires. A small amount of money needs to be spent to check the authenticity of reserach done by the professors in Pakistani public institutions. The idea of committee to this effect is much appreciated.

Instead of punishing one man, there is a need to look at the ailing system of education. Most professors are carrying out poor research and eating up government funds.

The HEC higher education reforms need to be implemented with immediate effect atleast in the capital universities. Professors with poor research record need to be given golden handshakes or they need to be demoted.

Salaries should be increased atleast 10 times. Universities should be given huge funds to improve infrastructure. The administration of these universities need to be fired immediately. New hiring under some independent committee comprising of world reknown academicians need to be done.

It is not one individual but indeed the institution. QAU was caught selling fake degrees. IIUI is caught publishing fake research. Damn with current higher education reforms.

A high level scrutiny is required for the faculty and administration of IIUI and QAU. There will be many cases of fraud and plagarism. Once they are caught, they will not have any say gaianst the HEC reform package. Catch them and then force them to accept the deals.

It is high time reforms start with an iron fist.

If you have fired Tauseef, fire the whole administration. Balme then lies with every body and it is not an isolated case!

Bruce Schneier August 17, 2005 1:15 PM

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been getting repeated e-mails from people, presumably faculty and administrators of the International Islamic University, to close comments in this blog entry. The justification usually given is that there is an official investigation underway so there’s no longer any reason for comments, or that Tauseef has been fired so there’s no longer any reason for comments, or that the comments are harmful to the reputation of the university or the country.

I have responded that I will not close comments on this blog entry. I have, and will continue to, delete posts that are incoherent or hostile (there have been examples of both).

Blog comments are anonymous. There is no way for me to verify the identity of posters, and I don’t. I have, and will continue to, remove any posts purporting to come from a person it does not come, but generally the only way I can figure that out is if the real person e-mails me and asks.

Otherwise, consider this a forum for anonymous free speech. The comments here are unvetted and unverified. They might be true, and they might be false. Readers are expected to understand that, and I believe for the most part they do.

In the United States, we have a saying that the antidote for bad speech is more speech. I invite anyone who disagrees with the comments on the page to post their own opinions.

### August 17, 2005 2:09 PM

As people here are allowed to talk irrelevant so let me do the same.

“As far as my knowledge is concerned, International Islamic University is not a very seriously-taken Pakistani institution even by the serious-minded Pakistani students.???

Had it been so , our faculty members would have never been requested to teach in ‘seriously-taken Pakistani institutions’ ( Fast Lahore, LUMS lahore, and MAJU Islamabad, as mentioned in one of the comments). So kindly update ur knowledge and better stop talking baseless in your attempt to push us back.
had International Islamic University not been ‘very seriously-taken institution’, other ‘seriously-taken Pakistani institutions’ would never have given admission to the students of iiu(International Islamic University). Our students are capable enough to be accepted by any institute and organization all around the world.

n let me tell it to ‘serious-minded Pakistani students’ of ‘seriously-taken Pakistani institution’ that we too know what kind of wrong things happen in your institutions and know your week points too, yet we are not bringing ur dark side in front of the international community at this blog. So don’t push us too hard n stop talking insane.

One more thing I wanna tell is that u r not blaming iiu alone, u r blaming the whole nation indeed n that includes u also. After this issue, when publisher receives a paper from Pakistani institue he’ll think thousand of times before publishing it, no matter which pakistani institution it be. if we suffer, u will suffer equally n u must realize that.

Let me also say that if International Islamic University had not been a ‘very seriously-taken Pakistani institution’, u guys would not even have bothered to write a single comment about this issue. iiu indeed is a very seriously-taken institute and competes with other highly reputable institutions of Pakistan. That’s the reason why this issue was so shocking and taken seriously.

“No doubt whatever ammara has between her legs tauseef will always favour her but what about the poor guys whome touseef even didn’t want to see “
“AMMARA seems to be Tauseef’s Girl Friend. Stop this bull shit @AMMARA???

What an irony Mr. Bruce Schneier, u talk about the moral duties like self check n stuff but u forget to see that people at your forum are using abusive language. Don’t you feel morally bound to condemn it? Shouldn’t the comments be scanned before getting displayed here and indecent comments not be shown at this blog ?

Also, propaganda against any individual or institute must be avoided. this blog, I suppose, is not for such purpose and Mr.Schneier u should take strict notice of all this, at last u too have some ethical bounds, haven’t u?

International watch dog August 17, 2005 2:25 PM


IIUI is not seriously taken institute for computer sciences and management, because both subjects have been used to mint money.

The comparisons you are making are unjustified.

LUMS and GIK are far ahead in CS from IIUI. IIUI is a below average substandard institute in management and CS. The earlier batches might be better and that is the sole reason there is a bit of respect for IIUI CS and management graduates.

If IIUI should be proud of, it is its social science subjects.

IIUI has been hijacked by greedy ppl.

CS and Management depts should either shut down with immediate effect or there is immediate need to put the house in oirder and stop the rampand fraud and plagarism pravelent in CS and management scienece at IIUI.

My message may look harsh to many but here I think IIUI has some worth and thus can be improved.

Other money minting institutes who are literally an insult on higher education may comprise Hamdard U, Behriia, ZABIST and few other private ones.

Please HEC stop this shameful game.

Get the quality back in public universities. Pay the faculty good money and only retain high standard competetive faculty and fire the others!!!!!!!!!!

HEC chairman hasnt shown any wisdon by firing Tauseef. He shouldve fired the whole CS and management faculty along with the administration.

HEC stop the practice of plagarism and substandard reserach in your capital universities. Only then any reform process wold materialise.

International Watch Dog August 17, 2005 2:40 PM

Mr Bruce

Before this blog and Tauseef case I didnt know you. But I have seen your web site, your ideas on security and I think you are a highly learned person and an intellectual.

You did prove a case of plagarism. But I think you are looking for something more here. Not to say international watch dog on higher education would mind it.

You have a seperate blog where you are clearly providing a sense of general awareness. You have gone clearly beyond a simple complain of plagarism. Looking at your profile, we think a person of your calibre hasnt been involved only for personal reason.

You have already done a good and unique service. But I think you should be a bit more clear in the case of mr Tauseef and his students.

We would like to have your point of view on the recent development. SInce you have agreed mr. Tauseef most probably would have not known abt this alleged attempt of theft and has payed the price for his greed to publish more.

In this context, He is paying too high a price. I think you and we have responsibility to see it through that govt dont get away with it , which it is apparently after making tauseef a scape goat.

I think a pressure needs to be put on the govt and HEC to have look at the reserach of IIUI and QAU, public universities in Islamabad. You should invite Pakistani students to your blog as well as the faculty members as see what they think.

They need to point out black sheeps among them . And indeed for the the sake of the future of higher education in Pakistan. We need to take steps before another of such case is identified by another victim of plagarism.

Steve Hackett August 17, 2005 3:23 PM

@ttnomad – I was aware of Alan Turing’s history, but not the others. Your comment about Rosalind Franklin is misleading: sadly, she died in ’58 which made her ineligible for a share of the ’62 Nobel prize awarded to Crick, Watson, and Wilkins. Both Crick and Watson had very positive things to say about her, and always acknowledged her work and how close she was to the solution. In fact, her fallout with Wilkins as a collaborator is blamed for the delayed results on her end.

I am not decrying the contribution of Dr. Salam in any way. I am a physicist myself, quite familiar with his work. I truly find it curious that a man of such enormous intellect had two legal wives and was proud of it ; and that has nothing to do with this whole IIU affair. There continue to be brilliant muslim academecians; Ahmed Zewail in CalTech is arguably the man of the moment, a legend for his work in femtochemistry.

Anyways, you couldn’t be more correct than no country claims a hegemony on genius. Cheers.

### August 17, 2005 3:31 PM

“The comparisons you are making are unjustified.”

what if i say that wat uve said is unjustified????

what if i say that LUMS doesnt produce capable students???? no i dont have any ground to say that…. getting my point?

u see we all r talking without facts n thats why our discussions are so scattered. we cant converge to any conclusion. may be this is one of the reasons to close this blog

Think before its 2 late August 17, 2005 5:47 PM

@Steve Hackett
This group is 2 discuss plagiarism not Islam or christianity.
Second Islam allows upto four legal wives(Study why? in some good islamic book).
Third you are not aware of this study

If you need any detail about islam post your question on this blog. I will try my best to answer it.

A Pakistani August 17, 2005 6:04 PM

I would like to cite just two instances from the history of the “West” which accuses Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan for “Industrial Espionage” and “Illegal Prolifieration”.

“The Chinese discovered how to make silk thousands of years ago. The trail travelled by the merchants who brought it to Europe for the Romans and others was called the Silk Road. Two European monks were sent to China in the sixth century A.D. to discover the secret of silk. They managed to steal some silkworm eggs which they hid inside a hollow bamboo and brought the silk moth to Europe.”

“Britain’s East India Company waged three wars on the people of China in order to secure the right to sell opium there. Their sole purpose was to secure the importation of an addictive substance that provided a bountiful flow of profits. Joshua Rowntree, in his book “The Imperial Drug Trade” (London 1905), wrote that the British were “in a great hurry to make money out of the East, and gunboats were found to clear the way quickly. All vestiges of compassion for mankind had been swept away by the silver stream of rupees which poured into the Calcutta Exchequer.” The wars waged on the Chinese people caused untold deaths and casualties. The British destroyed, plundered, looted and raped their way along the coast of China.”

I can’t resist recalling a dialogue from the Hollywood movie, “Cliff Hanger”, which was something like: “You kill one man and you’re a Murderer, you kill thousands and you’re a Conquerer”.

Arshad August 18, 2005 12:19 AM

Dear readers

Please try to avoid dirty comments. Struggel for expelling of Dr.Khalid Rashid… the dirty egg from IIUI. This should be the aim of all Islamians…The university is at the verge of disaster due to this culprit.

Sheeraz Akram August 18, 2005 12:26 AM

@ch Basharat
i m shocked to hear such a abusive language from ur side….kindly talk like civilized person…
please Sir…all the posts must be checked with strict parameters…people are sending sick comments using very abusive language….irresponsible personal comments are comming….
i agree with u that few ppl are sending fake mails and Mr Bruce shud take action….coz everything is going on his blog…

Sheeraz Akram Tarar
MS 04 (LUMS)

obaidullah August 18, 2005 2:15 AM

Expell to Amir aman and sulayman. They r also big cheaters. how they can get 4/4 gpa. i cant believe it.


Anonymous August 18, 2005 2:40 AM

If the head of a university can cheat, imagine what his subordinates must be doing.

Most of the faculty of the niversity have previously been Tauseefs students. They all knew what was going on. Just firing one guy wont solve the problem.

We need to Replace the Khalid Rashid factor.

Dr.Afaq Husain August 18, 2005 3:11 AM

First of All, The International Islamic University has not put any official comments on this forum and there might have been individual and personal comments. Neither did the university ever try or even has the resources or inclination to block this URL.

The International Islamic University, has always stressed the highest standards of ethics in all spheres of education as well as social society. The recent case of plagiarism by one of its faculty membes and some students is a very sad incident and the university has taken very stern notice of the same.

The Concerned Faculty member, Dr.Tauseef ur Rehman, has accepted his mistake and tendered an apology to all concerned. Inaddition, he has also tendered his resignation from the university, which has been accepted immidiately.

The univeristy is trying to take all measures to discourage such acts. It is also stressed that individual acts may not be used to brand an organization or a country. In this age of Information Explosion, it is really a challenge for all concerned to guard against plagiarism.

ado August 18, 2005 3:19 AM

Tauseef is inocent . The fault lies in department to which belonged (PAEC). Where mostly people are doing this work

Truth August 18, 2005 4:43 AM

@Dr. Afaq,

I agree with you, but my only question is why such an action been taken when all the world knows its happening. You know and i also know it very well that this was happening from a long time. Whenever i tried to raised a voice i was slapped with non scense and false charges were made. The big fish had to go out, his son he has no mental calliber(dont mind amar) but this is true. He is only excelling because he is the son of Dean? What is the fault of so many geniuses sitting and waiting for there oppurtunity to deliver.

I would like to add lastly that its not tauseef alone its the big fish along with him who is responsible for all such things.

Ibn-e-Adam August 18, 2005 4:46 AM

I demand Bruce Schneier degree to be checked thoroughly and also all of his research papers.

Pakistan Zindaaa Bad

lolzz August 18, 2005 5:10 AM

lolzz @ Ibn-e-Adam
…plz just go and read them for once before commenting

Pakistan painda-baad

Anonymous August 18, 2005 6:54 AM

@ Dr. Afaq

No one is blaming the University. This university has many disciplines. The one under scrutiny is the Faculty of Applied sciences and in particular the Dept. of Comp. Sciences.

Dr. Afaq (i believe you are from GIKI), the problem lies with the whole system prevailing at the Faculty of Applied Sciences at Islamic University. There is no teacher evaluation system here. Dr. Khalid Rashid is the sole authority to decide who gets to teach here. Dr. Khalid Rashid as an individual and as an academician dosent have enough caliber to supervise these MS projects.

Recently, He supervised an image processing project namely image enhancement in the medical domain. What does Khalid Rashid know about Image Processing? Does he even know about the different image types we have today? He has also supervised a number of research projects which he doesn’t know a thing about.

” In this age of Information Explosion, it is really a challenge for all concerned to guard against plagiarism.”

Dr. Afaq, You want to set the house in order? What is Khalid Rashid doing? Look in your own back yard first.

An incapable dean is the root cause of all this. Islamic University sans Khalid Rashid would definitely be a very good place.

International Watch DOg August 18, 2005 7:20 AM

Dear Pakistani students, allumini and graduates

Again a foreaigner has provided you with a good oppertunity to put your house in order. This platform has been identified and listenned to. COme out here and expose the malpractices in public universities of Pakistan.

The money minting machine of CS and management sciences in IIUI has totally ignored the quality factor. These departments should either be closed down wwith immediate effect or a new administration needs to be installed.

We are suspecting that 80 percent of faculty is involved in some kind of plagarism at these depst of IIUI. The administration is incompetent at best and comprises of sycophants.

Both Obaidullah and tauseef deserve to be fired so why only the later one.

Please spread the news about this blog all over IIUI.

I would also like to know from Bruce what is his point of view in this whole affair and well appreciate if he can answer the questions asked in one of the above posts by international watch dog.

Bruce our organisation would again like to highlight an apparent fact here that you are looking something beyond then merely complaining or presenting your disgust for being plagarised.

Anonymous August 18, 2005 10:32 AM

Hey guys go on strike at the university or do something…this is the best opportunity to get rid of khalid rashid. you wont get such an opportunity again.

Consider it.

Mirza August 18, 2005 11:42 AM

I am myself one of the editors of a journal and I know it’s really really difficult to find if an article has been plagiarised. No referee can possibly have read every journal/paper in his field published anywhere in the world. So I don’t blame the refrees or the publishers.

Anonymous August 18, 2005 4:52 PM

I am old student of IIUI and when i look back at my period of study there i really feel angry and disturbed. Main reason is the management at uni. Student are treated in DCS like ordinary creature, they are kept under pressure especially by Dr. Khalid rashid, a student sometimes have to stay outside of his office in corridoor for hours to talk to Dr. rashid or to get his signature on some document, he speaks like a dictator, he cares for all those who have strong influence in soceity and overlooks others. I still have images on my mind how badly i was treated there in DCS IIUI.
Our govt. is also coward, it just remains silent at such an abuse of young generation (and weak people) due to silly reasons like contacts, influential people etc. They (govt. authorities) don,t know how much they are damaging young generation since mental torture is generally higher and long lasting than physical torture. Give justice to people irrespective of personalities if you expect any good to Pakistan.

Bruce Schneier August 18, 2005 7:17 PM

“Could an option be added to the “last 100 comments” to ‘tune out’ certain threads?”

Certainly possible, but probably more trouble than it’s worth.

Comments to this thread will die down soon enough. And they’re easy enough to skip over.

Moderator August 18, 2005 8:05 PM

I am deleting abusive comments. However, I simply don’t have time to sit on the thread all day and delete them as soon as they appear — especially not during the hours that people are awake in Pakistan. As for Bruce, he travels and may not always have enough time and Internet access to read all the comments before posting. Yes, some of the comments posted here have been disgusting. If there are more, please be patient and they’ll be removed.

In general, I am deleting messages that are essentially abusive or incoherent rants. There have been many of these. I’m not going to start rejecting all messages that use certain words, though, because people on this blog — which has many more comment threads than just this one — are allowed to express themselves in strong language.

Those still calling for the thread to be closed or heavily pre-censored might want to consider how easily the people posting abusive messages could create their own forum with no control at all. Again, we invite those who disagree with what’s posted here to post their own opinions in reply (but without dragging anyone’s sister into it, please).

braindead August 18, 2005 10:23 PM

This case of plagiarism is clear-cut and I would not expect any serious researcher to work with either of the perpetrators ever again. This is what self-policing means, and in the higher tiers of academia (at least in CS) it works extremely well because reviewers, in fact, do know a significant fraction of the cutting edge work in their field.

Self-policing does not always work quite as well for the less stratospheric levels of academia (to use a nice euphemism), which is where I now believe the department of computer science at the Islamic University in Islamabad belongs.

Zain August 18, 2005 11:08 PM

O, Dear students, God has gifted you the opportunity to get rid of dr. Khalid Rashid. Come and join hands to expell him from this University to make it a place for quality education. Dont beat about the bush and come to the point. Dont involve faculty members and other administrative staff to blame. The only responsibile person is Dr. Rashid. He is wholly solely responsible…. Now or never….

ali August 18, 2005 11:13 PM

Please remember that the four heads of department in the faculty of applied sciences are responsible for alongwith dr. khalid rashid… The administration and lecturers are all yes men.. becz they dont have any power to do anything in the faculty…. Therefore the faculty members and staff is “bebus”… Its time to come out and start agitation against these culprits.

faisal August 18, 2005 11:56 PM

i realy do feel sorry about bruce schneier but i dont know y we muslims are always fooled by these english i mean that i know that unjustice has been done to him and proper action was taken by the uni but y we muslims and pakistani s r quarreling.Look the way he started all this and now when every thing has been done according to his plans there coments at all from him.y it all happens to us think about it yaar

Asmat Ali August 19, 2005 1:34 AM

Dear Ghazi

Assalamoalaikum! Hope that u will be fine. Your decision regarding safeguarding dr.Khalid Rashid is very highly objectionable. It means that u are also part of this game. I would like to request you to expell dr.khalid rashid immediately and make a committee to inquire about the faculty of applied sciences. There is a huge money ambazzlement in the faculty. The stock may be counted/checked physically. If dr. rashid remains here then he will divert the inquiry direction therefore before inquiry his suspension or termination may be made for smooth inquiry.

abc August 19, 2005 2:06 AM

  1. Blair govt. plagiarized a student thesis to justify the war on iraq and later when it was discover they admitted it. find details in following link

Conslusion: you may plagiarize the of others if you intend to kill innocent people.

  1. Was Copernicus (the famous astronomer) a plagiarist? did he palgiarized the work of AL-Tusi and Ibn-i-sathier. an intersting article by Anand on following link

another Anonymous August 19, 2005 2:32 AM

THis official inquiry into the matter is being conducted by people who work at the university. There is never going to be an independent inquiry.

Have inquiry results ever been published to the vicitims of the saga ( specially in pakistan) ? I guess this is going to be the case this time as well. The authorities higher up are going to shelter people like khalid rashid. THey have always done it so why not this time?

I seriuously doubt the power of the rector at this university; he position is a mere ceremonial one. Attending functions and ceremonies is what he does best. what sort of an inquiry do you expect from him?

Surprisingly, it is Only Dr. Khalid Rashid who has been targeted here and no one else. Has anyone ever asked why? why just him why not anyone else?

This is a very good opportunity to get of Khalid Rashid. Something really needs to be done.

Osama-Bin-Laden's Companion August 19, 2005 3:01 AM

Dear Bruce Schneier

I warmly invite you to visit southern Afghanistan or the Sunni Triangle in Iraq. Inshallah you would be given excellent “TREATMENT” there and hopefully you would never forget it.


Great Islamian August 19, 2005 4:00 AM

Respected all

few years back Dr. khalid started department of computer science….he was gratituted as mind behind the computer science dept….we shuld be thankful to him for his such a courageous act inspite of blaming him for all the faults….Dr. khalid is suffering a looot for the mistake which he hasnt done….he is in trouble just bcoz of blind trust on reputed person….
he spent all his life for expension of this dept…it is not only his duty but of all the teachers, heads and specially students that come up with positive solution in such a bad time….we have to bring our uni’s level and repute to extensive peaks by courage, patience and struggle……
i am the student who was doing research project with dr tauseef….although i m passing through a tough time and i dont know what will be exact situation in future….but my moral is high and i have my full confidence on Allah…then on my teachers and my fellows….
i am proud of being Islamian….and u should be….
@Bruce….one day u will see IIUI on heights of success and proud…and w InshaAllah will prove it by our courage and potential….
Great Islamian

Warthiwala August 19, 2005 7:02 AM

We need more serious academicians at top university post in Pakistan, if you know what I mean.

International Watch DOg August 19, 2005 8:41 AM

Dear Studenet and allumin IIUI,

There is a lot to be required from you. Please we request you come out and expose the malpractices of administration of CS and management science at IIUI.

There can be no argument against the obvious that both deptartments have long been hijacked and transformed into money minting machines. Fraud and forgery appears to be rampant among the adminsitration and faculty of both departments.

Bruce and Pakistani civil society, esspeacially the affectees of IIUI greed (parents and students of IIUI) need to recoprd there vehement protests agaisnt intellectual and monetary roberies taking place at IIUI in broad day light and HEC and the government is doing nothing about it.

CS and Management sciences are a black spot for IIUI a socalled islamic university.

The Inetrnational Watch dog appreciate the efforst of mr. Bruce and also wait for his point of view and answers to the questions being asked to him.

WHat exactly he would like to see through from his efforts?

Ofcourse he has no personal vendetta against IIUI.

International Watch Dog asks the governemnt of Pakistan to fire the administration of CS and managment sciences at IIUI and scrutinise the faculty and identify and weed out the intellectual property thiefs.

International Watch Dog August 19, 2005 8:49 AM

There are some reports coming up that Obaidullah also has some stakes in the black money of CS department of IIUI.

There is more corrupt skeletons in the CS closet then any body can imagine.

‘Obiadullah thank you for your role in exposing Tauseef. You can come into witness protection programme but only if you expose the entire corrupt mafia of CS dept at IIUI’

Your corruption will only be ingnored then. Otherwise soon you’ll find yourself in a mush similar place where tauseef stands now.

This is the final request to you by International Watch Dog on higher education. Next time action will follow, not requests.

Pervaiz Musharaf, president of Pakistan August 19, 2005 8:56 AM

Assalam u alikum my dear pakistani students….

i am quiet concerned with this recent issue as i am quiet annoyed with the terrorism and islamic extremism. and Mr. Bruce i apologize to you on my behalf that please forgive this chap Tauseef. That guy has also apologized and i assure you that inquiry against him will be fair. we will provide you justice.
president of islamic state of Pakistan

islamian August 19, 2005 9:07 AM

sir i m Ms student.what u said ,i am fully agree with are only one person who is devoted and compitent.we all respect u but we need all people like u
but there are some serious issues!

its international islamic university ,what was aim and objectives behid it,is it being fulfilled.

is teachers are of international standard ?
is our teachers are sincere to our institute,if yes then why they are teaching at other institute by missing our classes.?
is there any check that which teacher taught how many classes in semester.
is there any course outline are followed.u have started in your department only we appritiate it.?

sir only one solution to this problem what we all are facing ,we have to admit that our teachers,dean are not capable enough as an international university .
now all universities have idea what is our actual department.
so being a muslim and islamians we have to accept the chellange and invite deans of computer science institutes,HEC,MOE and make independent panel.
all Faculty members of FAS including all Heads and Dean to go through interview infront of that panel,so we select that people who are really capable.and invite other peoples to apply too.
whats going on in Past ,dean select his favourites on contract bases then made them regular stop that.first time hiring and on permanent bases with good package.

thats i think only way we can come back and inshalla it will take just 6 month to revive our status.
thanks and pray to allah that help our faculty and students at this time.


Anonymous August 19, 2005 10:02 AM

I just read a post supporiting Dr. Khalid Rashid. Man you must be his son ! How could any sane person do that?

I invite the faculty of IIUI (DCS) to tell me that I am wrong when I say that the state of affairs at the CS department are in shambles because of Khalid Rashid. He appoints people and he decides who goes. He is one and only dude. Man the one thing i guess we ont do at the university is worship him. Khalid Rahsid is a one man show and man he is powerful. wow.

Khalid Rashid is not of the calibre that is required to head the Faculty of Applied Sciences. He seriously lacks necessary knowledge (academic). We asks the HEC to fire the administration of CS and in particular Dr. Khalid Rashid.

A guy who almost went to the bathroom August 19, 2005 10:07 AM

I did my MCS from the university. Khalid rashid was my supervisor. One day i waited for 2 whole hours just to see him and that too i was fortunate to have shortened my wait to 2 hours. Khalid rashid luckily came out and i rushed towards him. He looked at me and said in a stern voice what do you want? I replied that i had come here in connection with the project the he was supervising. His reply “I am going to the washroom, are you going to come all the way into the washroom just to give me the weekly report?”…this was appling. imagine my ordeal…and man this is just one incident…it would happen eveytime that i would go there to see him….i had to wait for hours….And you now all these times he would be having tea and biscuits with dome of his friends…..

Shit man Shit !!

Physicist August 19, 2005 10:16 AM

Dear people

Lets get a bit real here and realise we are only making matters worse by bickering over something so undeniable.

Lets just say we accept the IIUI are held responsible, yet we should not forget that there is a higher university – the university of Allah.

Marsh Allah – he will decide who the real plagarists of the Koran are and will bring them to justice sooner or later.

Anonymous August 19, 2005 10:21 AM



Go the dept of DCS please. they are totturing us mentally. man seems like you dont really know what is going on there. i am sure you dont.

Internation Watch DOg on Higher Education August 19, 2005 11:10 AM

We request the IIUI studentts to come and name all those in administration and faculty of CS and Management Sciences who they think are involved in intellectual and Monetary fraud.

Name all the culprits. Provide a complete list so that more and more would be exposed.

There is a need for proof of fraud, forgery and plagarism by Khalid Rashid to make a case against him Please avoid emotional rhetoric which would not bring any real consolation to the affectees of these robers.

Come out with authentic and solid proof. Khalid Rasheed may be rude but he may be really well in his research. Utilise your disapproval of Khalid Rashid in good way. Provide proofs which can be brought up in court and legally prove his inelligibility, failure and fraud.

International Watch Dog is grateful for your considerations and promise that theguilty be judged and brought to Justice. IIUI and QAU is near the horizon of justice and merit.

WHat we require is an immediate cooperation of HEC and the government of Pakistan.

Please paste the message of International Watch Dog on Higher Education on the walls of these universities. Spread the message of Inetrnational Watch dog as it is coming to catch the culprits and plagarists of IIUI and QAU.

Send it to the officials of Pakistan, HEC and Presidency. We seek their cooperation not with this fraudulent and plagarists of IIUI and QAU, but to our side as we are ready to represent the ones who are the victims of IIUI and QAU plagarism.

International Watch Dog on higher education August 19, 2005 11:15 AM

International Watch Dog would again like to give warning to Obaidullah.

‘mr. Obaidullah you have not many days left to enjoy your loot. Come out now with the name and proofs of your accomplices and we will put you in witness protection program and pay for your rehabilitation’.

COME OUT NOW as the clock is ticking and you cannot run away form International Watch DOg on Higher Education.

Mas August 19, 2005 3:07 PM

One cannot blame the reviewers totally, I being experienced in this regard agree to this fact. However, if the reviewer is good enough, he must know what powers contains. There are so many plagiarism checking tools, and believe me, if you consider a certain sentence to be perfect and is written by a Pakistani author, just google it and you will have 70 to 80% chances that you will find the plagiarism. I hereby, appeal to the reviewers to be a bit more efficient than just thinking “hey have we seen this paper before? No, wow this must be new idea then, lets accept it”. Unfortunately, if a reviewer finds a plagiarism case, one should send the actual comments back to the authors, with official warnings, so that they can learn things the hard way. However, most of the editors change the actual comments to just “rejected” or “rejected because of plagiarism”. Comeon, tell the authors that their paper has been found a copy of another one, and this is their warning. If any other case of such similarity comes from their side, they will be banned from this journal or conference and their impression would be in bad books then.

PS: We all know now that Dr. Tauseef has been terminated from IIUI as well as HEC approved scholars. Does anyone know what happened to the students? Please let me know.


ttnomad August 19, 2005 3:38 PM

Well, I’m sorry to say but I have to contest your claim that you’re “experienced” based upon your proposed procedure for checking the credibility of “Pakistani” authors. As far as my “experience” is concerned in reviewing conference papers submitted to the most reputed IEEE conferences, they are all “blind” reviews with strict confidentiality about the authors’ whereabouts. So it really makes me wonder what makes you so sure about the nationality of the authors (unless, of course, you’re a Scotland Yard police officer). As far as jounal papers are concerned, I do agree with your “experience” that your proposed procedure may be applied. I do agree, otherwise, that most Pakistani authors lack suitable English language skills but, again, no generalizations because I have experienced the language capablities of British, Australian, and Canadian educated authors first hand

Arshad August 19, 2005 10:11 PM

International Watch dog shuld also concentrate on the corruption of mr. sulayman and mr. zahoor ahmad… they shuld also be included in the list of approved currupt people.

obaidUllah - Ex Clerk August 19, 2005 10:39 PM

yes i agree that i have looted alot and i am a vital part of corruption. you think i will expose myself like that, hahha no way. What will become of my averege share that is Rs.10,000,00/month. I am not a kid watchdog. Go and bark somewhere else.

Qaiser Javaid August 19, 2005 10:52 PM

I want to tell you all about the corruption of obaidullah. he has looted me my business from me and is a total freud. He also told Dr. Khalid Rashid not to sign my thesis.
obaid is my biggest enemy and needs an immediate termination with his brother. he is the criminal and he should he kept in jail forever as he has played the role of ‘gandi machli’ of FAS.
Salute to Dr.Khalid Rashid for making FAS the biggest uni. of Pakistan & Muslim Ummah.

ANTI-CORRUPTION August 19, 2005 10:54 PM

Thx to student union for launching protests against obaidullah & his brother, biggest criminals of FAS.

Qaiser Javaid August 19, 2005 11:21 PM

Obaid you cant run away from me. I am coming to expose you in front of whole public. You will have no place to run. You dont know my power which is power of truth. I know all you secrets and corruption. Allah is also with me. You cant even justify your salary which you draw from FAS. I HATE YOU more than anything and anyone.

Student Union August 19, 2005 11:25 PM

We are taking strong actions on you Mr. Obaid & your end is very near. Allah-O-Akbar.

M. Amir Aman August 19, 2005 11:28 PM

ObaidUllah your end is near and I being your immediate boss fire you from all your responsibilities and suspend your services with immediate effect. You are ordered to surrender your charge to me and you will no more be allowed to participate in any official work due to strong charges of corruption.

faisal(iiui) August 19, 2005 11:57 PM

@qaiser javed…i really wanna know the story of obaidullah. waht are you guys talking about? wat corruption he did and why is he barking on dr khalid.

IIUI Lover August 20, 2005 12:08 AM

Ask me about Obaid’s corruption. Corruption againist the whole uni and aagainst the Muslim Ummah. He does no work and he doing freud in all time within uni.
His output is 0. He is getting fake admissions done, he has done fake MBA with 3.7 CGPA. He solved all papers before the exam and put it in exam sheets. Biggest prrof of his corruption is his incompetency to perform any work. He in uncivilized and he has eaten money from Dean’s Impress fund.
Mr. Amir Aman id doing excellent by suspending him. He deserves more severe punishment.
He is barking on Dr. Khalid as he is giving him warnings to stop corruption and earn rizq-e-halal, this is the only reason. When he is stopping Obaid’s extra income, Obaid has become his enemy as Dr. Khalid wants everyone to do productive work.
We all love IIUI and we hate such criminal minded people i.e. Obaidullah, Atique, Tauseef etc.

abcd August 20, 2005 12:10 AM

Yo yo yo! Now v knw that its him nor dr khalid. FIRE OBAIDULLAH!!!!!!
I dont want to see his filthy face again at FAS,IIUI

shujaat August 20, 2005 12:40 AM

dekha Dr. khalid tou shareef nikley…Obaid bara corrupt hey….FIRE him…..Dr saab ko tou baad main dekhain gey….


HAJI SAB August 20, 2005 2:18 AM

Killing of Muslims by Muslims in the name of Islam; beheading of innocent civilians, including Muslims, by Muslims in the name of Islam; and killing of innocent Iraqis by Muslims in the name of Iraq and Islam—- these are nauseating elements of the jihadi terrorism of the kind practised by the likes of Osama bin Laden, Ayman-al-Zawahiri, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and others, which should be troubling the minds of large sections of Muslims even in the Islamic world, though they might be reluctant to give open expression to the pricking of their conscience.

student August 20, 2005 2:23 AM

dear students
what type of comments u are giving ,u are loosing importance of this serious comments or dont plz

great Islamian August 20, 2005 2:24 AM

im sure that most of the fake comments specially of extreme abusive language were from obaid….on behalf of students of iiui he is sending bad comments to destroy the repute of our uni….
do sme thing brothers…..

great Islamian

Qaiser Javaid August 20, 2005 6:08 AM

  1. Dr. Khalid is Quaid-E-Azam of IIUI.
  2. Amir Aman is Allama-Iqbal of IIUI
  3. Sulayman is Sir Syed Ahmad Khan of IIUI
  4. Dr. Sikanadar is Liaqat Ali Khan of IIUI
                  OF IIUI

ghgfhgf August 20, 2005 7:12 AM

oh byho

obaid nye paper naye out kya ,what abt sula.
obaid ghariab ha na iss lye sub uss ka name laga rahain hain.wo ameer ha aoor uss ka baap k rasheed ka dost ha uss ka name kaiye lya.

abc August 20, 2005 7:57 AM

mr. bruce, people are using your blog to plagiarize the articles of other people. please stop this nonsense now.

abc August 20, 2005 8:01 AM

“but I’m surprised see it happen to me. I mean, really; if they were going to do this, wouldn’t it have been smarter to pick a more obscure author?”
Mr. Bruce your were really an obscure author so far as pakistan is concerned. you must be thankful to these guys that you are now no more obscure author in pakistan.

Old Islamian August 20, 2005 8:13 AM

Dear Qaisar Javed
Mukhan ki bhi koi had hoti hay…kahin Khalid Rashid ko apna baap na keh dena.

Old Islamian August 20, 2005 8:17 AM

Dear Islamians and Dr Ghazi Sahib

The debate over plagiarism is very hot in the circles of IIUI in the context of Dr Tauseef. I think the top authorities of IIUI (esp Dr Ghazi Sahib ) should seriously think whether they need flatterers around them like Dr Khalid Rasheed or the genuine workers who work till nights for the university and are behind the screen. We also have bad name due to the leakage of admission test of MS Computer Science and it was known to you (Dr Ghazi Sahib) some days before… but what you did was…just traditional….forming a committee of some smart guys who will protect you as well as the culprit. As far as the Dean (Dr Khalid Rasheed) is concerned, he will never resign from his post…rather he will be given some additional charge…..and that he would be planning for some dinners in the honor of the president and rector, IIUI.
Dear president, pl think seriously…this is the matter of national and international repute of IIUI…pl send all the research papers of Dr Khalid Rasheed to reputable national and international/ relevant referees to get them checked if they were genuine…in this way you can save the respect of the department and the university.
May Allah give you the courage to do right decisions/things (Aameen).

Old Islamian August 20, 2005 8:25 AM

One news
Dr Aafaq is more worried than Dr Tauseef and Dr Khalid Rasheed?…one reliable source

Internation Watch DOg on Higher Education August 20, 2005 8:29 AM

ernational Watch Dog is much grateful for the students to have come out against the corruption of Obaidullah. But we have still much distance to cover and a lot of work to do.

First our message for the ones who are trying to put irrelevant messages to derail this thread is, it is invain. The moderator will delete it. So save your time.

The war against corruption of IIUI administration and faculty has started.
There are many who will go. HEC and govt of Pakistan have to listen to the plight of the victims of plagarism and corruption.

A con man always begets a conman.
Obaidullah will go like Tauseef.

International Watch Dog is again giving Obaidullah warning “It is still not too late. Come out out of your bag and expose the ones who have been your accomplices in corruption and frauds”. You will be given impunity only then. Other wise as you have see, International Watch Dog, with heip of student union IIUI is soon going to come after you.

Again International Watch Dog on higher education would like to ask the student community, who have payed huge sums to study at CS and managements sciences at IIUI, to come out more vigorously against the corrupt and cheaters sitting in administration and faculty of IIUI.

Paste posters in the walls of Islamabad. Paste the message of International Watch Dog. Send it to HEC and the Presidency.

Force them to put IIUI house in order before International Watch Dog intervenes. As then the whole world shall witness the humiliation of the corrupt!

Bruce Schneier August 20, 2005 9:41 AM

“Mr. Bruce your were really an obscure author so far as pakistan is concerned. you must be thankful to these guys that you are now no more obscure author in pakistan.”

I would much rather be known for my work than as a catalyst for academic change.

When I posted this blog entry, I had no idea what kind of wasp’s nest I was stirring up. I knew nothing about the International Islamic University in Islamabad, or the politics of academic in Pakistan. I had no hidden agenda here, and am just as surprised at the unfolding story as everyone else.

Bruce Schneier August 20, 2005 9:45 AM

“What was that is plagarised. A model. As if the authors did change the words, and followed the general arguments only then I think they might get away with it.
mr. Bruce from your lines, it doesn’t become clear how much is plagerised.”

There are three pairs of papers to look at.

The plagiarized version of my paper is off the ACM website. I have a copy, and would be happy to email it to you if you send me your email address.

The other two papers are still on the Information Technology Journal website; you can compare the original and plagiarized versions yourself.

They’re almost word for word copies.

Bruce Schneier August 20, 2005 9:47 AM

“mr. bruce, people are using your blog to plagiarize the articles of other people. please stop this nonsense now.”

Please explain this. I don’t understand how commenting to this blog entry facilitates plagiarizing the articles of other people.

International Watch Dog on higher education August 20, 2005 11:13 AM

Mr Arshad has pointed out the following:

International Watch dog shuld also concentrate on the corruption of mr. sulayman and mr. zahoor ahmad… they shuld also be included in the list of approved currupt people.

Mr Arshad International Watch Dog is grateful to you. Please rovide proofs if you have any of the corruption of mr Suleyman and mr Zahoor.

International Watch Dog also like to thank for the weblinks provided by some students. We are analysing the material.

The Watch Dog is specially thank fl to Bruce, who has been kind enough to have answerred our questions. It seems Tauseef or his students did undertake a shameless word by word plagarism of mr. Bruce work.

Now the Watch Dog would like to congratulate and remind the student and allumini of IIUI that the Victims of fraud and forgery be given consolation by bringing the guilty to justuce. Indeed the whole Pakistani nation has been conned by the administration and faculty of CS and management sciences at IIUI.

HEC and Presidency should better pay heed to the voices indicating an upcoming storm.

xyz_1 August 20, 2005 1:44 PM

If one looks into all the messages posted here, he/she will find that more than 90% messages related to Dr. Khalid Rashid are against him. This shows his character and work. He might be poineer of Dept. of CS but it does not mean he can do whatever he likes there. Students are paying money to study in CS, they are not beggers or slaves of Mr. Rashid. He is a clever person and has strong contacts with some authorities and he needs it for sure to survive. I know him he will not leave easily like any other dictator but if our Govt. is really sincere and makes brave investigation there will be many proofs aginst Mr. Rashid. Students might do very little in this regard since games are played at higher levels.
Look dear Pakistanis we should be brave enough to admit and correct what is wrong no matter who is doing it. If we will keep on hiding our culprits by being afraid of shame then chances of correction are very minor. Let the people talk openly, everybody knows that majority of Pakistanis is not corrupt. Pls. be serious and objective, we can not impress to other people by giving long theories of Islam rather it will be our character according to Islam that can impress others.
This is one test of our leaders that how much they are sincere to Islam and Pakistan. Let us see whether they do dirty politics again and try to bury this matter or show courage and vision and do open investigation into this matter and take just action. Let us see together with International Community.
May Allah guide and bless to all of us.

Moderator August 20, 2005 4:05 PM

@Bruce Schneier:
“Please explain this. I don’t understand how commenting to this blog entry facilitates plagiarizing the articles of other people.”

I’m sure abc is referring to the dozen or so cut-and-pasted articles that someone spammed us with last night, which I’ve deleted. Many of them were uncredited.

abc: Yes, it’s annoying, but if we shut down the thread because of an attack like that, we’d be giving people a trivially easy way to shut down any discussion on this blog that they don’t like. I think that’s been the agenda of a lot of the abuse here from the beginning.

abcd August 20, 2005 4:35 PM

sulayman bara zalim hay, he failed me twice by 3 marks. wo paper out kar hi naee sakta, i tried to bribe him both times but he is such a loser. he has failed me twice :((((

koolguy August 20, 2005 5:03 PM

amir aman’s corruption story…. international watch dog, he never dropped my courses after 3 months of the semester. its so bad, he gave me no favor, dismiss him.

sach August 20, 2005 8:53 PM

What else we could expect. Thing is the teachers are there to guide us, and if they themselves are involved in plagiarism the same they would teach…Funny example is our teacher of Professional Ethics was telling us about plagiarism and he himself was delivering his lectures from plagiarised slides..I was so sick of his ways of teaching…

sad August 21, 2005 5:12 AM

all students!
sad news!
friday there was meeting in university

this issue was discussed in detail.khalid rasheed wants to resighn from this post.but at the end it was finalized that he will not go.he will restructure the all hopes its waistage of time to protest here.

student August 21, 2005 5:35 AM

i am a senior student of its time to give your feed back that what prob u are fcing academic + that university can restructure in a better way (if they really want).come with positive suggestions to make iiu agin a better institute.

Ibad August 21, 2005 8:55 AM

it is quite understandable that why university administration has decided not to let Khalid Rashid go! He is the insider and knows all weak points of administration including those of committed by Dr. Ghazi, Dr. Ghazali, and others. You can not expect any thing more from existing university bosses. They know all what Khalid Rashid & Company has been doing more than what we know because they have a well placed feed back netweork to fix every body in the university. So one should be realstic while having such expectations from thoese who are in fact responsible for this mess. I can guarantee you that Khalid Rashid would stay for ever till his natual departure and he will keep on blackmailing univesrity admin for their bad deads.

xyz_1 August 21, 2005 2:12 PM

It would be very strange that if Mr. Khalid Rashid has been stopped from resigning. But the question is that why was he stopped? what are the reasons? who decided that he should stay there? does an internal meeting without any investigations means that he should remain at post? what is inside blackbox?
If Mr. Rahsid has made some corruption in past it should be made public. Internal committee and university administration is not owner of university this university is for all, who are they to decide themselves all the things? If they think that they are the most intelligent people then they are utterely wrong. If they claim to be muslims then they should remember following order of Allah.

“O you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even though it be against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, be he rich or poor, Allah is a Better Protector to both (than you). So follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest you may avoid justice, and if you distort your witness or refuse to give it, verily, Allah is Ever WellAcquainted with what you do. (Quran: Chapter #4, Verse #135)
You (university administration and other authorities) have to decide whether you people are Muslims or hypocrites? Don’t sell orders of Allah for temporary benifits.

Student Union August 21, 2005 3:24 PM

We are supporting Dr. Khalid Rashid, an internal enquiry was done against him and he wasnt found of any corrpution, infact people like obaidullah and zahoor have used his name for blackmailing and freudelent transactions.
They are soon going to be removed from their positions as enquiry found Dr. Khalid totally innocent and found him a very hard working and committed individual who has always worked for well being of IIUI.
Here one should never forget that he is the one who made FAS, he is the pioneer dean and we all owe alot to him.

Naeem August 21, 2005 3:28 PM

Question is that what obaidullah and zahoor r still doing at uni? y they are not terminated yet?
“ghairoon nain nahi hum ko apnon nain loota….”
v all demand immediate termination of Obaidullah & zahoor Ahmed the bad and corrput fishes of IIUI.

feelings August 21, 2005 5:01 PM

@Student Union
“an internal enquiry was done against him and he wasnt found of any corrpution”.

who made internal enquiry and what was discussed there? how much they investigated into matters or was it just in talk form and thats all? This enquiry should be made public!!!.

@Student Union
“enquiry found Dr. Khalid totally innocent”

On what basis was it decided?

@Student Union
“Here one should never forget that he is the one who made FAS, he is the pioneer dean and we all owe alot to him.”

Poineer doesn’t mean that he can do whatever he likes in FAS!! there is no room for corruption by anyone.

Student Union August 21, 2005 11:04 PM

The enquiry was of confidential nature and was not just talk, it spanned for 3 weeks and private detectives investigated everything and the matters are all crystal clear.
You people talk about dr khalid’s corruption, can you come up with any proof…. even private detectives & intelliegence never found any. what else do you expect?

Obaidullah August 22, 2005 12:21 AM


watch dog ????????

see the curruption of sulyman and amir aman. why u r not taking serious. how they got 4/4 gpa.

Amazingggggggg hahahahaha

i know how they got it ?


Obaidullah aub kesi khu nahi choray gha. wu sub kho kha jaey gha hahahahah


Anonymous August 22, 2005 2:45 AM

What meeting? who decided that Khalid rashid whould not go? Where is the inquiry report? who conducted the inquiry.

Restructuring or no restructuring Khalid Rashid should leave. He will never resign on his own. His resourses (links to influential guys) are enormous. somethings gotta be done to expel him.

Dr. Attaur REhman or a strike?

THe former option is not gona bear any fruit. the latter definitly will.

Ibad August 22, 2005 4:45 AM

I should once again reiterate that Dr. Khalid Rashid is not going any where. He has saved Dr. Ghazali-brother of Dr. Ghazi and visiting teacher at faculty of management sciences- few years ago who was reportedly involved in an affair at the women campus. Since then Dr. Ghazi and Dr. Ghazali-two “great??? and “best??? minds of IIUI owe a “social and moral??? responsibility to protect and safeguard Khalid Rashid from all of his intentional and non-intentional mischief. It is quite ironical that people are questioning the very authority which has decided that Dr. Khalid would stay. They should not! If you are Islamians then you should know that couple of people can decide the fate of whole university here. They are so “genius??? and “great??? that we can never even understand the rationale of their long-lasting decisions. So please don’t question what big bosses have done and decided. University is menting quite a whole sum of money every year-thanks to Khalid Rashid and company. Many people will die or dry out in case Khalid Rashid is going to be fired. My pity escape goat! It is not the FAS where things are going wrong. One should not ignore FMS and rest of the so called self finance faculties of IIUI. The whole mess has bee created by this race to bottom trend and attitude. Is there some thing like academic excellence in Pakistan!!!???

feelings August 22, 2005 4:46 AM

@ Student Union
“even private detectives & intelliegence never found any. what else do you expect?”

how did you know that there was detailed investigation? can any one make this investigation public? name of detectives and intelligence can not be a proof of innocency of a person, investigation should be made public by senior authorities like Dr. Attaur Rehman. Although it looks a bit strange but possibility of International investigation into this matter is also not a bad idea!!!

Anonymous August 22, 2005 5:19 AM

Khalid Rashid will not leave on his own.

The higher up authorities themselves do not want to expose Khalid Rashid lest it should expose themselves. the power lies with the people.

If we all act we win, otherwise we get Khalid Rashid.

truth August 22, 2005 6:57 AM

see truth!

Home > Faculties > Faculty of Applied Sciences

Faculty of Applied Sciences

Dean’s Message

I am delighted that you are thinking of coming to do your degree at the Faculty of Applied Sciences (FAS) and becoming a part of a dynamic group of people with leading edge ideas and ready to work in a highly rigorous, practical and dynamic environment.

We take pride in being Muslims and this spirit is being reflected in the syllabi of different degree programs. The International character of our program is that it contains the best of western business thought with ethical values and moral training of our religion, Islam, along with the corporate standards of Pakistan. By virtue of this unique blend of modern knowledge with Islamic education, our students play an active role in their respective

Prof. Dr. Khalid Rashid

fields, with a clear understanding and spirit that we as Ummah can revive our past glory only by following the guidelines provided by the Quran and Sunna, the only way to success for here and the hereafter.

The programs at the Faculty of Applied Sciences involve a combination of research and taught courses. Alongside ‘research-led teaching’, there is the theme of ‘theory and practice’. All postgraduate programs of FAS are based on original research and industrial projects. The students are encouraged and trained to develop new ideas and implement them through real life projects. These projects form a significant part of all the programs. Pursuing research for your degree program will be one of the most intense periods of your life and will offer immense satisfaction in return.

The FAS is envisaged to grow as a major modern center of excellence for education and research. The program composition and course contents are regularly evaluated and updated with the close co-operation of the leaders of the industry. We at the FAS are striving to develop methodologies and tools for the improvement of large-scale system using process modeling. We intend to develop tool support for application of existing formal methods and to apply engineering tools, and methodologies to real-time problems.

The faculty and students have put a great deal of effort and sheer hard work into maturing the FAS as the best seat of learning in the country. If you join us, you will become a member of an academic community, which is proud of its traditions and its contemporary education. I look forward to welcome you here and hope that you will enjoy yourself and participate fully in the life of FAS.

We wish you good luck in your endeavors and hope to see you with us.

Prof. Dr. Khalid Rashid
Dean Faculty of Applied Sciences

Ammar August 22, 2005 6:58 AM

I would like to draw upon the attention of all of you to an issue of pertinent concern. Above all we have to ask one question i.e. what is the actual mandate of Islamic university as per its charter and ensuing architectural framework. I have reasons to believe that disciplines such computer and management sciences are/should (be) some where in a lower compartment of priorities. University should focus on social sciences to respond socio-cultural challenges faced by the Ummah in the wake of globalization and “enlightened moderation???.

We have not been mandated to produce lower grade managers mainly for small and medium enterprises and technological firms. This job can be best done by institutions like NUST, GIK, FAST etc. where intellectual discourse has quite a little to play! The objective of IIUI was to produce such graduates who could contribute in the intellectual tradition of muslim ummah. This objective can only be achieved through an extensive study and examination of civilizations, cultures, philosophy and orient tradition. Fortunately or unfortunately FAS/FMS has nothing to do with these “non-merchandisable??? commodities. Managers can never appreciate what leaders and visionaries usually bid for!

Friends! Where is our IIUI which has been conceptualized in this context?

International Watch Dog on higher education August 22, 2005 7:49 AM

International Watch DOg is thank ful for this active feed back and discussion.

Obaidullah as well as Khalid rashid ought to leave. But yes we need proofs first. We will ask Student Union not to take sides with anyone at this moment. They should only seek justice and truth.

Obaidullah be serious and provide us proofs against the corruption of the two people you have pointed out. ANd als tell us have you been involved in that also?

Please carry on the discussion but most importnatly, spread the news of this thread all over. Make leaflets and paste it in the Walls of Islamabad.

HEC and the Presidency should notify that the affected student body of IIUI is not alone but it has a backing of International Watch Dog on Higher Education. In due time, the Watch DOg would not only use its leverage for the provision of justice but be sure that it is capable of forcing the government and HEC to bring to justice the corrupts and cheaters in the administration and faculty of IIUI CS and management science depts.

WHat we ask from you is proofs. ANything you think you want to share, please do that on these forums. But remeber only with fair and good intentions and Justice will soon be served!

feelings August 22, 2005 8:18 AM

@Prof. Dr. Khalid Rashid

It is very good play of words and Mr. Rashid always keeps something in front to keep people satisfied from outside and doing a lot on the background. It is true that many students of Faculty of Management Sciences, IIUI are quite hardworking and some teachers too since students of IIUI are performing quite well not only in Pakistan but also all around the world.
Mr. Rashid has intentionally maintained some standard at FMS (DCS) otherwise this institute and Mr. Rashid could not have been sustaining for about 13 years. But all these achievements in no way justify corruption and dictatorship from him.
If allegations against Mr. Rashid are wrong then why authorities are not making open and fair investigation into them to prove them wrong. why they have only fired mr. S. Tauseef-ur-Rehman? Was S. Tauseef-ur-Rehman not very close to Mr. Rashid?
It looks quite illogical that such a clever and experienced person, Khalid Rashid, was unable to track down one of his head of department (S. Tauseef-ur-Rehman) while even students knew S. Tauseef-ur-Rehman was consistently cheating.

@Mr. Bruce Schneier and International Community

why you people are not pressurizing authorities in Pakistan to make open investigations into this matter? I think this is your right and ethical duty since you were also cheated by this network.

Lecturer@private university August 22, 2005 8:52 AM

@everyone & Mr. Bruce

‘When I posted this blog entry, I had no idea what kind of wasp’s nest I was stirring up. I knew nothing about the International Islamic University in Islamabad, or the politics of academic in Pakistan. I had no hidden agenda here, and am just as surprised at the unfolding story as everyone else.’

Was’nt this blog about ‘plagerism’ …and not about corruption (or lack of it in IIUI). By the way, IIUI is just one of the universities in pakistan, so i think that comment may not be fair (about the polotics of academics in pakistan). But yes, i am also surprised by the amount of ‘BASHING’ going on here. By the way, just to let you know, this kind of political wranggling does take place in government/ public sector universities, but this is the worse i have seen. Private universities are generally free from this kind of problem but no doubt they have their own set of problems.

By the way, can we get back to the original issue of what can be done about plagerism instead of about who to fire etc (No disrespect to either of the warring sections)?

Does any know ( i mean as in a sure way, not speculation) if HEC is planning to set certain guidelines for the publications that are concidered for Tenure/ increaments etc.

feelings August 22, 2005 9:19 AM

@ Lecturer@private university

“By the way, can we get back to the original issue of what can be done about plagerism instead of about who to fire etc (No disrespect to either of the warring sections)?”

If corrupt people will remain in authority then they will find more ways to make corruption even after introduction of new rules to stop plagerism or other cheating.

Should we consider only symptoms of the problem or problem (Cancer) itself?

guy who went to MAJU because of Khalid Rashid August 22, 2005 10:21 AM

@ Lecturer@private university

Man visit the university. Please do so. Go and see Khalid rashid. Seems to me you havent visited the place. Had you done so you wouldnt have posted your messge.

Ask people at MAJU Islamabad. You will know what i am talking about. I am not draggin MAJU into this debate here, but because MAJU is a better university you will know there as to why this university is not that good.

a student August 22, 2005 10:33 AM

Mr. Khalid Rashid…may i know why people were not allowed into the sun microsystems lab (the image processing lab) when your very son Ammar got one system for his project?

There is a great deal of nepotism going on there. And no one at the HEC is bothered. We are so helpless.

Only people (student) power can save us from Khalid Rahsid. He needs to go. Would anybody please help us.

alpha August 22, 2005 12:20 PM

@ guy who went to MAJU because of Khalid Rashid
@ student

Dear students try to fucus on the issue, don,t cry like kids. We are also not analysing which university is good or which one is bad, our focus should to see who is doing wrong and why?.

It looks policy of Mr. Khalid Rashid and Company that they want that people keep on talking, get tired and get silent themselves. But we should not lose heart, bring more true facts about them.

Pakistani Islamian August 22, 2005 1:19 PM

some suggestions for resposible ones in IIUI
1.Restructure IIUI Computer Science Department.
2.Promote Research oriented atmosphere.
3.Make elctronics, DLD ,Computer Arch Labs.
Request for Islamians
Please Discuss All matters about the issue at the community related to iiui at orkut or yahoo group also. Instead of posting comments here , post your “visionary comments” there also.

Baba Sikander August 22, 2005 1:39 PM

Dear Islamians!
Please pay attention to this:
ghar ki baat ghar tak rakhni chahay.
IIUI ki different online groups/communities/forums mojood hein… we should discuss our issues there… not here, its useless, rather disgusting.

Sure we we must try to get the quality of education and research improved. And we have to figure out how to recover the loss, but thats OUR problem, apnay tak rakhni chahye.

I hope u will agree, please is discussion/arguments/hot talk ko islamians ki communities and groups per le jayen, like orkut and yahoo groups that are already there.
Thanks a lot.

isb gal August 22, 2005 1:54 PM

@Baba Sikander
very right.

apnay ghar ki problem doosray mohallay men discuss kernay ka kia faida???

i thnk bcoz ppl can hide their idntity here easily thts y they carry on things here… solution is k hum aisa he koi forum/blog bana saktay hein jahan islamians/pakistanis ye issues discuss ker sakein… and even whan they can fight no prob :p


alpha August 22, 2005 2:01 PM

@Baba Sikander

If there could have been no problem at IIUI then students might not have been talking, today, against management of IIUI on this forum.
There is no doubt that our nation has great potential, intellect especially young generation but why are they hijacked by some corrupt people at home?
It is strange that authorities are not making open investigations? you say that we should talk at national forums only but this is one tactic to bury the matter. This is time for action against culprits and don’t divert people from justice in the name of talk and discussions.
Justice does not have any boundries it is a universally accepted rule so wherever it will be violated any one can point it out: be it East or West.

Charlie August 22, 2005 2:14 PM

@ Pakistani Islamian

3 years before at some meeting with FMS authorities , issue of Electronics/DLD /comp Archit were discussed , but no practical responce yet.
Baba Sikander is right to some extent. why there is no disscussion on the commiunity of IIUI?. there must be disscussion about this issue there.

isb gal August 22, 2005 2:47 PM

well this was posted on and said to be The Formal Response of IIUI

The International Islamic University, has always
stressed the highest standards of ethics in all
spheres of education as well as social society. The
recent case of plagiarism by one of its faculty membes
and some students is a very sad incident and the
university has taken very stern notice of the same.

The Concerned Faculty member, Dr.Tauseef ur Rehman,
has accepted his mistake and tendered an apology to
all concerned. Inaddition, he has also tendered his
resignation from the university, which has been
accepted immidiately.

The univeristy is trying to take all measures to
discourage such acts. It is also stressed that
individual acts may not be used to brand an
organization or a country. In this age of Information
Explosion, it is really a challenge for all concerned
to guard against plagiarism.

Dr Afaq Ahmed
Head CE,TE

hmmm… what dya say??? but me to ab bhi yahin kahoon gi k yahan nahi kaho… IIUI ki forums pe kaho (ya laro wtaeva :p)

alpha August 22, 2005 2:58 PM

Look dear, you and others know very well that Dr. Khalid Rashid is very clever person. He has good contacts with others.
Many people had to left his Faculty because of his dictatorship e.g. Dr. asmatullah khan, old dean of FMS, and some other teachers and students. He likes to keep people under pressure and tries to damages anyone who talks or stands against him.
This is the reason people don’t want to talk with identity or at local forums. This is first chance that Mr. Rashid is exposed at such a situation where he can do very little.
We are not agianst our country or IIUI or have any personal interests but problem is that how long will we remain quiet and bearing this dictatorship. We have only one demand respect and accountability of all.
This is fault of uni administration that they have not made open enquiry otherwise this discussion could have been finished much earlier. Instead they have given authority to Mr. Rashid to restructure Faculty, what a decision!!.
Do you still expect that people remain silent???

feelings August 22, 2005 4:34 PM

@isb gal
I think you are a girle and girles don’t like fight between men:-) although they fight(verbally) with each other quite often:-)

But dear you should know that men are very good at deceiving (women generally become their easy target). Words of Dr. Afaq are one example of it (deceiving). He never mentioned name of Dr. Rashid although Mr. Tauseef was so close to Mr. Rashid and it is impossible that he did not knew wrong doings of Mr. Tauseef.

abcd August 22, 2005 6:25 PM

maan gai bhai maan gai, HE (dr Khalid) is really very shrewd, no one can do any thing against him…………
can any say that his and his son’s papers should also be checked, and if found guilty, will he do the same as tauseef did……..+ can any one check his degree i came to know through highly reliable resources the it is not from computer science field, yes he quaid-i-azam of iiu, but u need to know we have given poison to him, so who can give him the poison(zehar)……….

Anonymous August 23, 2005 2:34 AM

@pakistani islamian.

Man We have nothing agist the university.

“ghar ki cheez ghar may rahnay do..”

Khalid Rashid kia ghar ki cheez hay? Nahin

Again nothing agaist the university itself, Khalid Rashid needs to go and if people at that forum (orkut or whereever) kick off a discussion there imagine their fate if things go wrong. The Khalid RAshid group( as I imagine you guys are) want the discussion to move away from this forum to areas which would shadow the efforts of people here. I dont see why you want the people to move to other forums when The university it self is not being blamed here. How many times has anyone blamed anyone else other than Khalid Rashid. He is the man who needs to go and i guess that there is no better a forum than this one for that debate.

May Allah help us in bringing down Khalid Rashid. Ameen

ES August 23, 2005 3:07 AM

Who the hell is the International Watch Dog?? What authority do you have to put someone in the witness protection program??? i think its ridiculous- why are you after everyone to paste these comments on the walls of ISLAMABAD let alone on the walls of the uni?? whats in it for you- if theres anyone with a hidden agenda its you-what exactly are you after because i really dont believe you care about corruption. what are you- a student, a teacher? or maybe you’re obaidullah under disguise??? “the IWD is very grateful for the comments blabla” who are you to say this? how do we know YOU’RE not corrupt? Maybe you wanna get rid of these people to save the skin on your back. Lets here it then. Instead of writing such grand comments about how u wanna eradicate corruption,and how youre going to save the world or whatever, first tell us about yourself. who do you work for? why should we take your comments seriously?

alpha August 23, 2005 4:48 AM


No one is getting authority here including International Watch Dog. we are only discussing who is doing wrong irrespective whoever that person is.

If point of view of someone looks wrong others may point it out.

This is painful to talk about bad things at home but this is necessary to bring change. We as nation have to decide and stand firmly for the justice and accountability irrespective of personalities if we are sincere to our country. This will be a source of progress in long run.
we should leave our habit of bearing bad silently, be brave but just pls.

Zk August 23, 2005 6:06 AM

You cannot achieve anything by just restructuring the department. People have absolutely no confidence in Khalid Rahsid. Whether reforms are brought about or not, one thing is clear that Khalid Rashid has to go.

No disrespect to the university. It is undoubtdly a very good university but people like Khalid Rashid will only bring this institution a bad name. He must go!

NoName August 23, 2005 7:15 AM

If Khalid Rashid has a little “Ghairat” he must leave for good… But this condition will never get true…

alpha August 23, 2005 9:27 AM

@pathat marnay wala
@hartal wala

your anger is understandable but i think aggression and protest is not a good way.
i think results could be achieved with open, logical and fair talk.
If we will go for protest then we will get divided and Mr. Rashid will cash this moment. He will make lot of noise that students are protesting and showing aggression and will try to get favour from authorities.
So pls. be very cool but steady and alert. don’t be disappointed nor be unfair to anyone in this process. Try to talk on this matter to as many people as you can. Pls. try to write in english on this forum.
Changes need time, braveness and patience. Justice might be delayed but it is unavoidable. We will go for it, it is question of our survival.

Charlie August 23, 2005 12:56 PM

We should have courage to talk about Khalid Rashid if he is wrong in Front of the authorities. There was electronics lab/DLD lab and Comp Arch Lab in IIUI at my time and barani uni had all these. We students should have no hesitation for demanding our right.
Do your work honestly for your country and never take side of injustice.

Truth August 23, 2005 3:59 PM

It was khalid rasheed under whose supervision FAS and FMS were producing excellent proffessionals. Khalid rasheed is not a real problem at all. Real problem is:
University’s main management has changed its policy taking money out of FAS and FMS instead of providing any resources (Real Problem).
– Khalid Rasheed cannot hire really qualified professors with the money which university allow him to spend.
When I started my degree at IIU, FMS campus was in Blue area and I believe we were having best teacher available in islamabad. And that time main management of FMS was under khalid rasheed supervision.
But if problem exists here it is not khalid rasheed, it is main management.
I know problem is with main management but those people also cannot solve this problem, bcz university need money and resources to work properly, I think university is getting no funds from pak gov and very little fund from foreign.
So main university get all the money to work from other departments which have heigher tuition fees.
Think about it, you wont get some angel as your dean.

alpha August 23, 2005 4:26 PM

“We should have courage to talk about Khalid Rashid if he is wrong in Front of the authorities”.

You know that even after knowing many things and long discussion on this forum, authorities have taken no serious and sincere action. They have reinstalled Mr. Rashid as restructure agent, this is enough to know about behaviour of authorities.

“We students should have no hesitation for demanding our right.”

It is true but who will do it and in front of which authrities?.

It was responssibility of authorities to give neutral statement after allegations against management of IIUI and they should have given confidence to people that fair enquiry will be done. But…

After this suspecious behaviour of authorities people will naturally be careful in talking openely. Atleast authorities could have proven these allegations wrong but they did not do so. strange!!!

alpha August 23, 2005 5:16 PM


“It was khalid rasheed under whose supervision FAS and FMS were producing excellent proffessionals.”

can this thing not be used as a curtain to do a lot on background?. Does it mean that he can do corruption and dictatorship at FAS and FMS.

“University’s main management has changed its policy taking money out of FAS and FMS instead of providing any resources (Real Problem).
– Khalid Rasheed cannot hire really qualified professors with the money which university allow him to spend.

This is not an excuse to bad education, cheating, corruption, dictatorship. It is very much possible that he did it himself and there was no pressure. These are just speculations and only fair and open enquiry can show real situation that who did what and why?.

“When I started my degree at IIU, FMS campus was in Blue area and I believe we were having best teacher available in islamabad. And that time main management of FMS was under khalid rasheed supervision.

It might be right but does it again mean that he should be considered as priest, free of any sins and no one should object whatever he does.

“But if problem exists here it is not khalid rasheed, it is main management.

Very good, there is good need of open and fair enquiry.

“I know problem is with main management but those people also cannot solve this problem, bcz university need money and resources to work properly, I think university is getting no funds from pak gov and very little fund from foreign.”

How much money are they getting and where are they spending it? These facts and figures should be kept in front of the students and public.

“So main university get all the money to work from other departments which have heigher tuition fees.

There is no open record of inputs and ouputs. Why not an open enquiry in front of students, public and media? what is harm in it then?

“Think about it, you wont get some angel as your dean.

We have thought about it for sure, it is time for authorities to think about an open, just, fair and unbiased enquiry!!! We don’t need an angel as a dean but we need a person at that post who is competent, open, fair and just.

What others say about all this?

Dear Pakistanies if you will remain silent today at injustice then tomorrow is not going to bring any change also. What we can’t do today, it is very difficult to do tomorrow also!!!.

feelings August 23, 2005 5:27 PM


Authorities made an internal enquiry in effort to protect internal people and it is not made public!! strange also.

abcd August 23, 2005 7:34 PM

First of all for all those who are writing here, when its campus was in blue area, it was not khalid rasheedwho was running FMS, it was the man who brought dr khlaid when no one was taking him in the faculty, and he was Prof. Aman Ullah Khan, thrown away by dr. khalid rasheed, wat a return of sympathese.
Secondly another proof of the only pious man in the whole world after George W. Bush and is there any one who ask Dr. Khalid or the authorities that what Mr. Mustafa Rasheed(nephew or cousin of Khalid rasheed) is doing in FMS, he first appointed by him in DCS, but because he is from agricultural background later on shifted to FMS, what a faculty hiring, what a great faculty under the leadership of Dr. Kahlid Rasheed to provide quality education.
If you want another proof then go and check female section where again his wife’s nephew has been hired by Dr. Kahlid Rasheed and this list continues…………. SO update your records…………..

abcd August 23, 2005 7:37 PM

First of all for all those who are writing here, when its campus was in blue area, it was not khalid rasheedwho was running FMS, it was the man who brought dr khlaid when no one was taking him in the faculty, and he was Prof. Aman Ullah Khan, thrown away by dr. khalid rasheed, wat a return of sympathese.
Secondly another proof of the only pious man in the whole world after George W. Bush and is there any one who ask Dr. Khalid or the authorities that what Mr. Mustafa Rasheed(nephew or cousin of Khalid rasheed) is doing in FMS, he first appointed by him in DCS, but because he is from agricultural background later on shifted to FMS, what a faculty hiring, what a great faculty under the leadership of Dr. Kahlid Rasheed to provide quality education.
If you want another proof then go and check female section where again his wife’s nephew has been hired by Dr. Kahlid Rasheed, what Mr. Ghaffar’s son Nasim Qaiser is doing in FMS again appointed by him just to have no audit objctions (and this guy was just able to pass his MBA, was there no other good student in FMS to replace him, the answer is yes but their father’s were not in Audit Section……)and this list continues…………. SO update your records…………..

abcd August 23, 2005 7:40 PM

what Mr. Ghaffar’s son Nasim Qaiser is doing in FMS again appointed by him just to have no audit objctions (and this guy was just able to pass his MBA, was there no other good student in FMS to replace him, the answer is yes but their father’s were not in Audit Section……)

xyz August 23, 2005 7:54 PM

bhaio bus bhi karo rehnai do ub dr. khalid ko(kia bigara hai tumhara us nai), sub jantai hain is ki in khoobion ko, siruf nahin jaintai to dr ghazi aur dr atta nahin jantai, ub kia puta aur kis kis sai kia kuch lia ho ga kiyon un bacharoon ko mushkil main daltai ho wurna yeh to un sai aur wasoolian sharoo kur lai ga

truth August 23, 2005 8:03 PM

Where are you Mr. Amir Aman and DR. sulayman, no comments, why, have you admitted your guilts……………………or Dr. it is because of Dr. Kahlid’s orders. you poor people

sana August 23, 2005 10:38 PM

hello everyone…
i wanna know what is the update of Tauseef’s case…and exactly how many research papers from him have problems?
what else HEC is expected to do with him?

Maha August 23, 2005 11:03 PM

its so funny to see the direction in which discussion is going. tauseef’s episode iz over and now the target of bombarment is dr. khalid rasheed. i am amused and doubt if you guys are palnning to kick out faculty members of islamic universty one by one.


Truth August 23, 2005 11:51 PM

Dr. Sulayman… Hehehehehehe….he is back in his shell. Sana all papers are copied not a single one his own :). Maha your answer is Dr. Khalid

BATEEJA August 24, 2005 1:35 AM


tera bhai August 24, 2005 1:48 AM


oye Bruce ke bhateejey….bruce tera chacha hua tou mera bhi tou hua naaaaa;)….ooooo yaar chachey ko pehley pucho Allah ko maantey ho??…maanta hey tabhi tou khof khaye ga naaa…:)…..sun yaar “CHACHI” sey baat kar chachey ka damaag theek karey…warna mil kar “CHITTAR” martey hain….:)

tera bhai

MOM August 24, 2005 1:51 AM

MR. Bruce … just wanna ask you if Dr.khalid rasheed has also plagiarised any of your research paper. why the poor fellow is pushed in to this matter. IF so then what the hell the publishers and HEC big COWS are doing. why obaidullah.. the big fraud of the century .. is only concerned about it.

X-chachi August 24, 2005 2:04 AM

@bateeja and tera bhai
abe bara hi kharoos admi tha bruce Har waqt research likhta rehta tha.mein ne us ko knock out ker diya.Aur ab sukhi zindagi guzar rahi hoon.

feelings August 24, 2005 4:04 AM


There are very good chances that papers (if any) of Mr. Rashid are also doubtful but authorities are not even taking his name in this regard. i don’t know why?.

We are not against Mr. Rashid but to have enquiry of so many allegations against him including nepotism done by him, is our right.

Could Mr. Tauseef do consistent cheating without being known by so experienced, Mr. Khalid Rashid?. Looks irrational!!

Everyone will get quiet after fair enquiry is done but not before it.

alpha August 24, 2005 6:15 AM

Anyone who is involved in wrong doings including Obaidullah should be brought to justice.

We don’t want that our generation is kept under control of corrupt people, they will also make youngs involved into their cheating and this process will shift on to next generations. I am sure no one would like to give corrupt system to his/her children.

Generally one act of cheating may lead to a chain of it therefore we should try to avoid it at start before it could explode. So corruption must be stopped at this point before new generation also becomes forced to do it.

alpha August 25, 2005 7:39 AM

@Higher authorities of Pakistan, Management of IIUI, Dr. Khalid Rashid and Company

Dears it looks that you people are defeated on ethical front in this matter. If there are any arguments please bring it forward. We will listen to it with due attention.
The purpose of all this discussion was not to damage personalities or country or university rather it was to convey the message that no one is above law, no one is all intellect (Except Allah) and no body could be pressed unfairly for long.
We as a nation should realise that everyone is given intellect from God and everyone is important and special on this earth. People should be taken in confidence in decisions and philosophy that we are doing best, should be abandoned. Don’t try to be extra clever, be fair, humble and open to all(Muslims and Non-Muslims). Injustice in the long run is harming to all.
No human remained and no will remain on earth for ever, we are here for a limited time for test so we should not let our temporary greeds prevail over justice, we will be strictly accountable in front of God even if we escape some of our wrong doings in this world.
I am a bit disappointed by strange behaviour of our higher authorities in this matter, they lost this precious chance of giving feelings of equality,confidence and justice to the people. You poeple, normally, confine to your offices and luxuries and don’t try to talk and listen to common man. Although you should be most responssible, active and humble people but it looks opposite.
we should not see dreams of progress if we are unable to change ourselves. Allah says in Quran a clear rule for all:
“Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change it themselves (with their own souls).” (Chapter# 13, Verse# 11 )
I sincerely wish, hope and pray that our people realise importance, strength and value of Rulings of Allah, practice them and become a source of peace and progress for all mankind.
This is my personal point of view and open to any disagreement by any one, of course.

Mr_007 August 25, 2005 2:52 PM

@Mr. Bruce Schneier

It will be ineteresting to know your point of view on this discussion. It has been a diverse and complex talk so how did you feel being an external viewer over all this talk?

such August 25, 2005 3:42 PM

Zabardust Bruce tu nay dudugi baja kay IIU kay saaray bandaroun ko nacha dya ha.
Ab bus bi ker kafi bunder tuk ker bus bi ker chukay han. Jo nahi thakay wo abi tuk khalid rasheed ka taranay pa naach rahy han.
Lakin tu nahi takha.

waisay bruce jigger hamain pata ah kay tumeri turf bunder nach nahi hota kyoun ka wahan pur yah cheez animal cruelity main aati ha.
Lakin is ka matlub ya nahi kay tu apna shok pura kernay kay lya pakistan kay paray likay bundron ko nacha.

ik cheez maan lo aur jaan lo kay khalid rasheed ki awa ko bi is group say farq nahi parnay wala. is group pa sheri dakanay ka matlub ya nahi kay bunder bi sher ha. is lyay koi aur formula aazma kay daiko. tauseef ko nikalnay main bruce ka haat tha kyon ka is nay tauseef ko cheat kertay paker lya tha. jub tuk khalid rasheed ka koi paper ya project tum log plagirised nahi proof ker saktay us waqat tuk tum log naach kertay raho kuyon pakistan main aur IIU main bi bandron ko koi lift nahi kerahi jati, sirf naach hi daika jata ha.

ya mail un sub bandron kay naam jino nay is group mail ki ha.

zero07 August 25, 2005 4:32 PM

May be what you said is such(true) but i think that big Bunder(Khalid Rashid) will also dance very soon. He thinks that he is very clever and will remain there for ever, it is 100% wrong.

It is true that wrong doings of a person look very long but it is illusion, it is a short period.

This forum has made a good publication of his beauty, both internal and external. now many people have his GOOD image in mind and these images will make them automatically thinking how to get rid of this rotton egg.

Fight between right and wrong is from very first day of man’s creation, it is nothing new. Neither right have been fully destroyed nor wrong disappeared fully. So don’t worry at this instance of corruption.

Khalid Rahsid is not first JAGGA (Badmaash) on earth, many came before him and parished. Don’t take pressure of him, he is not God. Keep on thinking how to get rid of him. NOTHING is impossible and there are always positive ways.
This is also one tactic of corrupt that he tries to exhaust others so don’t be pried to this feelings.

This discussion was first step and results of it are not bad. Khalid Rashid is surely defeated morally after this discussion. Now many minds are convinced of his corruption and these minds will automatically plan somthing to throw this person out. Well done Khalid Rashid and Company, you won the medal of Corruption.

If someone has some good suggestions, he should come forward. Feel free to give ideas.

second round August 25, 2005 4:36 PM

Now starts second round so come forward with postive ideas to get rid of Mr. Rashid & CO.

we need person August 25, 2005 5:29 PM

Do you know any one in higher authorities who is neutral and who can play a role in getting rid of Mr. R.
There must be some one!!!

idea August 25, 2005 5:59 PM

Should not we contact Ambasies/authorities of those Islamic countries who are giving funds to Islamic University and tell them what people at IIUI are doing with their funds?

TheSage August 25, 2005 10:37 PM

On Khan:

“The Dutch authorities investigated but didn’t convict him then” – Steve Hackett

“Some of commentators above mentioned the name of Dr. AQ Khan. wat u people know abt him.
If he’d stolen the nuclear technology from Netherlands, then y the Dutch didn’t raised
that issue to the international media.” – Hammad

We were asked not to by the CIA:

sss August 26, 2005 8:22 AM

Go on a strike to kick out khalid rashid. get in touch with people. get in touch with the jamiat. Organize a strike. It will work. So people all you need to do is get together and show em what people power can do. This is the only way we can get rid of khalid rashid.

Now, there is no other way.

zero07 August 26, 2005 5:44 PM

One thing we should be clear about is that to kick Mr. Corruption(Rashid) out is not easy but it is also not impossible.

Most important thing is that students should get rid of psychological fear of Mr. Rashid first. Remove his and his companion’s fear from your brains otherwise you will not be able to even think bravely against him and any other cheater.

Think postive and bravely, every change starts from postive thinking. Don’t let brain stop thinking by any fear.

such August 26, 2005 5:59 PM

Main yah janana chaun ga kay khalid rasheed ki corruption kay facts kisi kay pass mojuud han ya nahin,
Aur ya bi kay jo projects aur research paper us nay kyan han wo plagiarised han ya nahi.

zero07 August 26, 2005 6:27 PM


Too bhee bhoola hai… I think you have not read all the messages here. Following things are very clear about so called Mr. Corruption.
1: Nepotism
2: Very close relation to Mr. Tauseef and not for one or two days rather for long time. Is Mr. Rashid a child that he could not track down wrong doings of Tauseef earlier?. Scapegoat Tauseef is not only responssible person, it is whole faculty since it happened there.
3: Internal enquiry only and it was also not made public with all facts and figures.
4: Reluctance in neutral and open enquiry?
5: No neutral and open checks of financial inputs and outputs of the FMS and UNI.
6: No formal statement from Mr. Rashid on this forum.

All these things make him very suspecious. If he also thinks that he is INNOCENT then he should himself arrange an open, public enquiry to shut our mouths and enjoy his status!!!.

It is requested to all those who have some moral and physical proofs against him that pls. give hints about them here.

such August 27, 2005 3:11 AM

But do u think that any of the stuff u mentioned can b presented as real facts to the higher authorties.
I know what the student think about him, but problem ll not solve with all the crap present in students mind, v need to search some real fact (jaisa kay tauseef ko nikalnay kay lyay search kya tha) to throw him out of the field.

great Islamian August 27, 2005 3:26 AM

agar Dr.khalid ke khilaaf koi saboot hota tou ab tak saamney aa chuka hota….

yahaan beth kar bolna booohat asaan hey….jao Dr saab sey direct baat karo…or un sey un key innocent honey ka saboot mango…..logon ko bharkaana booohat asaan hey beta…

kis dunya main ho….strike karo gey??…pehley kisi sey live baat karney ki himmat tou peda karo….

tum log 4/5 gadhey ho jo apna time zaya karney ko fazool advices dey rahey ho….or Bruce us sey bara pagal hey jis ney apna blog bakwaas k lye open rakha hey…

arey kuch karna hey tou khud ko improve karo…achey projects karo…market main acha naam banao…sirf teachers or uni ko blame karney sey kuch nahin ho ga…ye kaam wohi kartey hain jin min khud main khot hota hey…jo khud struggle sey bhagtey hain….

great Islamian

zero07 August 27, 2005 12:57 PM

It is very hard to find the real proofs for students. In the case of Tauseef it were not only students rather many people were involved.
Two kind of people could solve the puzzle along with students 1: higher authorities 2: some insider(s) who know all internal things and who is(are) ready to share the info but he also needs help from higher authorities.
Students have good role to play in any case not through violence rather by vigilance and courage. they should keep their minds and eyes open, this is their university also.


Dears pls. don’t try to get your vested interests from this struggle. I hope you will try to do good for all sincerely and will not try to play with innocent students. Fairness is key to success.

zero07 August 27, 2005 1:22 PM

@great Islamian
Thanks for your comments.
You might be great but your language is not great. Pls. also write in english so that maximum people could benifit from your ideas.
Proofs will not come themselves by foot, effort is necessary to bring them forward and it is not effort of short time in any case.

you wrote
“yahaan beth kar bolna booohat asaan hey….jao Dr saab sey direct baat karo”

There should be balance between courage and common sense. I can talk directly to Mr. Rashid but it will not change things, he will simply deny as he does and will become rude very soon and thats it. But if an open enquiry will be held then he can’t do dictatorship as he does normally.

“or un sey un key innocent honey ka saboot mango”

This will be non-sense if any one asks so. How can one give record of his wrong doings to others in such a sweet manner :-)?

“logon ko bharkaana booohat asaan hey beta”

Buzurgoo i am asking people to think bravely and positively not to commit crime. Yes they should remain peaceful but brave and alert too.

“tum log 4/5 gadhey ho jo apna time zaya karney ko fazool advices dey rahey ho”

What a language! True that we are investing time but it is necessary to encourage people for positive and peaceful changes.

“arey kuch karna hey tou khud ko improve karo”

I fully agree but no man is perfect so everybody needs improvment including Mr. Rashid & CO.

“market main acha naam banao…sirf teachers or uni ko blame karney sey kuch nahin ho ga”

I again fully agree but teachers and university administration are also not sacred cows (free of sin) they should also be open and fair. Students alone can’t bring miracles.

“ye kaam wohi kartey hain jin min khud main khot hota hey”

This khot(insincerity) could be in minds of any one including uni administration so why don’t they let neutral, open and unbiased enquiry make evrything clear?.

“jo khud struggle sey bhagtey hain”

we are not slaves who only struggle to do their duties with their heads down, who can’t say anything against their authorities. We will try to stop anyone who is doing wrong which is our universal right.

With due respect, Mr. Rashid & Co. are not sole owner of uni it is property of all.

Am i wrong?. What do others say about it?.

jigger August 27, 2005 2:22 PM

Dr. Rashid sahib come forward and admit your fault. You studied in Japan and you know Japanies ppl are very sensitive on charges of even minor corruption.

So why don’t you speak about your innocence.

I know you don’t like to be defeated in any case but in against justice it is better to admit defeat, it brings good to all. Dear sir come forward, i know you are a brave but ziddi person.

Fight is not good so arrange a freindly talk with students and authoroties and reach a good conclusion there.

zero07 August 27, 2005 3:49 PM

I agree with jigger with the condition of fairness and openess.

There is always chance of positive talk and decision.

Agar Mr. Rashid & Co. khulay mahool main baat karnaa chahtay hain too welcome. humain bhee koee shauk naheen apna dimaagh zaaia karnay kaa. laikin students say baat braabery or inssaf say hoonee chaahiay. (sorry for writting in urdu)

SUCH KI BEHAN KA THOKOO August 30, 2005 7:13 AM

Teri maan ko bhi aik bandar hi nay choda tha to too paida hua tha. khinzeer ki aulad, khalid rashid teri maan ka thokoo lagta hai.

Shaukat Majeed (X-Islamian) August 30, 2005 8:15 AM

I am surprised why the local newspapers are not highlighting this issue… it would be more effective against Dr. Khalid the black sheep and all his fellows.

It is my request for all those readers who have any sort of influence in the local newspapers (well reputed ones), like Jung, Nawae waqt and The News and Dawn etc, should at least raise this issue in the local newspapers so that the higher authorities may be under pressure to resolve this issue. Moreover, this blog is not a suitable place to bring out your personal maters.

pathan August 30, 2005 11:46 AM

Kia Bak bak Lga rkhi hy tum sab loggoon ny, kia tum ye semjty ho ke it’s an hot issue of the world. Kesi ky pass tumari bak bak sunany ka waqet ni hy. 1 augest sy ab tak tumary pass krny ko aor koi kam ni hy, dr. touseef ko univerity sy nikal dia gia hy ab tum aor kia chahty hoo. kesi k oper kichar occhalna booat asaan hy. agar tum log apny point of view pr itny strong ho tu jo court main aor jis k khilaf dil krta hy kcase kr doo. laikin es forum pe bhonkna band kroo. tumari pass sainkroon forums aor bi mojood hain, aor kuch naheen kr sakty tu char lrky mil kr higher education commission ko managment k khilaaf application di doo. laikin
kotoon wala kam choor doo
bhonkny ka koi faida ni
loogoon ke pass tumary bakwassat sunany ka time ni hy

galian b bakty hoo aor sath ye b kehtay ho

we are proud to be islamian

shram ani chahy tumain

person August 31, 2005 10:19 AM

It is nice to hear from you dear pathan. You tried to stop others from speaking badly and then you did the same i.e. used the bad language. You abused all the people although very few used bad language.
You should not say on the behalf of all people. If others feel that they should write then they are free, you use your precious time somewhere else pls. So next time when you write, kindly be decent and don’t try to be extra smart.
It is requested to all that be polite and to the point. thanks.

Ibn-e-Adam September 1, 2005 3:06 AM

Let’s finish this matter and discuss something else like Pollution maybe. or impact of another planet discovered in the solar system.


Jiggz September 2, 2005 2:07 AM

bhai g sari batain chhoro.
this is the time to change your fate. just the students of DCS can put the faculty on right track. Zor Lagao, Dorre lagao, bilkul na ghabrao or Student community ko powerful banao. and keep in mind k saray nooray departments sse dhakkay day k nikal do, and ensure that no incapable person penetrates again

Good Luck
Zore Laga k Hayya

UdaasBacha September 2, 2005 2:33 AM

I was doing project under the supervision of Dr. Khalid Rashid. I had completed the project in December, and my documentation was after Full 4 months. and my external was scheduled in July. And believe me I used to stand at the door step of Dr. Khalid Rashid and 97% of the times I had to face his humiliated behaviors and comments infront of other people.

as a teacher he might b good (when i joined univ in 1998 he had left teaching)
as a man he might be good as well
but as a supervisor ( i cant expres inethical words )
he is not even a good manager
please not only kick him out, but replace him with a very good Administrator atleast, who just not need power.

Shahrukh September 2, 2005 10:30 AM

Dear All,
commentors, fellow researchers
This has been a very sad incident, more than the death of a blood relative.

But after the comments posted by: Pervaiz Musharaf, president of Pakistan at August 19, 2005 08:56 AM,

I believe justice will prevail. Being muslims we have firm faiths, so when its said at the highest level that justice will be provided, IT WILL BE, Insha Allah.
Here I would suggest to ACM, and all other such research publishing authorities, to add a clause in their policy
” Any incident of plagiarised work shall not be discussed over internet publically”.

This clause will help in :

1.Stopping personal greviences from deteriorating the case for the actual event of plagiarism, as is done here in this case.

  1. Provide exact insight to the extend of plagiarised work, to the authorities impartially, which is very much lost here.

  2. Speedy remedy to the affected author can be provided

person September 3, 2005 2:41 PM

“But after the comments posted by: Pervaiz Musharaf, president of Pakistan at August 19, 2005 08:56 AM”

It is not from Mr. Musharaf, he has got his won problems so does not have enough time to look into these matters.

” Any incident of plagiarised work shall not be discussed over internet publically”.

I think there is no harm in such discussions, parties can give their arguments openely. There could be some irrelevant arguments but not all will be so.

Every event has a history behind it and this incident also indicates some factors, people behind it.

So possible people behind this event should also be fugured out. Such negative events are indication about those who might do more in future.

Ammar Khalid Rasheed Chaudhry September 3, 2005 7:27 PM

Dr. Kahlid Rasheed is really KUTAI KA BUCHA, The reputation which we have gained through years of hard work and honesty is ruined because of him…….

One thing I am not able to understand, why no body is sending his papers for authentication, though we all know that these papers never belong to him, but still why there is no one who can check these papers and if no one want to do any thing then this means that Tauseef ko Qurbani Ka Bukra Banaia Gaia Hai…..

I once again say this thing that his and mine papers must also be checked, and one more thing can any one say to him that give a presentation on any topic of research mentioned in his papers.

gossip September 6, 2005 4:59 AM

Bye the way, some one said about this thing not being mentioned in the news papers, well i can confirm that this story just made it to SPIDER (one of the few IT related magazines in pakistan… ).

khalid September 7, 2005 7:17 AM

Dear Friends. aoa
You are asking for the proofs against Dr. Khalid who is dean, faculty of applied science, International Islamic University. I am sending few of the proofs from his starting career to date.
1. He hired Mr. Tauseef who had nothing to do with IT and made him the Head of telecom department. The research publications of Mr. Tauseef ande his Ph. D. Degree is a sign of question now a days. This department was opened for his son Mr. Sameer Khalid who took admission in this department and left within first month and after that Telecom Department is declining day by day.
2. The final research paper of Dr. Khalid’s son Mr. Ammar Kahlid Chaudhry is also a fake paper and the journal mentioned by him does not exist in any part of the world. Along with other students his degree must be checked and cancelled.
3. All the research papers of Dr. Khalid with Mr. Tauseef are fake and still he claimed to be a researcher and HEC recognizes himn as a researcher.
4. In admission process he made many frauds. In the final lists he himself makes changes and the list of his relatives who got admitted in DCS, IIUI are
– Ms Humaira Niaz -MCS – Niece of Dr. Khalid
– Mr. Mufassar Gulzar- MCS- Brother in law of Dr. Khalid’s wife
– Mr. Ammar Khalid Chaudhry- Son of Dr. Khalid
– Mr. Sameer Khalid – BS-TE – Son of Dr. Khlid – He left within first semester.
– Mr. Shamoon – BS and MS- Nephew of Dr. Khalid’s wife
– Mr. Mustafa Rashid – MBA- Nephew of Dr. Khalid Rasheed
– Mr. Suleyman – Son of Dr. Tufail , who gifted his plot of Bahria Town to Dr. Khalid and many others
5. He hired his relatives in IIUI as are.
– Mr. Mustafa Rashid – Asst. Prof. -MBA-
– Miss Farheen Farooq – (niece of Dr. Khalid’s wife) Coordinator DCS women
– Mr. Mufassar Gulzar – Coordinator OPF
– Mr. Suleyman – Son of Dr. Tufail, Partner of Dr. Khalid in property business.
He hires the people from his own area as are.
Mr. M. Sher – Haroon Abad
Mr. Arshad Zia – Hasil Poor
Mr. Shahzad Ashraf – Bahawal Nagar
Mr. Bilal Ahmed – Bahawalpur
Mr. Adeel Ahmed – Son of Dr. Abduhu who is very close friend of Dr. Khalid.
6. As he become Dean he fired the people who had linked with Higher Officials of IIU to hide his corruption from higher officails as are.
– Mr. Inam Ghazi – DBA
– Mr. Atiq Tahir – DBA
7. He used the internet connection bought for department at his home. Through CLI it can be checked from 1997 to date which connection is being used by Dr. Khalid’s home.
8. Dr. Tufail is a worst teacher but he teaches in the faculty because he is a friend of Dr. Kahlid and his Business partner.
9. He Appointed two real brothers on the same day who are his relatives.
– Dr. Suhail Nadeem (mathematics Department)
– Mr. Imran Naeem (mathematics Department)
– Mr.
10. He hires his own students who can not speak in front of him as are.
– Mr. Zaheer Aziz.
– Mr. Asim Munir.
– Mr. Imran Saeed.
– Mr. Tariq Abdullah
– Mr. Sameer Akram
-Mr. Hasnaian Naqvi
– Mr. Shahzad Ashraf
– Mr. Mata ur Rehman
– Mr. Zulqurnain Hashmi
– Mr. Rizwan Khaliq
– Mr. Suleyman
– Mr. Mohsin Ali
11. Other faculty members are also worst like Mr. Shakeel. Students kept on refusing to study from him like MCS-12, BS-8 and BS 9 etc but he is still teaching the same course.
12. Dr. Khalid never allows any capable person to join the faculty. There is not a single Ph.D. of Computer science because Dr. Khalid himself is not a Computer Scientist.
13. Dr. Khalid kept one faculty’s most expensive SUN machine at his home for his son’s project and other students are refused to provide that machine.
14. He prefers the students from his own area like, Bahawalpur, Bahawalnagar, Chistian, Haroon Abad, Hasilpur. This can checked from the domiciles of the students.
15. He is very good in making terms with higher officials to hide his corruption and disability to run the faculty.
16. He crushes the lower staff and humiliates them and increases the load on them to show the higher officials that he can take more work from less staff.
17. He has taken so many things of department to his home.
These are only few proofs that I am showing you. There are lot of other proofs too but I think these are enough for the higher officials to take action against him.
I think higher officials of university and HEC will consider these facts and will not spare him for his dirty deeds.

Fact Finder.

ssk September 8, 2005 1:04 AM

Good work khalid, now someone has to take this story before the public… Any volunteer for this good deed… Come forward, use all your abilities against black dog (Khalid Rasheed)

Azhar Naqvi September 8, 2005 1:12 AM

All the nations wasting their money on HEC scholarships should stop funding on HEC fellows until unless a major rectification process is initiated by HEC and all the incompetent researchers and supervisors are not expelled…

_ September 8, 2005 1:23 AM

CONGRETULATIONS!!! All the people were woried to expell Dr. Funny (K Rashid) from his deanship… Sorry man, he is not only standing firm on his deanship but he is also provided the responsibilities of the Provost. That means increment in duties, increment in authorities, and increment in MONEY.

What the hell is the top management of IIU is doing? Dr. Ghazi (pig faced) is just ignoring everything against Dr. funny. Now I think it was injustice with Tauseef (The plagiarist) because he was not as big criminal as Dr. Funny.

hahahah September 8, 2005 3:48 AM

@[[[[[[[[Today i went to Dr.Khalid Rashid and asked him that his degree is Ph.D in mathematics and he wrote in the prospectus Ph.D. (Computer Science). I further inquired him that how can you supervise the projects of VC, C++, and oracle etc. He replied that i can do anything… i am the king of jungle either i give eggs or children no one can ask me about this… He further replied that Dr. Ghazi’s degree is in usuluddin/islamic studies how can manage the whole university….

I hereby request Dr. Mehmood Ahmad Ghazi to rectify the prospectus of the University by deleting the Ph.D (computer Science) and make a committee to do investigation and punish him severely for this act of non-sense.

Posted by: Zulqarnain at August 16, 2005 02:15 AM]]]]]]]]]]]]]

hahahahah mujhey ye perh ker buhat hansi ayee.. i can imagine dr. khalid rasheed ney ye sub kis style mai bola ho ga…. this is very true……
woh hamaree b isi tarah baisti ker chukey hain… unhey larkyoun sey baat kerney ki bhi tameez nai hai.

person September 8, 2005 6:38 AM

It is nice that now some more proofs of doings of Dr. Rashid are also brought in front by Mr. Khalid(Fact Finder).
I am sure that further things will come with time.
I think it is necessary to emil link of this discussion forum to many people. e.g. President, Prime minister, HEC, newspapers, BBC Urdu service etc. So we should let as many people as possible know about it.

Shamail September 22, 2005 10:16 PM

I think HEC should take a test of all the PhD holders before enlisting them as a qualified supervisor for MS or PhD. Moreover, HEC should cut down their Scholarship programmes and make it a split programme so that the students study in other countries for one or two years and then come back to Pakistan for the final project. In this way HEC will save a lot of money and can also supervise the work done by students.

som October 6, 2005 4:07 AM





IIUI LOVER October 8, 2005 8:44 PM

I do not blame IIUI,but something which I observed to be neccessary for the IIUI FAS.

It is the result of corruption of Dr. Khalid Rasheed, that there is no faculty in IIUI. Undergraduate level faculty is not well, but there is no teacher there for graduate student (is there any?). And a good teacher from a good reputed university will never come untill Dr. Khalid Rasheed is there. Because he does’t have knowledge in computer science, computer industry, but he only knows the politics at the dean or DG level. He can never teach a course at undergrad or grad level. For the good progress of the IIUI FAS, DR. Khalid Rasheed should resign from the Dean FAS post. Some qualified person should come here. Dr. Sikandar Hayat is not also able to be a head, because he does’t have soldity, remain standing on decision, in it. He does as Dr. Khalid direct him. No doubt Dr. Sikandar may be a good person, but he can’t teach well, I was never synchronised with his voice, understanding during autometa. He can not convery his message easily. You can make comparison of a student of autometa from IIUI and other good institution around.

Anyways, I can only prey for the success of IIUI and the future of the IIUI students.

I think FAS at IIUI has every thing but lack of good teachers foriegn/local qualified dectors.

The students of IIUI no doubt are very hard working, creative mind than the students of other instituions. But they have lack of guidence.



Rehan October 11, 2005 6:21 AM

This thread was indeed fun to read, especially when one knows Urdu :). It also reminded me about the recent incident where two MIT students developed a software which used AI to create a structured (but utterly useless) research paper which was accepted by a research conference.

It seems the best way to handle the issue of such plagiarism is for well known contributors such as Bruce to step in and push the publishers to have a standard policy on how to filter out plagiarized papers. What has been mentioned in point three of the response by Ron Boisvert, the Co-Chair of the ACM Publications Board seems that they are headed in the right direction but the process is slow paced.

There are a number of associations such as ACM and IEEE, and it would seem each one would take their own time and assign their own priorities in devising such policies.

The filtering of such papers definetly would be impractical on a manual basis.
Suppose a centralized database of ALL research papers (any field) were to be maintained and a software developed to perfom fuzzy search on all new papers. Only screened papers should then be considered by the respective associations. Censuring of, and taking care of the plagiarizer ofcourse would proceed for rejected papers.

I wonder how feasible this idea is and how easily the associations would agree to such a structure?

Cassim November 29, 2005 2:41 PM

Can anyone point me to the photo of the said culprits who were involved in this act of plagiarism, mainly that of Mr. Tauseef.


Fakhir December 22, 2005 6:32 AM

Bhar main jayain marain salay humain kya
Humain kon sa Pakistan say Phd karnee hay lootnay do jitna loot saktay hain


Rathore December 29, 2005 5:07 AM

Bruce ! the news from Pakistan is that it’s too cold in Islamabad but Dr. Khalid is still very hot in IIU.

muid January 9, 2006 5:45 AM

This is a “university” and the internet sucks (download can go down to bytes i.e. 800bytes/sec). the facilities dont even include a laser printer, people are not allowed into the sun lab. Khalid Rasheed still lives in F-11, Islamabad , works at IIUI (yes he is still working here). And is still earning OVER Rs. 100,000 ($1= Rs 60).

And yes he is still the King though not a very good looking one.

Nardos April 8, 2006 10:39 AM

I want to continue my masters program, So please help me by financial.

Iam graduated from Jimma University in Medical Technolgy in 2006.

                Looking forward from you,
                               Thanks a lot.

Tahseen Jilani June 23, 2006 3:05 AM

AOA. This kind of activities should not be of any value in the research plateforms. All journals and societies should also make some criterion of measurement for the originality of research work. Even though this may take longer time in the review process, but EICs of journals/societies should take actions regarding this. Like bans, notice to Higher education commission of the country, like letter to VC of that University… . Good news is that, The VC of IIU is dismissed from his post after this evet (with other reasons too).

I am glade to see a true researcher fighting for his work.

Best wishes and regards with potive hope in improving the system(s).

thank you

Tahseen A. Jilani
PhD research fellow.
University of Karachi, Pakistan

Asma August 19, 2006 5:20 AM

Well, I totally agree here with Mr/Ms. Tahseen A. Jilani here.

As, during my project’s thesis part (BS-CS), I reviewed many MS thesis’ as well … and was really sorry to see that people havent bothered to change … same text (as i”ve seen on net – some of them research papers) and same figures and same formulas at some places (that were said to be found out by the authors of thesis)…!

Any how , I agree with Sir Imran Saeed here as well … so instead of accusing others …true path is to be adopted by us … some one should take step in right direction !!!


Qamer Zia May 15, 2007 12:37 PM

Being a Pakistani i am feeling uncomfortable to post a message here. Its really a shameful act and my sympathies and support are for the authores whose papers have been plagiarised.

Venkat June 30, 2007 11:11 AM

Apology emails were copied too. :))I fell off the chair laughing. Ha ha.
If its such a case, how can anyone expect them to write journal papers of that quality.

Well, being serious, Its not only the Journals and societies who have to keep checking and re-checking. There should be some self-monitoring, from the researchers, checking themselves for plagiarism. Everyone would like to have a hi-fi resume, but self-respect is lost by stealing (copying).
There is a saying in my town: “Why burn your hands and then soak them in water.” This goes exactly for the ones who plagiarized.

Anonymous February 7, 2008 4:26 AM

Dr. Majid Naeem is a very corrupt man. Now a days he is playing with his staff member Huzafa Waheed and Gcu is going down .

Anonymous February 14, 2008 2:15 AM

Dr.MAjid Naeemm Plz left the university plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Rehana

Ali March 7, 2008 12:19 AM

DR. Majid u thik that ur Mr. Right ????
Mr.Duffer get out from our univeristy. idiot how can u say that ur a good teacher i am saying u that ur a bluddy dog baryyy mon wala saly dafa ho ja Gc say

Naseer March 7, 2008 12:22 AM

aby Majid naeem main tuje bta rha houn kay to aour Akhtar buti talka saly mary say nai bachoo gay kamenoooo kuti kay bachy behn chod main teri mann ko chodd kay rakhoo ga

Nice Girl March 12, 2008 2:13 AM

Mr Akhtar Butt and Majid corrupt of money and girls. VC save two criminals from university and save izzat of girls. Huzafa is playing with Majid day and night

Anonymous March 13, 2008 7:41 AM

Dr. majid Naeem Did a lot for Department oof computer Science. There is no doubt that after he has arrived here department quality has improved. only those teachers were FIRED who were not eligilble. no comments about those teachers who left themselves.

Anonymous March 13, 2008 7:44 AM

there is no peof that Huzaifa and Majid is diong such kind of stuff.its all rubish and bakwas any prove u got there to show us.

Anonymous March 13, 2008 8:18 AM

I am shocked to see such kind of comments about Mr. Majid Naeem and Mam Huzaifa…

The people who commented here must thought that they also have thier sisters and mothers. What rubbish they are talking about both! This shows theire ghatiya kahnadans….

After Majid Naeem came to dept, The quality is increased and the staff that is fired, they must be fired and thats good.

mam Huzaifa is our teacher so please feel shame to argue about her like this…

Nice girl March 22, 2008 6:26 AM


kya bat hai Majid naeem kay ladlooo zara us kay kartoto kay bary main pata karooo phir pata chaly ga tum logo kooo >>

main jaldi hi sab ko us kay karnamooo ka ksuh snap shot dikhaooo ga bachhy

Zain Naeem March 22, 2008 6:29 AM

Dr. Majid jaldi say jaldi Hamara GC chor ai to teary karnamy main HEC ko send kar do ga

Akhtar Butt March 27, 2008 12:50 AM

i want to explain all these things.These are all conspiracies of the other ppl arround us

Sana March 27, 2008 1:10 AM

This is very interesting …

BUt the policies of Dr. Majid are very bad
aour Sheraz to bas allah hi hafiz hai us ka to
ata jata hai kush nai bs efficiencies dikhta hai

Naeem April 15, 2008 11:24 AM

Majid naeem was involved in PUCIT with his female colleague and then married to her. then divorced. Her brother beaten him (MAJID NAEEM). He is coruption king. he makes corruption in new style. in GCU his style is new. he is firing good teachers because he himself does not have PhD Degree. Oho………..Kala Butt has many F’s in MSc ………… and he can not teach…..majid is not giving him any course……………….

ahmad April 23, 2008 2:46 AM

Majid Naeem Khota personal details as: Name: MAJID NAEEM
Old Nic No : 271-81-401514
New Nic No : 35202-2394158-7
no. of marriages: 03 (01 more expected)
Correuption; PU 450 million rupees
GC :stilll doinng
Case: anti-corruption, FIA and NAB
Friends : Kala butt (butt kabhi kala nahi hota), sheraz jis ko perhana nahi ata

Anonymous April 23, 2008 2:51 AM

LAHORE: PU syndicate dismisses PUCIT principal

By Our Reporter

LAHORE, Jan 17: The Punjab University syndicate on Saturday dismissed the services of Dr Majid Naeem, former principal of the PU College of Information Technology, with effect from April 10, 2002.

The syndicate meeting, chaired by PU vice-chancellor Arshad Mahmood, dismissed Dr Naeem on the charges of embezzlement of Rs4.2 million in the sale of college prospectus, self payments for preparing entrance test papers and purchase of equipment for the college without seeking prior approval from statutory bodies.

The former principal was held guilty by two inquiry committees that recommended his dismissal from service. The second inquiry committee had also examined the written reply submitted by him.

However, he was still allowed by the syndicate personal hearing, which continued for about 45 minutes.

According to a university spokesmen, the embezzled amount will be recovered through a legal process.

MA, MSc (HONOURS) PROGRAMME: The syndicate also approved the launching of two flexible MA, MSc (Honours) programmes in the university.

The approval was given on the recommendations submitted by the science faculty about the launching of two programmes – one for the students having PU’s three-year BA, BSc (Honours) degrees and the other for those having two-year BA, BSc degree from the university’s affiliated colleges.

The PU had started three-year BA, BSc (Honours) programme in 14 departments in 2001. The students enrolled at that time have completed their six semesters and are vying to get enrolled for MA, MSc (Honours) programme.

CONSTITUENT COLLEGES: Considering a supplementary agenda item, the syndicate deferred the case of converting Institute of Art and Design, pharmacy department and Institute of Chemical Engineering and Technology into university’s constituent colleges.

The syndicate said the matter should be first discussed and approved by the respective boards of studies and faculty boards after which it would consider the recommendations.

UNDERGROUND SEWERAGE: The syndicate discussed the matter of construction of an underground passage through the university land for sewerage disposal of Tech/PCSIR societies in the light of the report of the sub-committee appointed by it.

The syndicate, however, deferred the case on the plea that the per-foot rate decided by the committee was not substantial and needed to be enhanced. It directed the committee to re-negotiate with the Tech/PCSIR societies’ managements, and decided higher rates.

ALLOWANCE: The meeting approved certain changes in the criteria of selecting teachers on the basis of their performance to award incentive allowance.

IRSS: The syndicate also okayed establishment of a department of international relations and strategic studies. The department will offer masters programme in the subject to be followed by M.Phil and PhD semester system courses.

NOMINATION: The syndicate approved the nomination of Chief Justice Sardar Muhammad Iqbal (retired), Mukhtar Masood and Seema Aziz as members of the university selection board.

It also passed a resolution, requesting the chancellor to extend the term of Mr Iqbal in view of his contributions.

The syndicate members congratulated the VC on his winning the best vice-chancellor award from the Punjab government in connection with the Madr-i-Millat year. The PU had won all the nine awards for extraordinary performance in higher education.

Earlier in his address of welcome, Arshad Mahmood informed the syndicate about the working of Inter-University Faculty Boards and restructuring of faculties. He said the university was working to split the existing faculties to make those more manageable.

Central Board of Revenue April 23, 2008 2:55 AM

NTN : 1306506
Name of Individual : MAJID NAEEM DR.
Old Nic No : 601-85-001940
New Nic No : 5440082414429

Anonymous July 14, 2008 11:11 AM

MajidNaeem jaisa Jhuuta aur Kutta banda dhundnay say nahi milta hai.Khubsurat Butt apni umer daikhay aur apni harkattain,Aur pata nahi kai kerta rehta hai apnay room mai.Jaab bhe jaoo kehta hai “no I am busy right now”.I mean What the FUCK is this attitude..
Sala Ganja ho gaya hai lakin tharkian lagana nahi choora hai uss nay.BC Sheeraz too Intaha sai ziada bakwasi teacher hai.Majid Naeem ko Chairman GC kehna gunnah hai aisay scenario may.
Huzaifa is a nice girl and a respectfull one,because wooh kam say kamm izzat tooo kerti hai.
No more Comments for all the new Fuckin Members of the IT Dept of GC,Lahore..
GCU is Goooood but EXCELLENT exculding the COMPUTER Science Department…

Mohsin Ehsan September 2, 2010 4:37 PM

knowledge is not a personal property of any individual. we learn from our environment, and it is shared. if we apply this plagiarism thing, to social sciences, then every one would say its my method of living, this and that plagiarized it. sir, we live in a common world, and take knowledge from shared environment. By imposing this, you are stopping other people to share the knowledge of other. there should be no intellectual rights on the experience and knowledge of a person. by sharing knowledge it increases knowledge. at the end we want to see the good results that is, the increased knowledge of whomsoever it belongs, help the common people. we also know, our knowledge (Muslim’s) was plagiarized in the shape of books to Europe. and they burnt our libraries in Baghdad. most of the European work is based on Aristotle’s, Abin-al-hetium’s, Jabar-bin-hean’s and abn-i-sena’s research without reference. but we did’t cried on that act, as knowledge is shared. “one should look into his own conscious, before blaming other”.

Spread Knowledge by free sharing, don’t restrict it, to boast of one’s self that one is only apt, or certain knowledge belongs to him.

Hope, one day world will get my point of view…

D November 16, 2010 10:01 AM

@Mohsin Ehsan

You completely miss the point. Sharing knowledge is to be expected. Claiming credit for someone else’s work is unprofessional and disingenuous. You create a positive reputation in a given field by demonstrating that you understand the knowledge (i.e. by creating your own work) and not by republishing others’ work and putting your own name on it. Reputable research also credits source from which data, information or quotes derive. If you think that simply appropriating someone’s thesis demonstrates knowledge, then try building modern commercial aircraft without understanding the principles involved in its engineering.


Bekki Doll November 18, 2010 6:19 PM

What’s all the more dumbfounding is that anyone can copy and paste any text online. It’s the bane of know-nothing cut & paste cretins. And it’s as if they feel that they won’t get caught. At least not in the immediate future.

Sure, in the short term, less technically-inclined teachers can be duped. But what if you have teachers who are quite experienced in research within IT security online?

And you have IT grad wannabes attempting to get into a career in that field by trying to pull such a fast one? And, worse, what if their university turns a blind eye to it?

Cut & paste works well with totalitarian political movements. But as for actual understanding of the subjects that’s not required. That is, until one of these “grads” winds up becoming a living walking security breach in the making.

I guess it all comes down to if someone really cares about the subject of their potential career versus people who just want to make a quick buck. Just like any scammer, spammer and other amoral and unconscionable wastes of eggs and sperm, they deserve far greater punishments than what’s “liberally” given. As if anyone should give a damn about their families when these wonderful patriarchs decide to commit such fraud in their names, no less.

They should have thought HARD about that before engaging in fraud. But then such introspection requires a conscience.

Aren’t their still wonderful punishments such as mandatory hand amputation by the State in regards to this in certain countries? A highly publicized punishment like that would certainly send a message over whether an IT “professional” truly values the tools of their trade and profession: Specifically their hands and fingers that have to operate the keyboards and mice. A lack of brains means a lack of hands. Simple stuff that will no doubt look bloody fine no matter their “credentials” on their resume. Or would that be their budding criminal record?

It’s too bad the bleeding hearts don’t care about such traditional values. But that’s what happens in an ever permissive society: People begin to just not care about the severity of the situation versus the severing that’s a part of Stumpy the Security Scammer’s sentence.

With an olive fork, no less. With no painkillers or locals. On PPV. To celebrate Saint Carlin, of course. Because the world needs more laughter and entertainment. 😉


P.S. I could have went with complete upper-limb vivisection as the punishment. So at least give me a hand for exercising self-restraint.

Clive Robinson November 19, 2010 4:04 AM

@ Bekki Doll,

“So at least give me a hand for exercising self-restraint.”

The question arises from your preceading comments is “Who’s hand do you want?”

Oh by the way it has been put about that Iran has “disappeared” / “executed” some IT security and other staff over Stuxnet.

(I need to mention however that the people putting it about are an Israeli online website/newspaper and they have not actually provided anything independantly verifiable to back it up so treat it as probably suspect).

Bekki Doll December 9, 2010 8:04 PM

@ Clive Robinson:

“The question arises from your preceading comments is ‘Who’s hand do you want?'”

If I were at the Bellagio I’d want Phil Laak’s hands. They always win monster pots.

Poker, that is. Cards. 😉 Bad puns. I love ’em!

Mind you, I’m not advocating state-sponsored murder. Death is too good of a deal for scammers.

As for Israel, consider me biased: I don’t put any faith in the “mainstream” media in general. Here in the Christ-ridden monotheistic land of the U.S. of course they’ll be a pro-Israel bias! And what better way to fan the flames of fanaticism is to have the religiously insane bash the other groups of the religiously insane, especially with socio-political business agendas in mind.

So I really don’t care whose side one preaches allegiance to. If one chooses to scam then off with their hands and on with the power to the woodchipper to ensure that they don’t get ’em back.

It’s not arbitrary: I long to see piled of pulped former hands of scammers, spammers, fraudsters and other assorted riffraff who have proven themselves to be so good at being cons that, in the end, they became stupid through greed and wound up getting caught.

Politicians are the worst of all. But then, considering the nature of the electorate, can they really be the ones to blame? We’re talking piles of pulp that’ll give the Rockies a run for their monumental size.

So I draw a line: It’s no crime to be really stupid. It is a crime IF YOU GET CAUGHT committing fraud. And yet you really have to be stupid to commit fraud THEN get caught. Wow…I’m getting dizzy.

My mind just went BSOD at the thought of it all. The logical conclusion is too damn horrific.

I’ll settle for Sanford Wallace’s hands in a jar, pickled in formaldehyde. For historical preservation.

At least this wasn’t plagiarized. 😉

–Bekki “This comment is in the public domain” Doll

KG2V December 15, 2010 7:59 AM

Back in the pre-WWW era, I was assigned a paper that I took seriously. I handed in the paper, and was accused of plagiarism. Now this was a paper I had done a LOT of reserach for (for a paper due 3 weeks after assignment), and had properly cited every reference I used. The thing is, my conclusion paragraph was, WORD for WORD, the conclusion paragraph from a boook in the field. The joke? I had been TRYING to get that book all 3 weeks, but at the time, my school didn’t have a copy, there was ONE copy in the inter library system we were part of (and it was ‘unavailable’) and the book had been out of print for over a decade

We end up before the school disciplinary board, and my only defense was that I could NOT get the book – and it turned out that my professor had it the ENTIRE time! (He was the reason it was unavailable) – The committee believed me – it was a pure case of luck

Alana Duren February 9, 2016 8:02 PM

Creative ideas . I am thankful for the specifics . Does someone know where I might be able to acquire a blank DA 31 version to fill in ?

Aubrey Kohn December 18, 2016 9:20 AM

The ethical status of plagiarism has absolutely nothing to do with “intellectual property”. The latter has the same moral status that legal ” acceptable slavery” did in the 18th century, and the ACM stand thereon is very much the reason why I will never be a member of the ACM – or, not until they come forward from the 18th c., at least.

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